First time Grow - 250w HPS - All advice appreciated - pictures


Well-Known Member
Thank you again for the response..

My last comment is for NiteGazer... clones. To be honest I've done zero research on clones and it never crossed my mind to take some but i'm in two minds now and you've got me thinking... how long will it delay me starting flowering if i were to take clones? My overall plan was to flower these and grow a AF strain from seed.. i like the idea of going through the whole process of growing some delicious bud but saying that a friend wants to get a tent soon so if i were to grab some clones for him it would give him a running start and insure that he owes me blaze when his crop comes through. As for pots i'm always on the hunt for square pots, i honestly can't believe how hard it it is to find a pot that isn't round and big, my logic there is that square pots would make better use of the small space and give more volume for lovely soil. Maybe i'll have to give up and hunt the internet.

Either way these will be transplanted into bigger pots over the weekend with pictures online by monday for review lol..
I'll keep you informed, Peace out People..
It doesn't need to delay your flowering to take some clones, though you will lose a bit of yeild after taking a few branches away. It's just harder to take clones once the plant starts to flower. You could take clones and put them under 12hrs right away, but I prefer to let the plants recover from any shock prior to going 12/12-- about a week with no transplanting, cutting or anything.

Clones are pretty easy, too. Use distilled water, keep them warm and humid, and they make roots like crazy. There are lots of good posts on this site about technique--- you have quite a few options.

Here's a link for square pots, btw.

Can't wait to see these girls blossom.


Little up date..

Yesterday saw the arrival of the new pots... well i say pots but i picked up some deep buckets for £1 each.. Each £5 cheaper than most of the pots i found of a similar size.They each got some fresh soil and perlite around the edges. Oh and i made loads of holes in the bottom for drainage, hopefully that'll help the PH level a little..
Also amazingly they've really grown a bit over the last few days the tallest being 14" now and even the smallest coming up at about 10".. all that I've really changed is a heavier dose of nutes and lowered that light and fan.

Can't wait to put these in to flowering now, a few days of recovery and these are going 12/12 i think.

It's a beautiful day here today so i decided to get the girls outside for a quick photo shoot..


Long time no post, well just a quick update for anyone wondering if they're still alive, they are! somehow. These are about 3 weeks in to flowering and they seem to be coming along nicely, they have easily doubled in height to about 20"+, absolutely stink... in a nice way and are budding from all over the place.

It hasn't been easy though, i haven't updated in a while because i've been trying to rescue them from spider mites and it seems to have worked but am still scared that they will come back before harvest and be impossible to get rid of without hours of wiping down of leaves. But not much more can be done today, just prey for the best i suppose.

I have one question for anyone will to answer though, i haven't flowered before so i was wondering wether anything needs to be done with pruning to allow light to get all over the plant as some of the top leaves shadow alot of the lower buds and leaves?

Anyway a medley of pictures from today, the camera i used is of poor quality so had to use flash even though it's clearly sunny?! Enjoy, Feedback Appreciated!



Well-Known Member
your plants look lush mate :eyesmoke: i would say all you can do now is add some sidelighting with some cfl's, 3 weeks in to flower is a bit far in to top maybe you could try and pull them over with some string depending on how hard the stems are.

keep doing what your doing and you shall be rewarded well, i saw at the start of the thread someone mention you could get 8oz's which is pretty much 1g per watt with the 250 hps , i would say 4 oz's is more likely.

have some rep:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i see your from the uk, tescos have some bargain 23watters, 5 for a quid sometimes!! or get some bigger wattage ones of ebay, the 45watters are good.

and make sure you dont chop them to early, thats what most first timers do and you lose out on so much weight

oh and one more thing!!! i use a 250w hps and it rocks!!!


Thanks for the reply man, a few cfls you say, that can easily be achieved tomrrow. Do you know if they sell the sockets too?

As for time, as this is my first grow i'm willing to wait it out for max harvest and see what happens. I think it's a bit late to top it like you say but i'll have a look at them tomorrow and see if it's worth getting the string out, i haven't got alot of room in the tent as it is so it wouldn't be easy to pull them about anyway. 4 ounces would still be great and as i'm keeping it to smoke myself, it should last a few months... which is great because the deals in this area are getting worse! and i can't wait to stop paying for them.


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Well-Known Member
i use a 250w hps setup as well with a 250wmh and a uvb but anyway you could get a little more use out of your light if lowered alittl the light range ona 250w light is 5 to 16 inches i normally cut that in half makes it about 10 to 12 inches or something anyway i normally stay around a foot off from light you look more like about 18 or 20 inch off out of light range
