first time grow (anything) kc36 150w hps + 10w led floodlight :) .advice welcomed

up untill a few days ago evry thing has been going perfectly,
3 out of 5 of my kc36 feminised seeds have germinated and servived (i waited a week and a bit then dug up the duds i could have had 4 plants) :wall: i germinated them in a a bowl of water then a cultivator floating in a 27c heated fishtank worked well thay were out and growing in a couple of days hence why i thought the outhers were duds,
then kept under 10w led floodlight,

once the leaves were at the edge of the cultivator pot (2inch square) thingy or the roots could be seen at bottom of pot i transplanted them to 15cm - 6in pots
& turned on the 150w minimax hps :smile: slowly lowering it till the soil was warming , watering consited of witing till the surface was allmost dusty - crusty the jhon-ings no1 soil was (sandy clayie) tempramentle over water it it turns to a block under water it it goes to dust and then a block when rehydrated,,, as i found with the seeds

the next repotting occured when i could see roots threw the bottom of my 6 inch pots i knew i had to buy some big one's but not to big for my grow space the best i could find was 35cm square pots i hope these will acomadate the plants needs,
i allso desided to go for westland multipurpous compost with mostier-lock (basicly wood chippings and mossy soil) the wole bag of westland went in to these new pots mixed with some of the jhon-ings stuff,

first time ive taken a brake and let the timers do the work and trusted the soil to hold enught moistier for 2 and a half days ha ha, electric had gone on my return amiture i know so plants have for the first time instead of reciveing 9am-12 (3hr) darkness got 9-7pm, second bad thing the soil looked like it was starting to mold with fuzz on it when i watered it it all disolved or something and to make things worse i notice a more pronouced lime green growing tips than before ive looked for problem solutions to that one but it may not be a problem?

the good news finally some new bits of kit turned up wether station clock for temp and humidity monitoring, ph testing strips, digital ones on its way so for the first time ever i gave them ph balanced water (i did use a soil tester on the soil wich resulted in ph6)

the wether station gave me bad news about the grow room it says avridgely 60-70% humidity with a temp of around 22c-30c both extrem cases normaly sits at 25c air flow is well leaveing alot to be desired i borght a carbon filtered extration kit off ebay sware its useless as the fan just cant suck enugth flows thare tho with no filter :sad: to make it worse i have an allmost air tight grow room sucking air from my upstairs nabours stairwell and am venting in to my living room which allways used to be cold :smile: as i cant mount any exterior vents without drawing attention, the only thing i can think is to pump more air threw thair with a new fan bigger filter ect as it is i think i need more light which = heat im shaw im on the edge of over heating the room as it is ?

i am still waiting for my recently borght duchpro ph- (i used viniger when i got my strips then the plants stood to attention ) a 12" ocilateing fan ,digi ph meter and my nutes bio bloom and grow ive been told to use nothing else,

cant wait to hear what you guys think i have no idea how well or badly thare doing really , i know soil molding is bad but im thinking thats related to air ,temp, curculation and humidity green tips im guessing are related to ph or haveing no nutes,
will add pics asap.
peace out pepole!


Well-Known Member
They are looking healthy so far but that soil looks like it retains too much moisture. It is missing perlite you might want to buy a bag and add it to the mix. The roots should be strong enough to transplant at this time if you are careful, or you can wait a few days to avoid shocking the plants.
i recived my seeds on the 21/6/12 give it 3 more days and we have a month planted them soon after, the tallest is about 1 foot eg 30cm, so im happy with my groth but know i could do better with a os-fan and nutes and as you can see in the pics the lime green tips on some leafs and one of the plants has grown a deformity or a bugs eaten a leaf or 3.... on the outher hand alot of the kc36's on the net look nothing like mine (i think) with the exception of one or to especily at this age im shaw thare normally smaller but more probibly im wrong.
dont be shy tell me what you think i am certainly not the all might all knowing... mouse? :)
gimme some brain food to consider guys cheers for checking out this thread
any questions i will ancer as good as i can all so i will try to make this more of a jurnal thing and update now and then or as problems arise :weed:
battleing most of the day to save them the green tips on the sprouting leafs progressed and turned a few tip's brown even had malformed 3 leafs on the top with holes in , and all the leavs started to droop, i think its a ph problem from what ive read affecting the absorbsion of magnisium so now im adding ph 6 water becuse iv only just started ph-ing the soil so it might be to alky, taken them from under lights and thare sitting next to me while i type this so i can moniter if ive made it worse or better (any one knocks im not in & phones off ;)
ok so the leafs are perking up a bit now coulors comeing back slowly roots tryna escape threw the bottom of my massive pot nothing i can do about that tho, its already biger than an office waste paper bin, sould i flower now? or when i start nuteing will it be ok root bound to flower with nutes? (iv hoped it gets me to 4 foot mature)
on the outher hand the soil said it had enught nutes to last 4-5 wks and give it 2 days it will have been 4 wks :S and these grow quick so might use it up quicker i need my bio bizz :( and ph down or all this effort wont turn to pot . flipin buying online, paper trails waiting times , lost deliverys n thats just the expected problems :( if only my local hydro shop dint double price evrything and if he would give me good avice not you shold buy this to sort that,, i wish i had a lemon instead of viniger tomeny wishes to mention ......
i will be back agian tomorrow with an update even if this is just me talking to myself to take notes for future refrence

as of this moment only myself a famly member thats given me advice on my grow and a frend thats shown me his plant,s and tecniques his a noob to growing indica off grow 2 cfl's and now you know shh dune tel no 1 im confident the only way ile get curght is word of mouth so i dont breatha word here im letting it all hang out anomously, ive acived more veg in a month than he has his in a few now on his 7th month @ flowering so im forgeting the cfls i have 20 of them (domestic) a soldering iorn insalators and an extention but have realised multipul low watt hps is loads better from 70w for leafed seadlings to 600w is what i want ive been looking at the multiple wattadge ballests but i think you have to change the baulb? im useing 150w hps & the 10w led even tho it says its warm whight agains hps it looks blue
im not a criminal its just a freeknig plant it grows like any outher god gave me the herbs of the feild to eat what man has a right to tell nature its doing it wrong its our roots of cration after all at this rate we will be the ones to sentance our children to death by destroying the eco system, when i get my p.n.c.check all i have is 2 cuactins n 1 warning for posession of weed also 2 suspected thefts for takeing 1 persons rubish.... from skips with the owners permission i feel no shame in this nor pride ether..

peace out
cheers dude so holes in the leafs is fine and errm i guess the lime green growing tips on the leavs ;) dieing wasnt to bad ether glad ive sorted it out, its only a temp fix but if i use viniger as ph down for to long posionous eliments in the viniger will build up in the plant and or soil without flushing the medium and the viniger will evaporate sending it back to original ph and slightly poisioned as far as i know but i may have just made as much sence as youre last writen sentence in this blog an yah know man taking d piss out ov d way pepole talk aint cool ya is just showing mi what ya like in it, i is era to talk about mi grow nat mi spellings so cheers for the complement in the best way you could articulate it its apeciated i tel ya yus realy av now clu what i is like or who i am show some respect "Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character" albert e's own quote.
sorry to my thread readers.
treat pepole as you want to be treated ( i had to makeshaw he dosent type like that normally he dosent he was mocking me )
sooo tonights pics i have just taken and will load up with this jernal entry the leaves have allmost gone back to normal coulour in all 3 the big ones had a groth spert after ph-ing i pulled off the tips of the damadged leaves on the mid sized one, i dint take pictures i was to busy panic resurching, thanks to the 3 pepole to coment allmost the same thing keep up the good work :) but the less words are said the more thay mean, basicly i can sleep well tonight & i will be waiting for the post man with his goodies
peace out pepole


thay seem to have stopped growing since thave become root bound & probibly ran out of nutes in the soil, i will take and post pics later
i have bourght bio baby and an all round nutrient , a lemon and root hormone poweder
my nutrents and ph down have been mis deliverd so now thay have a 6in carrbon filter set up and nutrients who ever its been deliverd to with my name and adress on the box ffs its making me paranoid ,

now chilling to julian marley boom draw you should check it out 2herse 1 or 2 lyrics from it

Oh, run, run, run as fast as you can
You cant catch me I'm the green green man Up and down looking everywhere trying ti find me But me up in mi high,high medi

Like a bird we soar, burn it up galore Are you really sure you can burn one more? You got to be mature to open up the door Got to be secure, got to be for sure
Mi have fi advertise, it keep mi stress from rise Now I visualize, X-ray through their lies Cool and gwan observe and mello out your nerve

ok so ive taken the pictures here thay are16052012029.jpg16052012027.jpg16052012025.jpg16052012035.jpg16052012036.jpg16052012028.jpg16052012026.jpg16052012037.jpg16052012033.jpg16052012031.jpg16052012030.jpg16052012038.jpg16052012034.jpg16052012032.jpg
one month to the day start of germination im going to flower them now from what i know this could take 2-3 month till i have dryed product, im not shaw if i want to clone now later or try out regeneration. as long as i get around £250 2oz ile be covered for the costs of the equipment an electric if i get more im keeping it to smoke and will extract the leaf's if i end up choping, but ive got to get thare yet.
back for an update of pictures now i have pot trays , the right ph testing kit & bio-+++++ nutes and a good system for mixing things are good maybe to good lolz the big ones about 4-5 foot eazey they've grown to the size of my room i started flowering about 1-2 weeks ago had problems with light getting in so sealed the door with sheeting , drawing pins loops and screws , ah to mention brought a buddy 6inch filter and fan off ebay i could smell the odor even with that first off the flow was to low then i got a good 5 inch fan now i smell it well more to the point i don't but my m8 did at the front door ffs only buy rhino filters that s... works, need 80 notes i dont have in the budget tho. i had no idea thay would get this big :Z down side harder to hide or remove as to big for door & more smell up side more smoke :)


for my buds to be ready but times slowing down but im stuck in a time frame where 1 min feels like 2 when thinking of bud im not looking foword to patiently drying them for 2 wks all's going well atm except thare getting too tall, i all most killed em once from under watering and paid for it later with lots of lower sun leaves dying but not the side shoots, ive started l.s.t.-ing otherwise the main stem would have been baked it burnt a leaf or 2 , i have all so added 2x 70w hps internal igniter set up

