First Time- God's Gift

Rain Dancer

Will be posting pictures soon as I can master the camera. I'm appearently techno-tarded with this camera and I don't think it likes my house lights very much. I have funky lightbulbs in the fixtures and it's making all the pictures come out white washed.

Will return in a few hours with pictures!

Rain Dancer

Well fellow marijuana lovers I potted Fred and George before coming to work and gave them 3 oz water (3 shot glasses full) near but not on the stem to make sure the water actually gets to the roots. Fred was a little root bound so maybe that is what was my leaf wrinkling issue and not the Ph of the water? We'll find out- kind of hoping it was just that I waited a few days to long to pot them to be honest.
Added some Ph down to the water- light dose of 2 drops to a gal of water instead of 3 drops to a gal which the bottle says is the regular dose so tomarrow will be interesting.
Let's hope I didn't murder Fred and George.

ps- my partner has decided George is being re-named Lucky Bud but I'm resisting! Long live George!