First time grow: Bubblelicious auto's


Active Member
Those look nice. I just started my first auto flower grow with some cobra from flash. I didn't think they would get that tall. Thanks for sharing.
They actually are not that tall lol, the tallest is under 2ft. I think they could have gotten bigger if they were in larger pots and it didn't rain for like a week and a half with no sun.


Active Member
Is there any way other than a fertilizer to supplement nitrogen? The lower leaves are beginning to yellow. I just want to give them a little something mixed with the mollases next watering. They should be done at the end of this month, so I don't really need that much(I was reading it was good to let them get N deficient the last week or so of flower) Just a little something so they don't get sick all premature or something lol. I THINK I fixed the Magnesium def, the spots haven't migrated to any more leaves, but that poor plant looks so sad :( Going to get some mediocre bud off of it fsure...meh, first grow, I am still happy I made it this far. I think I am going to add a quater teaspoon with the molasses next watering to make sure, or should I just leave it? The mollases does have some in it. Hrmm

someone else

Active Member
Is there any way other than a fertilizer to supplement nitrogen? The lower leaves are beginning to yellow. I just want to give them a little something mixed with the mollases next watering. They should be done at the end of this month, so I don't really need that much(I was reading it was good to let them get N deficient the last week or so of flower) Just a little something so they don't get sick all premature or something lol. I THINK I fixed the Magnesium def, the spots haven't migrated to any more leaves, but that poor plant looks so sad :( Going to get some mediocre bud off of it fsure...meh, first grow, I am still happy I made it this far. I think I am going to add a quater teaspoon with the molasses next watering to make sure, or should I just leave it? The mollases does have some in it. Hrmm
One thing I know about some auto's is that they can be nutrient sensitive.

Just be careful when feeding, maybe go half strength of what you would use on regular non-auto plants.


Active Member
Thanks, other than a tablespoon of molasses every other watering and the Epsom salt the last watering, its been straight H2O. That's why I am asking because the next watering is going to be the last time I supplement them with anything(besides molasses), they are 3 weeks from harvest give or take. Like I said, its verrryyy minimal yellowing on the lower leaves. I just want to give them a little something to be safe.


Well-Known Member
I've grown autos outdoors, where some fan leaves yellowed a couple of weeks before harvest, and some where they never really yellowed much at all. There's not much you can do about it because you're in MG potting soil, which comes with at least 3 months of nutes, correct me if I'm wrong. At 3 weeks from harvest, there's still plenty of time for more yellowing. But, that soil is giving your autos more nutes than what is generally recommended. I believe other people have correctly mentioned that autos are generally nute sensitive, so they require less nutes than a regular photoperiod plant.


Active Member
I am not 100% sure, but I think the organic MG was 2 months. I may just ride it out and if I notice any substantial increase in yellowing by the end of this week I will give them a little bit of some nutes my friend is giving me. Thanks


Well-Known Member
just finding this journal! lookin good man. Sux about the nute problems but we all run into them, live and learn, neways SUBD UP!

someone else

Active Member
So how are the ladies lookin today?

I'm pretty pumped to try Lowlife's Blueberry and Lemon Skunk 10 week autos next year....and I really get a kick out of how short and cool looking your bubblelicious are.

I can imagine a world filled with millions and billions of these dwarf autos, breeding freely across the countryside. They're so damn small, they'd be pretty tough to spot from the air...unless you're looking for them.


Active Member
They are looking good. Its pretty windy right now and their stubbiness is working to my advantage, not too worried about them breaking. I'm getting antsy and paranoid because of the light green/yellowing of the lower leaves. I am one that always wants everything perfect lol..but its nature, It can't always be. I will snap some photos of them at the end of this week, I just can't wait to harvest and smoke them. They smell so sweet! Probably one of the sweetest smelling buds I have come in contact with. I only hope curing them brings out that smell and flavor even more, they are mouth watering.


Active Member
Except for the Mag deficient one, that one looks ugly lmao. If the bud is to airy or something I will just make some edibles out of her.


Active Member

Look at my sick girl. I want to cry! :( I think she is starting to get worse again. I am going to flush all of them and give them a light feeding of some flowering nutes, does that sound like a good idea? They are starting to yellow more, from the veins out, I tried to take a pic.


Active Member
what z fook. I used the search function. How many weeks/days before harvest should I start flushing and how do I go about doing it. Regular water till a good runoff every watering?

someone else

Active Member
I like to flush pretty heavy the last week before I harvest, that's it.

Flush by giving the plants 2-3 times as much plain water as you would normally.

Do this the last week or so. No nutes, just lots of water.


Active Member
The sick girl looks audacious...idk what to do about it :-( I think I may let her go another week then chop. I took a sample nug off and it got me pretty stoned. So I am stoked to puff on this bud when its dried and cured.


Active Member
2 of my girls are going to give me some nice frosty nugs. The other 2 are just meh. For a first time quick grow, I can say I am pretty happy.


Active Member
FUCKKKKKK. One of them has seeds :( It doesn't look hermi, I can find any balls, but it is producing seeds. Should I just let it run its course(they have about 2 weeks left) Or chop it this sat. The seeds are still green and soft, so they wouldn't be noticeable if smoked(at least I don't think)


Active Member
I think I am just paranoid. I don't think they are seeds but new growth. idk. I was outside giving them a closer inspection. How would a female plant showing no signs of being hermie produce seeds anyway(I know they sometimes produce a handful, preservation and all that.) But would stress just cause it to produce seeds and not be hermie? Anyway, I am pretty sure I am just paranoid. Man I wish I had some bud to calm my nerves :(