First time grow help!

Hey I'm relatively new to the growing experience and I just decided to try out using some cfl's to grow 2 plants that i got from cloning a friends mother plant. At the moment I have 16 27w 2700k CFL's arranged very close around both plants. These ladies have been in flower for a week now and i just started feeding them bloom nutes. I'm using General Hydroponics Floralicious, which is a 1-1-1 mix and was recommended to me by my friend(who has grown these plants with much success). I water them every 3rd to 4th day depending on the temperature and humidity which usually stay around 77-82 degrees and 50-60 percent humidity. I just want some input on how they are looking at this point and if they are healthy and if these cfls are doing the job, thanks for the input!

