First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!


Well-Known Member
ooooook...well I moved everything into a big ass storage bin. they are still in their individual pots tho so thats good. its under my desk so now i can check on them more easily. i added another fan tho b/c it was getting waaaaaaaaaaay too hot in there...does anyone have any ideas for vetilation thru a storage bin? i wanna keep the top on b/c of the light roommate doesn't know...i was thnkin maybe a tube or something put into the side of the bin and to have it ventilate that way...hows that sound?


Well-Known Member
a tube? like how big? how big is the bin? remember you want to move the air, those plants will needs lots of fresh air they haven't already processed, a closed container isn't good, just make sure to open it often for now.


Well-Known Member
ok so im running into ventilation problems still but once i get home i will fix them other than that how are they looking? they are in their 4th week...oh not gonna repot them until i get that point ill bury them up to their first bladed leaves...thanks everyone



Well-Known Member
Why don't you carve some holes and place the vans next to those to move air in and out? Can you get a pc fan setup somehow? Can you not keep the storage bin open?

Is that tin foil I see in the background? canna...CAN that shit!

Are you still giving them nutes?


Well-Known Member
How close is ur light man, Cause they still looked stretched. if its cfls' U can get within inches of ur plant. When you do transplant def bury most of that stem hanging out. Make it low to teh ground. U can honestly start to flower withing 2 weeks of veging. So if ur plants are 2 weeks old you can flower. It will be a small yield tho. the longer you veg the more yeild you might get . But since you most likely will flower for a month and a half or two. It will still get pretty nice sized :P Anyway good luck just scribed . Hope all works out well


Well-Known Member
Why don't you carve some holes and place the vans next to those to move air in and out? Can you get a pc fan setup somehow? Can you not keep the storage bin open?

Is that tin foil I see in the background? canna...CAN that shit!

Are you still giving them nutes?
yea i was actually gonna cut holes in the sides of the bin soon...i do elevate the lid towards the back so its like half open so there is ventilation somewhat but i cant have it all the way open b/c of my for a pc not sure wat you mean...and yea man thats foil that bad? wat u mean by "CAN?"

How close is ur light man, Cause they still looked stretched. if its cfls' U can get within inches of ur plant. When you do transplant def bury most of that stem hanging out. Make it low to teh ground. U can honestly start to flower withing 2 weeks of veging. So if ur plants are 2 weeks old you can flower. It will be a small yield tho. the longer you veg the more yeild you might get . But since you most likely will flower for a month and a half or two. It will still get pretty nice sized :P Anyway good luck just scribed . Hope all works out well
yea they are stretched...i was a dummy and didnt read up in the beginning..they stretched a lot wen they were young but ive moved the lights since far as wen i should start not thnkin prob like a week or two...


Well-Known Member
I took mine to 30 days. Cause 1 month of growth plus 2 months of budding usually is a good combo. Some people do actually do it withing 15 days tho So its all up to you buddy


Well-Known Member
for a pc not sure wat you mean...and yea man thats foil that bad? wat u mean by "CAN?"
You never seen those guys throw pc fans in their boxes?

Yea, foil will create hot spots and it will burn the plants. A big no no...
This is all tin foil is good for..

You know bro, CAN IT! Like cut that shit out...


Active Member
If you want reflective in your "storage bin" paint the inside flat white. Those are extremely stunted. 80-87 degree is a bit on the high side. For this problem, for now, invest in some small flourescent tube lights ,Cool White, they produce very little heat. Try a foliar spray with just some Vitamin B1 and of course water, I have experienced Suprising results.


Well-Known Member
ok cool...yea ill be moving back home within a week...and i will def look into the spray...i have a cool white fluoro tube waiting for me at home too lol...cant wait...and i can actually paint the bin white yea i should have that up within a week...thanks for all this advice guys...


Well-Known Member
Well I've added a new "feature" to my bin lol if you wanna call it that. I cut holes in the sides of the bin for more efficient ventilation. I put an intake fan and an output fan so there would be constant fresh air flowing in and heated "used" air being cycled seems to have dropped the temperature significantly, as well. it stays at like 75-80 now. all in all...pretty sweet deal. pics to follow soon...:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
ooook the first two are of the outside view of the new "ventilation system" i have goin on. Its just two holes covered up with black cloth (to minimize light leakage)...the next two are of the fan system I have goin on inside the bin...the last 3 are of my do they look?!



Well-Known Member
Your plants are looking good man. Keep up the good work.

It's always funny to watch stoners get all Macgyver on their grows..


Well-Known Member
haha yea man...i used a steak knife to cut those holes in the just realized what i did when i re-read what i typed....i used...a steak lol


Well-Known Member
lol, steak knife has a serrated blade, probably did a good job cutting plastic. Plants are looking a lot better since first seeing them. Not sure how long your air freshener idea will hold out.. especially when they go into flower. Keep it up


Well-Known Member
nice little do it yourself job but hey fuck it wutever works right........later on instead of using that fan u got in that hole......replace with a muffin fan aka way good job...........:joint:


Well-Known Member im assuming the pc fan works a lot better then ne other fan? and are there any other ways to contain or mask the smell wen they flower? thanks guys


Well-Known Member
oook so i kinda accidentally burned one of the leaves on one of my grew into the CFL bulb overnight and burnt itself!! blah but its ok its only one leaf...ill keep a closer eye on them from now on...stupid me. but yea i started flowering yesterday...kept the lights off for like 21 hours now theyre on 12/12...should be seein some new stuff soon!