first time grow flowering plant problems


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I have started flowering and am really confused by why these plants are having leaves get yellow and brittle also most of my stems including one of the main chutes are red. I am currently not using any nutes. Is that the problem?


Well-Known Member
Plant starvation: You need a certain amount of N, with greater amounts of P and K when you begin to flower, as well as through the entire flowering phase. Some strains can get by with a minimum of nutrients, your plant appears not to be one of those strains. Could also be a light issue.
As for the red stems, could be a mag deficiency, or just a strain trait.


Well-Known Member
Get some nutes pronto, my friend. I would recommend the FoxFarm trio: Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom, Grow Big.... Good luck.


Yo, your plants will survive and do fine, just give them some fertz. Miracle grow bloom or all purpose works fine. Using fertz every second watering is a good idea.


Well-Known Member
^ what they said.

best bet is to get a nute line up. not just one bottle from one brand, one from another, etc. otherwise you'll have problems (especially being new to growing). I learned (and to this day still use from time to time) the fox farm trio (big bloom, tiger bloom, and grow big). fox farm has a website with a feeding chart you can download/print to hang in your grow area so you know what you should be feeding with.

my advice is to let your water sit out (the water you plan on using to water your plants) for 24-48 hrs before using it. then mix in the proper amounts of food...stir and give it to the plant.

its best to start with 1/4 the recommended dose so you dont shock/hurt your plants with nute burn then with every feeding gradually increase your amount of nutes until you're feeding at full strength.


Well-Known Member
Could the lack of nutes affect the smell as well? During veg they stunk and now the smell is pretty much gone. I am sorry for so many questions but this is my first and I really want these girls to work.


Well-Known Member
Could the lack of nutes affect the smell as well? During veg they stunk and now the smell is pretty much gone. I am sorry for so many questions but this is my first and I really want these girls to work.
well. it could be an issue or just be the genetics. some strains smell in veg but not flower...some dont smell in veg but do in flower and some smell all the way through. early in flower there isnt usually much to smell anyway as the buds havent matured enough (especially first week or two when its pretty much just scattered hairs.) just wait till the buds take shape ;)

did you print out the feeding schedule from fox farm's site? its great and simple to follow. remember to start you nutes at 1/4 strength and gradually increase in feedings thereafter! & dont over water. its wise to lift your pots to check how heavy they are. its best to keep a dry pot of soil (of the same size ur growing ur plants in) and lift your plants and compare them to the dry soil pot and see what the difference is.

3 gal pots generally need water 2 times per wk in my setup (every 3-4 days alternating between plain water feedings and nutes mixed w/ water feedings). when i grow in 5gal pots its generally once every 5 days or so. you want to let the soil get pretty dry so the roots search for water (this builds your root system) if you water too frequently your plant will not react nicely and could potentially experience root rot (smelly and not a good thing to deal with.



Well-Known Member
I did print off the schedule it is a handy thing to have. Thanks for the good advice. As for my girls almost immediately after nutes were administered like a few hours the red in the stems faded and the leaves kinda perked up. I really feel for these girls as its my first grow I have made a shit ton of mistakes and really put them through hell. But I must say they are quite resiliant as I haven't killed em yet lol. Again thanks for all the advice it really has been very helpful its nice to see the kindness of my fellow stoners.