Okay I will start from the beginning, I got a belated birthday present from my brother in-law of a Strawberry Diesel clone, from a dispensary. I was happy I had the plant but no way yet to take care of it. I then ordered an aerogarden and had to wait for it to be mailed ground and that took ten days! I had set it under the fluorescent light for the time being.
I was so aftraid my little clone would wilt and die before I got it. My plant was starting to lean to one side of the cup it was in to try to get more light. The stem was starting to become brown and dead looking. I finally got my aerogarden and set it up with my plant in the middle most pod.
Well I set it up with a full 20 on and 4 off cycle, and since doing so the stem is no longer "woody" looking. Also, the plant has started to straighten out and it's roots are growing like crazy in the first few days.
My petunias I was growing for my mother-in-law were growing outta control, and stealing all of the nutrients that I was trying to give the plant. Resulting in a stagnation of growth for a week or two.
I do apologize for the quality of the pictures, I took them with my 2 megapixel camera on my phone with no flash or any kind of a good zoom. I just got a brand new camera with 12 megapixels.
So my very last photos are taken with the new one. I got some close ups at the very bottom.

Here are the pictures of the last few weeks.
(Each photo of the week the photos were taken 4 days apart)
Here are the pictures of the last few weeks.
(Each photo of the week the photos were taken 4 days apart)
This week it was still recovering from the cup-to-aerogarden transfer
I started to clip and do some pruning. By the end of this week the plant measures about 5.5" tall and just about 5" wide and it's farthest point.
I was starting to notice the petunias in the back were taking all the nutrients from my plant.
I started to move some of the petunias out.
Now that they are all gone, for some reason the influx of the nutrients now that the plant is alone made it start to have some neat looking striping in the stems.
My husband, decided to do some more pruning. We are still learning.
We topped a couple nodes and some of the older leaves were starting to die off so we clipped them.
My husband, decided to do some more pruning. We are still learning.
We topped a couple nodes and some of the older leaves were starting to die off so we clipped them.

Now I am up to date.
Below is the most recent picture...
I finally got my twelve megapixel camera so my photos are much clearer.
Below is the most recent picture...
I finally got my twelve megapixel camera so my photos are much clearer.
The plant is now about 8" tall and it is about 8" wide at it's widest part.
I had a more zoomed in shot to show how the crystals look and the awesome striping.

So, I was wondering, should I start to go into the flowering stage?
I had a more zoomed in shot to show how the crystals look and the awesome striping.

So, I was wondering, should I start to go into the flowering stage?

Also, I have heard that your plant can double it's height during the flowering stage. If my plant is about 8" tall and the mainstem is about the diameter of a dime. If I flower soon what kind of growth will I see?
I have this in a cabinet grow so I am trying to bush the plant out as much as I can before I have to grow upwards.
I have this in a cabinet grow so I am trying to bush the plant out as much as I can before I have to grow upwards.