Well-Known Member
I live in Central Florida. This is my first "true" grow. I have 2 plant's. Both planted at the same time. They are in their 5th week of life. One seems to be a runt. Their both krip plants, not sure what strain exactly though. I haven't given them any nutrients until 2 days ago, some miracle grow 10-10-10 that look like little seeds, not sure its the best for them, but it was what was laying around the house. Thats one thing I need advice/tips on. Plus, it seems like they arent getting any bigger. I think they are in the veg stage now. The bigger one has little white and red hairs starting to come in the top middle of the plant I kinda want to know what they are cause they look cool. Anyways ANYTHING anyone has to say for ADVICE/ TIPS/ TRICKS for me and my plants, as I am a "Newbie" haha. I got a bunch of pictures of them I took today. They are exactly 38 days old. vv PICTURES BELOW vv.. THANKS GUYS!!