first time grow advice?


Active Member
Those plants are much too young for nutes, as well. I hardly give any nutes while my plants veg at all, but I only veg for a month. I honestly think about cutting out the veg nutes completely.

Most people don't give nutes for at least the first 3 weeks.

Agreed with the first part.^^^^ I do however think the nutes are beneficial after the first 2 weeks. they help the plant store energy and nutes for bud man, particularly Nitrogen.


ok germ more. then what? thats what im saying, ur not giving enough info. once they are germed keep the same set up i got keep watering it the same change the light? just germing new seeds doesnt help me at all. cause theyll just end up like these. i need to change something to make them grow better not just germ more. and kill them the same way. you get what im saying?


Well-Known Member
ok germ more. then what? thats what im saying, ur not giving enough info. once they are germed keep the same set up i got keep watering it the same change the light? just germing new seeds doesnt help me at all. cause theyll just end up like these. i need to change something to make them grow better not just germ more. and kill them the same way. you get what im saying?
Make sure you have proper drainage. Make sure you don't water too often (don't water unless the pot is light, you'll get used to the feel). Don't give them nutes for the first 3 weeks. Don't give them bloom nutes until it starts to flower.


Make sure you have proper drainage. Make sure you don't water too often (don't water unless the pot is light, you'll get used to the feel). Don't give them nutes for the first 3 weeks. Don't give them bloom nutes until it starts to flower.
fox farm soil has some nutes in it, should i keep that soil then? and about the watering thing. i stick my finger in it like i said. if its dry i water it if not then i leave it alone. i give them an oz right when the light turns on and by the next day i can put my finger all the way to the bottom and its 100% dry. i dont get how having it that dry every day is over watering. ive only felt the soil damp once then i cut back the water. i watered then 6 hours ago and they are just a lil damp now. i never water them if they are wet. so are you sure less than an oz of water a day?


Well-Known Member
fox farm soil has some nutes in it, should i keep that soil then? and about the watering thing. i stick my finger in it like i said. if its dry i water it if not then i leave it alone. i give them an oz right when the light turns on and by the next day i can put my finger all the way to the bottom and its 100% dry. i dont get how having it that dry every day is over watering. ive only felt the soil damp once then i cut back the water. i watered then 6 hours ago and they are just a lil damp now. i never water them if they are wet. so are you sure less than an oz of water a day?
I don't water by amounts, I just water when it feels light. Sometimes I water everyday, sometimes I water every other day, sometimes not for 3 days. It doesn't sound like you're watering too much though, and you know better than I would.

That soil is good, it's what I use. It does have a good amount of nutes, you should probably be good for damn near 4 weeks till it needs nutes, even more (some people literally use zero nutes). It's really more about size, and what the plant needs, than it is a set period of time.

Your plants are obviously stunted, that's all, not trying to be a dick. Over watering can do that, over feeding them can do that, also temps can do that (among a 1000 other things, but those are probably the top three). So another thing I would do is check and make sure the temps are ok.


I don't water by amounts, I just water when it feels light. Sometimes I water everyday, sometimes I water every other day, sometimes not for 3 days. It doesn't sound like you're watering too much though, and you know better than I would.

That soil is good, it's what I use. It does have a good amount of nutes, you should probably be good for damn near 4 weeks till it needs nutes, even more (some people literally use zero nutes). It's really more about size, and what the plant needs, than it is a set period of time.

Your plants are obviously stunted, that's all, not trying to be a dick. Over watering can do that, over feeding them can do that, also temps can do that (among a 1000 other things, but those are probably the top three). So another thing I would do is check and make sure the temps are ok.
the temp is between 80 and 90. so ima cut out the nutes and try and figure out the water better, you think that sounds ok for now?


Well-Known Member
the temp is between 80 and 90. so ima cut out the nutes and try and figure out the water better, you think that sounds ok for now?
Sounds like a good place to start. 90 is pretty much the absolute max you want your plants to get up to, so if you can get it down some that would be beneficial, I think.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
dont got to be a dick, .
Sorry dude, really...looking at your pics and stuff it just kind of hit me funny thats all. We all start somewhere. You wanna be dead serious about it ? Then get 'em under some decent vegging light for 18/6, DONT water them every day, DONT burn them so young with nutrients because the way they look in those pics, they're soon going to leave this world.


Your plants are dead.

with 12/12 you thought you could skip straight to flowering? plants NEED to veg, they need to grow. I thought this thread was a joke to be honest, your plants look like 3 day olds. youve crushed them. If they arent dead, i dont know what to do. the problem with growing / microgrowing, you cant just decide oneday, hey, you know what? im gonna grow some bag seed and then look up a few posts and try it yourself.

i dont even grow, but i wouldnt of even attempted it without the past 2 weeks ive done of research. this isnt like growing grass on your lawn where you just add water and wait. this is reproducing an entire ecosystem.


Well-Known Member
Buy a book and read it. Look up some grow videos, theres alot of answers on the site. Go to the newbie section and learn to grow properly and then your seedlings won't look so terrible. You're not even giving them a chance to grow, you've killed them.