First time grow journal wonder woman, 60 day wonder, white domina and ak47


Active Member
Ok im new to the journal thing so bare with me, ive been a grower for a while but really starting to try and figure the science of it out a little better, so here goes.

Start off with my set up, i have a 125w cfl for my clones/seedlings, a T5 satellite for veg and a 600w electric ballast hps for flowering, also blower vents and fans for each room of the grow. I also have an ezclone for later in the process.
I ordered seeds from attitude (great place to order from by the way) i was a little nervious about ordering first time so i only got 2 seeds and of course a freebie, so i got wonder woman and 60 day wonder with white domina as a gift :-o ive kept the ak47 for the last couple years as my consistent grow so i just wanted to make my growroom more colorful.

So when i got recieved my seeds on the 7 day after ordering i placed them in grow plugs and set them under the cfl, i also took clones from my ak just to do a side by side and see where they both are at the time planting.

day 4 and all 3 seeds have cracked and seem to be coming on nicely, ill post pics when i get my camera fixed but if any1 has suggestions or questions feel free to post. :leaf:

happy token


Active Member
O my bad, i plan to grow in soil and hydro im going to start in soil and try to get clones from each and then go hydro an see how they go from there, ive tried my ak in hydro in the past but with sad results. Now im just using water for them no nuts yet but i have bc solution waiting by. also the room is at 71 degrees i dont have a humity reader yet but soon to get 1


Active Member
day 5 an my 3 seeds have all started to pop out of there plugs im getting excited :D

has any1 else ever grown the white doimina? Just havent seen a journal on it yet, dont know what to expect


Well-Known Member
Is the white domina an autoflower? I ordered some and I'm curious to see someone elses grow.


Active Member
na i didnt get the auto this was my first time ordering seeds and i was real nervious so i didnt get a big order just the 60 dw and wonder woman the white domina was a freebie. I know the auto will come along faster but this one is taking off pretty good i should have pics up next week ( getting a new camera).


Active Member
day 10, everything is going very nicely the 60dw and wonderwoman had roots growing from the sides of the grow plug so i planted them into quart pots and put them under the T5, any1 have suggestions on the wonderwoman? ive seen diff articles about it saying it was awesome and fun to grow, others say the buds r airy and sort of a disapointment, any advice would be greatly appreciated


Active Member
21 days in to my new grow and im starting to wonder about the 60 day wonder its only about 3 inches tall and 2 startings of new leafings, if its suppose to finish in 60 days i thought it would have been a faster growing specimen. But who knows as for the wonder woman and white domina about the same size and pace for them as well but thats what i have been. I been tryin to get around to get a camera but with the holidays and all been sorta busy and strapd for cash, hopefully ill get pics up within the week.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man I,ve had some strains that claim 45-55 days flower time . I went way past that . I think everything has to be optimal to get results that fast .


Active Member
day 26, you may be right but id still think it would be atleast growing faster then the others. The wonderwoman and white domina are both just a little bigger then the 60 day wonder, owell the auto seed was just an experiment, i dont think i have the patients for them lol either way im waiting on a new order from the dutch passion flo, hollands hope, mazar, brainstorm, purple 1, and frisian dew, hopefully will have a colorful garden this year :mrgreen:


Active Member
I will be interested to see how your wonder women turns out dude, I think we have started at around the sam time, wel maybe your a litle ahead, going into 12/12 at the end of the week but think i might hold off another week just so I get 4 EPIC plants. They are meant to produce a good yeild too but we will see.
One of my poor plants suffered at the hands of a locust in the house, it was only to feed a lizard as well!! but she has come back strong catching up with her sisters. well i hope they are all sisters:) fem seeds but anything could happen.
How you getting on with the camera? I will have some pics up in the near future.
Peace from the UK!


Active Member
With the holidays and loss of my job the camera is on a set back thats 1 reason i slowed down with the journal, its no fun if i cant show :-(

My wonder woman is in a 2 gallon pot right now and is working very well with lst shes about 10 inches tall and 14 wide. So im happy with her im using her for a mother at the moment ive already gotten 10 cuttings off her just making sure they are well rooted before i switch her over. Basically the same thing for the white domina only a little shorter about 8 inchs tall classic xmas tree shape shes a lil cutie. The 60 day wonder im going to cut tomorrow shes small but very stinky and seems to be promising. Quick guess on finished yield would prolly be about an 8th, idk how to judge that for being an auto but whatever it was a good experiment dont think i will order anymore of those tho. Would on the other hand get the original williams wonder if its anything like the auto.
As for the ak47 instead of using the ezclone ive switched back to oldschool root plugs and clonex since switching back to that ive had a 9 to 10 ratio as to the ezclones 2 maybe 3 of 10.

Thanks for stoppin by if you got a journal goin post a link id like to see someone elses wonder woman goin. You goin soil or hydro?


Active Member
Sorry to hear about the job man, my 4 are doing great, they are only about 9inches tall and haven't measured them across but they have all got some massive leaves on and with the fans in full the stems are thickening up nicely. Did you top yours at all? I was advised as it's my first grow not to top them as it makes things a bit more complex. Only a week to go then let the 12/12 fun begin. I have read so much about wonder woman as a strain (not that I could find much) and it seems to give massive yields and a top smoke. Hope it all goes well for my first and I hope to grow some cheese next time :-)

Sorry had to edit, just noticed your questions, I'm growing in canna coco with canna nutes. All seems to be going good, was going to go hydro but after a friends failed attempt and his ability to make it look way to complicated I went with the coco as I have seen good results from it.
I haven't got a journal bur will put some pics up on here when I get a chance, this growing lark is so addictive! Like running home to see the kids everyday haha


Active Member
Im pretty much on the same time frame, Ive taken clones from it to keep it goin might take a few more today when i transplant it to a 5gallon pot before the 12/12 switch. But yea i did some research on her as well for my first order i wanted to make sure it would be worth it and im very pleased thus far. I havent topped her yet ill prolly do that today actually, ive LSTd her tho shes got a really nice curve in the stalk almost a complete S. She seems to be a pretty strong bitch, i cant wait to try her out. Oya a smoke report on the 60 day wonder dry weight 4.0 gr she was small and compact buds that were covered in crystals and smelled like old school killer smoke. Nice head high, energetic good for about maybe 3 hrs I didnt get munchies everyone else did but nice smoke. Id like to get the original williams wonder tho.

As for the hydro look into getting a water farm single site there easy to learn on and give good yeilds ive actually got 4 of them sittin to the side now just waiting to get some cash up and get more hydroton. But if you just follow the instructions on the package you should be ok just start off with half the nutes tho and just judge your plant from there. An maybe make the holes in the top container a lil bigger for the roots to grow threw. Oya feel free to post pics