First time grow Afghan kush ryder advice


Hey everyone I am attempting my first ever grow soon and have decided to go with afghan kush ryder. Does anybody have any experience with growing this type of strain and would be able to provide me with some tips on growing it to provide maximum yield and quality. I will be growing with this grow set up ( What light cycle etc... would be best for this strain etc... pick and mix seeds also state that this plant is ready in 55 days how likely is it that it will be ready by then.

Thanks for all your help in advance.


Active Member
Hey, I've grown this a few times. I find that it normally finishes at day 60-65 from seed.

-Light cycle is best at 20 / 4.

-Use at least 3 gallon pots for maximum yield, preferably smart pots.

-Dont feed until beginning of week 3, and then only feed half strength and slowly increase to full strength by week 5. If you get nute burn on tips then cut nutes back a bit.

If you have any specific questions feel free to ask


Hey, I've grown this a few times. I find that it normally finishes at day 60-65 from seed.

-Light cycle is best at 20 / 4.

-Use at least 3 gallon pots for maximum yield, preferably smart pots.

-Dont feed until beginning of week 3, and then only feed half strength and slowly increase to full strength by week 5. If you get nute burn on tips then cut nutes back a bit.

If you have any specific questions feel free to ask
Hey thanks for your reply it was very helpful whats the smoke like? I've read it is very strong


Well-Known Member
im starting one on sunday, ive onlyy got one as a free seed from herbies site, so hopefully it pops :P


Well-Known Member
i would also like some info on the AKR: are there many different phenos? what height do they generally reach (approximately) ? and have you topped any and how did it respond, structurally? THANKS


Active Member
Dont be surprised if your beans dont sprout. Bought 6 of those and only had one pop.
what method did you use? i had 7/7 pop.
i ended up killing all of the seedlings during a botched transplant but that was due to a combination of weather conditions and first-timer ineptitude, not the genetics.

...where did you buy a six pack from? all i could ever find was 3 or 7.


Well-Known Member
Dont be surprised if your beans dont sprout. Bought 6 of those and only had one pop.
i popped 3/3 last time but had to kill them off coz they hadnt autod and i was planning on goin holiday. they were on 20/4. all my other'd, though. im hoping this one will do fine with my proposed 18/6 cycle on my next grow