Hey everyone I am a first time grower looking for some advice. I have decided I would like to grow afghan kush ryder from pick and mix seeds (http://www.pickandmixseeds.co.uk/products/world-of-seeds-afghan-kush-ryder) and I have also been looking at complete grow tent sets on ebay (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Grow-tent-120-Grow-Light-600w-4-Fan-Kit-COCO-50L-complete-set-up-kit-/261060865715?pt=UK_HomeGarden_Garden_PlantsSeedsBulbs_JN&hash=item3cc870aeb3). Would someone be able to provide me with some information on if this grow set is any good I would be looking to keep between 4-7 plants and have no plans to go beyond that so if this will hold that I would be happy. I was also thinking about 60 lemon auto as the description states it requires no grow tent and will grow just by keeping it on my window sill.
Thanks for reading and any help I receive will be very much appreciated.
Thanks for reading and any help I receive will be very much appreciated.