First time grow ever, Led, CFL, 4x4x6.5


Well-Known Member
Basically I will post what ever I can, hopfully the police dont raid me house for this! but this is my grow room. I am posting pics, feel free to respond or help,

Here you see everything, it seems messy but trust me its all sterile


The home made carbon filter, it appears as though it will work, cause theres alot of carbon in there fairily tight packed and good air flow

fan to carbon

my crap

more detailed crap such as nutrients stealth hydros nutrients and fox farms, problly going with the fox farm, should i follow there feeding cycle exact?

Rockwool, Cubes, and ph controll, and some aquairum silicon incase of leaks

Fan speed controll

my door with ghetto light seal. intake fan 180 cfm, outake on speed controll up to 425 cfm, set for aprox of 225 cfm

door hinges and bolts


and open!

a look inside, 90 watt led 8 red 1 blue, dual spectrum 65 watt cfl

light and temp and humidty reader

lookin down

thermostat controlled heater ( cold basement )

and bam there you have it, i know the light will be lower off the start, and there will be a ocilating fan basically let me know what you think, as things progress i will post more pictures and ask for advice thanks, and i hope i am safe on this damn interweb.


Well-Known Member
When I germinate with rockwool this is what i hope i should do, using tap water that has been sitting out for 24 hours, then ph balance to about 5-6 put inbetween two doubled up pieces of paper towel, and let sit in a dark warm place ( 23-25 C* ) and wait about 3-5 days? when i got a inch to half inch of root put her in the rock wool on its side?


Well-Known Member
very rarely takes 3 days using a paper towel. I had 2 year old seeds that only took 36 hours to germ. Should be fine though.


Well-Known Member
k good stuff, still waiting for them, but i think i might make a cloning box outside of my grow box to the left, if i just built a 2x4 frame and put some polly around it with a open close top, do you think that would work, no fans except my intake near it, with a 4ft shop light with 2 cool white flor tubes over it, and would a couple smaller clones really smell?


Well-Known Member
hey, so i need some help figuring out my feeding schedule, if i follow fox farms hydro chart exact should that work, with daily feedings, except at the start use quarter strength for the first week?!? I looked around on some forums and seems like a mixed response, just dont wanna burn my babys!


Well-Known Member
If there isnt ANY nutrients in your dirt wait about a week from sprout to start nutes. If it has anything wait about 2-3 weeks and start at 1/4 and work your way up.
If there isnt ANY nutrients in your dirt wait about a week from sprout to start nutes. If it has anything wait about 2-3 weeks and start at 1/4 and work your way up.
Not really true you should wait around a month after it breaks dirt you will never have a nute burn problem and yes then start 1/4. Try using fox farm oceans forest mix 50/50 with normal soil (store brought no nutes at all) and after a month the nutes in the f.f with have been used up by the plant and it will be safe to start on nutes. Have always done this way and had no problems at all.


Well-Known Member
haha man look at the pics i am in a hydro set up, using aeroponics basically, but ya i figure i'll wait till i get my true set of leaves and start at quarter strength then in a week bump it up to half, then in another week three quarter, then at a month full, sound alrights? and with veg should i use just grow big, or use both following the fox farm feeding chart starting at a reduced strength, sorry for the intense questions but it seems nutrients is the most major thing you can fuck up


Active Member
Tip: smooth out the mylar for better reflectivity. crinkles in the mylar will reflect light in all the wrong directions.


Well-Known Member
meh, any suggestions of flattening my mylar cause it seems kinda hard in my case, got the real thin 1m hahah so it tears alot. but ya did a little research and this seems to be the best info.

I just stay pretty close to the Fox-Farm recommended dosages ... their chart makes it pretty simple: ... you can get a printed version in their brochures, available wherever FF is sold ...
they tend to be on the milder side, so I actually use a bit more than suggested, IF, I see the plant is handling it well ... simply described, I use a weak 50% dilution the first week, then switch to the recommended dosages of Grow Big and Big Bloom additive for vegetation ... when flowering, I use the Tiger Bloom, Big Bloom, and this time, I added a shot of Open Sesame to the mix ...notice, you only use it for 3 weeks during the changeover to flowering, it's powerful stuff ... I also drop a spoonful of blackstrap unsulphured molasses in there, too ... I couldn't afford their Cha-Ching this time around, but I'm suspecting the molasses accomplishes the same results ... last 2 weeks or so, I use only plain water, molasses, and a tablespoon of Big Bloom per gallon.
from The imgage reaper , candabis boards,

but ya that is what im going to use minus molasses, seems alright just wondering if i should use 50% of the seedling and cutting or 50% of week 1
dont matter i'll be taken er slow anyways


Well-Known Member
so seeds have been germin for 24 hours now, just seeing sings of crackin, keeping them at 40-60 humidity and temp is 25C ,75-85 F* after they have some roots throwing them in some rockwool that has been sitting in a bowl of water with ph of about 5 - 5.5, then throwing in the room until sprouts then turing on the water pump with plain water and both cfl untill its bushy and ready for nutes then puting on the led, let me know if this sounds alright, when i put up some pics i will just edit the first post ! thanks


Well-Known Member
I would get LED's on them ASAP because more light just allows for more growth. Cfls would work fine if your like me and want light on them as soon as they break to prevent stretching, But, Again, More light = more growth.


Well-Known Member
ya i was debating that, but now i shall do as you say haha! so ya, just a little longer till rockwool is ready, then when i put em i'll flip them lights on but wait for the water, cause i remember roseman said somthing about waiting to turn on the water for seedlings? i will have to check..