first.time.grow...does it look healthy?

dnt have a clue what im doing other getting tips from fellow growers on line but this day 4 since sprouted from dirt..24 hr lighting/6 4ft flur 6500k 32 watts ...16"/16"/48" grow box totally rapd in foil..small fan/85degress..but no nuts yet..any suggestions at this point in stage of plant?


Well-Known Member
You don't have any pics, but here's what I have (kinda what ur talkin about) I have 2-4ft hoods w/2 bulbs each and 3 smaller CFLs (total of 16,800 lumens @ 6500k) & more to come as they get bigger. babies @ 14 days old..Blue Dragon (i'm told but now he's sayin I got it mixed up and it's Blue Rhino...idk, it's good that's all I care This is my first time growin or messin w/kush so I really don't know names, but I have a very green thumb.

& I'm tempin 72-75 w/30-40% humidity, 1-140mm intake fan & 1-140mm exhaust fan, 1-6inch blowin on them

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Mind if I ask the soil u got them in? I have been using ffof last 3 grows it holds moisture alittle long but I did like it


Well-Known Member
dnt have a clue what im doing other getting tips from fellow growers on line but this day 4 since sprouted from dirt..24 hr lighting/6 4ft flur 6500k 32 watts ...16"/16"/48" grow box totally rapd in foil..small fan/85degress..but no nuts yet..any suggestions at this point in stage of plant?
Use the proper PH for your growing medium, and do not over water. Have lots of patience. lol


Well-Known Member
Mind if I ask the soil u got them in? I have been using ffof last 3 grows it holds moisture alittle long but I did like it
I'm using an "organic" miracle gro mix...ya it's about 8 bucks for 25 sq yrd bag..with perlite mixed in for drainage incase I need to flush for ph levels..."There are no added nutes in this soil"....but I'm learning that even if it says No Nutrients added there are still nutes in the soil, otherwise how is it "organic"?...the good advise I got was wait till ur feeder leaves start to shrivel or about 4 weeks and then introduce them to nutes about a quarter of what's recommended and add more as time and the plants progress...good luck


Did u ever take notice in flower how much perlite is on the top of the medium. I'm not sure it's doing it's job when it works it's way to the top lol yea I have mest with it a few dif. Ways.. I found to just water less so my leaves didn't curle as much.


Well-Known Member
Did u ever take notice in flower how much perlite is on the top of the medium. I'm not sure it's doing it's job when it works it's way to the top lol yea I have mest with it a few dif. Ways.. I found to just water less so my leaves didn't curle as much.
It's not working it's way to the have a bit in there, I've seen sum that are almost all perlite. Since I plan on adding my own nutes I figured a more "sterile" medium would be better. I may be wrong, but that's the info I got on these pages


I find the more I baby them and try to fuk with shit the more go wrong. I think of them like my kids now adays wake them up in the morning say hi go to work when I get home say hi again I no they don't want shit from me so I watch tv and leave them be when they get hungry they say so and I feed them I say goodnight and start over the next day. Somedays the kids get sick I thro them alittle love and back to the daily ruteen. Ps. I do rem a few grows ago I had mg in some pots and the girls didn't like the wet feet so I went to the driveway grabed some shale a mixed it thro the some new soil transplanted into a bigger bucket and did they like that. I don't no if it was the shale or the bigger pot but like most girls I no give them room to spead those legs and they will love u back.
its been exactly two weeks today since its sprouted from dirt..2days to germinate..i got 8 6500k 32watt flur 1 intake fan..haven't had a chance to get second fan installed yet..MG potting soil..watered maybe 4 times at most since its sprouted..near steady temp 80.. last time i watered i used MG orchid food 30-10-10...i have no idea what i can do to help it any suggestions



Active Member
its been exactly two weeks today since its sprouted from dirt..2days to germinate..i got 8 6500k 32watt flur 1 intake fan..haven't had a chance to get second fan installed yet..MG potting soil..watered maybe 4 times at most since its sprouted..near steady temp 80.. last time i watered i used MG orchid food 30-10-10...i have no idea what i can do to help it any suggestions
Go easy on the nutes and work your way up and if you only have one fan , make it Exhaust instead of intake


New Member
Лидеры украинской оппозиции продолжают дестабилизировать ситуацию в стране. Лидер "Свободы" Олег Тягнибок на митинге в Киеве заявил, что сопротивление начинает образование новой власти. Отрицание безделица удивительного, что Тягнибок зараз же обратился к мировому сообществу ради поддержкой; чтобы мы с вами понимаем, который на самом деле он просит помощи у властей США и ЕС (которые, своевременно, все эти погромы и проспонсировали). Выключая того, оппозиционный лидер требует заморозить счета и недвижимость украинских властей после рубежом, а также наложить персональные санкции на тех, который нарушает права человека. Удивительно чувствовать подобные багаж через ярого нациста, который несколько лет вспять призывал своих земляков из Львова "побеждать кукла и ориентироваться с жидами и москалями".


Get rid of that FOIL, use white paper , paint the area white, go to wal-mart and grab a few of those emergency mylar blanket things instead, keep those CFLS atleast 3" off your plants or they will burn them. Good luck.