First Time Grow Journal, Northern Lights


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Superawesome grow journal!

so obviously I'm in a closet for now, this will change before day 30 or so when the plants get some more odor however, i wanted to start them before the future home was ready.

ok here i have 2 Northern Lights feminized auto's from Nirvana, this is my first shot at growing so were see how it goes, the plant is about 5 days old in the with the close led's on. My other plant never sprouted as i cut germination short when the first plant germed. its my fault i know but a new plant has germed and been planted today so we will be running two.

um that's all i have so far. running the htg led ufo, fox farms soil, i will most likely skip nutes till flowering.

looking forward to any tips anyone can give me

Po boy

Well-Known Member
after growing several Nirvana nl autos, i can tell you that you'll love the smoke! it's yield is excellent. one thing i really like is the low odor during the grow.
i'll be checking in to see how it goes. GL


2013-02-04 16.41.23.jpg2013-02-04 16.41.38.jpg

so the big plant is 12 days old, the smaller plant is 5 days. so far i think im doing everything correct, lights run 18/6 if you couldn't tell its a ufo led glow light and the plants seem to be loving it. I water the plants about every 3 days when the soil is dry or the leaves are not as perky. smell is becoming an issue not bad but its definitely time to look into a carbon filter.


i forgot to mention so far with my first plant all the leaves are close to each other and stretching isnt an issue i run the led light about 4 inches from the top, i hope this will keep the plant short and dense


Well-Known Member
looking good man.A little tip for you if you want it ,when you load your pics ,double click them and it gives you the option to make them full size..


2013-02-09 23.24.33.jpg2013-02-09 23.24.49.jpg

so been a few days but everything is still looking good! first picture is my first plant 18 days, her sister is 11 days old. biggest change is im going to replant them on monday when i transfer the plants to a new tent with a carbon filter. that should allow me to give them more room and better control of their environment. Thanks again for everyones comments


awesome monday update!

2013-02-11 19.15.17.jpgmy girls got a new home! the home is a 2x3x5 grow tent with a carbon filter exhaust and more room! they were planted way too low in those 2 liter bottles and the bigger plant was starting to get root bound. so larger pot as well!. seeing as these are autos im not sure if i need to get a larger pot again i feel like they should be fine in the last home, but time will tell!

tonight I also had an adventure with my carbon filter before installing it!
2013-02-11 18.43.59.jpg2013-02-11 19.07.20.jpg2013-02-11 23.20.40.jpgso I'm exclusivly a vaper, so i had a baggie of abv no idea how much since i dont have a scale... i should get one.... anyways it was about 10grams of product before i vaped it so yeah. rigged up my carbon filter and a fan to keep odor low and made some butter!


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so the bottom leaves are turning yellow but also one of the 3 leaves are getting a brown edge? so any suggestions? im curious if its normal or am i seeing a nitrogen problem? Thanks again, this plant is 3 weeks old


Well-Known Member
man ,i'm not sure.I'm not advanced enough to tell whats wrong just by looking.I would have more chance diagnosing it if it was my plant and i knew what my set up was like watering/feeding freq ,soil ph and all that stuff.

i would try and trouble shoot it by asking myself these questions.

have i over watered? ie am i waiting until the pot is sufficently light enough to indicate the water is gone..
Is he soil the right ph? check the bag or test your run off for a rough estimate or if you have a soil ph probe perfect
Have i fed to much or too soon?

It's usually going to fall into one of these areas.When the ph is right ,your not overwatering and the feed dose is the right amount for the stage of growth cannabis will do well..

aside from this small issue which you have identifed early enough to treat it hopefully the plant looks great..


thanks for the quick reply over water could be a culprit. im not a big fan of these new pots since i cant see run off. i really should invest in a soil ph probe. and i dont feed them yet. the soil is fox farms ocean forest which i thought was a little hot anyways so i was going to skip feeding till maybe flower. i will look into the steps. thanks


2013-02-18 14.06.10.jpg2013-02-18 14.06.52.jpg

monday update! my girl is a girl! the older plant went into flowering shes almost 4 weeks old so looking good. the younger plant is doing well too, ill be checking soil ph soon but the leaf situation hasnt changed. so it was the baby leafs which died which im ok with and than the other leafs that look ill were both hurt in the old 2l pot / transplanting. I did order some 5 gal fabric pots but i dont think im going to shock the plants again with a transplant. so ill save those for my next grow


2013-03-09 19.42.35.jpg

so its been awhile since an update been busy but i think things are still good, early in the week i did a transplant into 5 gal pots, it may be a little late but they seem happier now that i'm getting some growth again. also were using a flowering nute every other watering to help with the dying leaf issue. take a look give me impressions the left plant is 6.5 weeks old, the right is 5.5 weeks, hoping the colas will start to fatten soon but anything is good this time i feel.

