first time grow . a lil slow growing but input wanted

I have some bag seed plants that are about 2 1/2 months in veg. Under 3 150 cfls and a blue 25w cfl. Organic plant food, superthrive, feed 1 sometimes twice a day. So any info,tips,comments anything helps and not all photos uploaded will post later



Well-Known Member
Nice little setup.. I would suggest not watering them so much because you need to give the roots time to grow and they grow by searching for water.

Other then that looks like youve got some healthy girls..

I'm gonna follow this grow.. Looking forward to more updates!
Like hindu says, water less often. You want to let the soil pretty much dry out before rewatering. These look cool, my first grow was under a florescent and I vegged for a long time like you and the plants grew oh so slowly, things will get faster dont worry!
Several things that will help you by leaps and bounds:
get a fan and move some air, even just a little fan, inside your grow room
get a ph meter, you can buy liquid tests for real cheap but I would get a ph pen if you can, you want your ph 6.5-7. if your water is the incorrect ph it can cause the plant to not eat its food and grow slow.
look into a real light/ do some reading about spectrum and lumens, if you dont want an hps light you can add something for cheap that will improve your setup a lot
The only other thing I can think of is temperature and humidity. I have a electric deal that records 24 hour highs and lows of both, if your room gets below 65 or above 85 plants can stop growing for a week plus.
good luck, im always stoked to see someone getting into the hobby


Well-Known Member
I have a 600w in a 4/4/6.5.. 4 plants.. ATF jelly bean and 2 blue cheese that are all a month and a day into flower.. My room doesnt smell at all with the carbon filter and in the tent doesn't smell... All because of ventilation and airflow... That is key in a grow.. If you don't have that your slackin


Active Member
looks very good dude! never tried cfls befor but the plants look very healthy to me.

So you have a fan, does it move the leaves on the plants?

is that mylar you use?

think about this (growth is same above and below ground) so transplanting is important

the more space below the bigger above

hope that makes some sence and aids you! gl hf


Active Member
I would recommend getting those kewl double socket light fixtures I see everyone on here with. Double your lights int he same space. They are really small for a month. Mine are about a foot and a half after about 2 months and I had them in plastic party cups, until about 3 days ago, and they are under flc lights. Also, I would get a looser fitting string to tie that one up, or else just untie it. Plants will grow straight up eventually without any help. One of mine now comes out of the ground at nearly a 90 degree angle then it goes directly up. I put it into a bark plug and it fell to deep into the hole, so it sprouted with the top leaves laying flat with the ground and I had to cut some of the plug off.

In short: If you can, get double socket fixtures and double your lights and loosen the tie, or undo it.


Also, What kind of soil is that? It looks coco-based, but with not much perlite.
They look healthy, but like everyone is saying, root health is the key.

proper drainage
drying out between watering (2-3 days)
air movement

Good Luck!
First off I wanna thank all u for commenting I have threads all over trying to get people to respond and this is the first real response I've gotten and I do have a fan running all the time. The soil is miracle grow. But here are some update pics I had nute burnt some of my plants so I flushed out my soil and killed two plants and here is what I'm left with


Andi kno the first one look not good but its just wilted because I moved them andbflushed the soil so its a lol over water but they are getting healthier


Upgrade your soil to Foxfarm Ocean Forest with 10% perlite or mix with Light Warrior. Water less, fertilize less.
Sometimes less is more!


Well-Known Member
They need more light, those 150w cfls u have actually only use 42w so basically you have less than a third of light that you thought you had
Like I said this is an update and I have three plants lil over 1 foot 1 1/2 foot tall and I put them into flowering three days ago and here r the pic I think two r male and one is female and this is going to b my last grow for awhile so I didn't kno if I should kill the males and iust get a little but good female buds. Or should I since I'm just growing for fun c what I can get keep the males and just got three plants worth of bud but will b shitty



Well-Known Member
def 1 female. now you can focus on one bad ass plant... and focus all 2500k spectrum and lower on them