First Time Grow Aerogarden Small Indoor Grow Cabinet


Okay I will start from the beginning, I got a belated birthday present from my brother in-law of a Strawberry Diesel clone, from a dispensary. I was happy I had the plant but no way yet to take care of it. I then ordered an aerogarden and had to wait for it to be mailed ground and that took ten days! I had set it under the fluorescent light for the time being.

I was so aftraid my little clone would wilt and die before I got it. My plant was starting to lean to one side of the cup it was in to try to get more light. The stem was starting to become brown and dead looking. I finally got my aerogarden and set it up with my plant in the middle most pod.

Well I set it up with a full 20 on and 4 off cycle, and since doing so the stem is no longer "woody" looking. Also, the plant has started to straighten out and it's roots are growing like crazy in the first few days.

My petunias I was growing for my mother-in-law were growing outta control, and stealing all of the nutrients that I was trying to give the plant. Resulting in a stagnation of growth for a week or two.

I do apologize for the quality of the pictures, I took them with my 2 megapixel camera on my phone with no flash or any kind of a good zoom. I just got a brand new camera with 12 megapixels. :mrgreen: So my very last photos are taken with the new one. I got some close ups at the very bottom.

Here are the pictures of the last few weeks.
(Each photo of the week the photos were taken 4 days apart)

This week it was still recovering from the cup-to-aerogarden transfer


I started to clip and do some pruning. By the end of this week the plant measures about 5.5" tall and just about 5" wide and it's farthest point.


I was starting to notice the petunias in the back were taking all the nutrients from my plant.


I started to move some of the petunias out.


Now that they are all gone, for some reason the influx of the nutrients now that the plant is alone made it start to have some neat looking striping in the stems.
My husband, decided to do some more pruning. We are still learning.
We topped a couple nodes and some of the older leaves were starting to die off so we clipped them.

Now I am up to date.
Below is the most recent picture...
I finally got my twelve megapixel camera so my photos are much clearer.


The plant is now about 8" tall and it is about 8" wide at it's widest part.
I had a more zoomed in shot to show how the crystals look and the awesome striping.
So, I was wondering, should I start to go into the flowering stage?

Also, I have heard that your plant can double it's height during the flowering stage. If my plant is about 8" tall and the mainstem is about the diameter of a dime. If I flower soon what kind of growth will I see?
I have this in a cabinet grow so I am trying to bush the plant out as much as I can before I have to grow upwards.

Thank You For Your Time!
This looks amazing! Make sure you get some clones of that before you flower!
All in all your lady is looking fantastic, I would surley trade you a clone of one of my plants
for a clone of yours haha! You got me subscribed and + rep
I am very impressed!

Check out my grow if you got time =]
Week9.jpg Here is the last week so you can see how we've progressed... Lately I have been strapped for cash and so I was not able to put in more lighting until yesterday. I found a couple of nice fluorescents and used them to be my grow lighting for now.. Best I could do for practically nothing!

18)Mar3.jpgNow here is the latest photo of today. The little colas in the bottom are starting to rotate their leaves to the side lighting so I can see that it is working for now.

I got uber camera happy and decided to snap a few shots of what buds I have forming so far. Enjoy!!!
Looking legit! Very beautiful lady :) Hope you had a chance to take clones off her!
I just finished an update, you can check it out if you like.
Keep up the amazing work and you will have yourself some really stick strawberry diesel:bigjoint:

I am about one month into flowering and my little buds are looking pretty. I know I should have probably cut more of the undergrowth, but I have a tendency to overprune.
The temperature outside is starting to increase so I thought that might help the growth.

Buds30days.jpgHere is a close up view of the top colas.

Also here is some close ups of my current favorite bud.
Let me know what you think.:weed:

I am thinking that she will be a 4/20 plant but I am not 100% on how long to bud.
Hello! The date is the 23rd of March, and I snapped my shots for the week. Here is the update!

I have noticed that the ones on top are turning pink, (like strawberries) and are smelling quite fruity. I pinched one of the buds in the back of the second picture and it was very dense.

I am about, 38 days or so, into flowering. I was seeing that the top-most colas are maturing faster than the rest because I did not prune the undergrowth early enough. I can see the crystals and I was reading somewhere about the crystals go from clear to milky white to auburn. (I am not 100% on this) I can see the crystals when I take my pictures. See below...


I was not sure when I should harvest or if I should taste test it first.

My initial thought was to harvest the top-most colas and then leave the undergrowth to grow for a smaller second harvest. I am not sure, I am still new at this and I would not want to harvest too early and ruin my first grow.
When should I harvest?

I was skeptical whether or not I should discontinue my nutes because I did a small taste test and it tasted a small hint of banana and my nutrients have a little of potassium in it. I was not sure... I have heard so many things to do/not do during flowering and I just want my buds to taste awesome.

Week13.jpg Week14.jpg
(above) Last couple weeks for recap.

Let me know what you think!
Thank you! I need to get my self out there to get one... For now I got a 12x zoom camera that I am using to see what they all look like... So far they are mostly white to white/clear.
In the last couple weeks I have not noticed any significant growth. I do not have a scope but my 12x 12mp camera gets in there real close. I cannot have uber quality photos on a site that limits me to small pictures.

Week15.jpg Week16.jpg

Here is some close ups.

Double%Strawberry%Diesel.jpg(left)The top of a bud; and a part of the bottom of the same bud IMG_0419.jpg
How are things going? Been away for a while, but im glad to see that so far everything seems to be working out! Very pretty girl you got =]
Well, like I said, I cropped on the first and I got about an oz out of my plant... not counting the popcorn sized buds that could have equaled about half an oz. I dried it over a ten day period. Would have been shorter but we had a muggy spell.

IMG_0457.jpg(alive)The biggest bud.IMG_0460.jpg(dried, I give it a 3.1-3.2 w/o stem and leaves)

Well as of the smoke I give it a 7

Smell ~ Oh so fruity.

Taste ~ Sweet, almost floral

Harshness ~ None... I would have to toke a whole bowl in one hit to get a cough.

High ~ Not instant, but it is major couchlock. One or two bowls will get you to lose track of time.

Reason for the score of 7 and not like a 9 or 10, is because it is not my kind of taste. It was an awesome head change and it got me good for a couple hours. It is just not my flavor. I prefer a more diesel and less fruity strawberry. Though this clone was given to me so I cannot complain. A few of my card carrying friends wanted to taste it and they loved it. Their favorites are Juicy fruits and blueberry strains. I like diesel and afghani. I am currently working on a new clone and started a seed for backup.
Well keep me posted, I'm glad you didn't go away! And i am also glad that everything turned out alright =]
My ladys are looking fantastic! It's about time for me to do an update...