First Time Grow....Looking for Advice


I'm a newbie grower, veteran smoker, doing a soil grow now. Have 2 healthy plants vegging now at a month, about 12 in. high. nice bushy, fems I hope, not that sure if seeds were. Got them at a reputable place when I was last in Amsterdam, 2 out of 10 germinated. I was happy since it's less to deal with for my very first grow anyway, see how two goes and plan to clone from these.
Lights I use are two 100 watt cfls overhead. Light nutes in water every 2 days, spray a mist on them twice a day. I just chose to transplant from my 2 gal pots to 5 gals. Plants had lots of roots, so this was a good move, thus, bigger roots = bigger buds, this I've read. Soon I'm moving them to enclosed grow box I made with a 400w Grow Light, 24/7 a few more weeks, then will change light cycle to 12/12 for flowering. I'll post pics soon.


Active Member
hello all.
I'm growning 10 big bud plants. I have done quite a bit of research and have spent the last month putting together a grow room and the plants were started 23 days ago.

I am trying to do a strictly organic grow. Any advice would be appreciated.

I am using the following:
1 400 w MH for veg
1 400 w hps for flowering
240 cfm intake
240 cfm exhuast ducted through light reflector.
soil mix is 75% organic mix w/ 25% worm castings.

I had an initial issue w/ heat on plants at about 1wk in. the mh was about 18 inches away and burned/curled the leaves. i raised the light to about 24 inches now and they seem to be fine.

Temp is about 75 deg. and hum is about 30

I have one plant that seems to be missing a keeps producing deformed leaves...check out the pics.

i'm getting ready to repot the plants this this time i am going to check the ph. currently havn't been checking the ph of the water or the soil.

check out the pics of the setup and plants and any advice would help.

i'll be adding pics soon
I like your setup man, it reminds me of a TV show, Weeds. Your best bet is to do an ebb and flow, homemade. Don't do drip, watch Mr. Green on youtube. Click on my avatar to check my grow room pics...I'm paranoid, so I don't do a journal. I'm sure you can make one much better than mine and I spent close to three thousands dollars. If you have money right now my advice to you would be to invest in a hydroponic supply place in your neighborhood and everyone else out there that has money should want to take our money out of the hands of the real crimminals (law inforcement) they are suppose to protect us not rape us... and supply adult sick people with their meds. I am shutting my veg side down, I am moving in a couple of months and besides that my stupid dealer was busted, long story. (read my post). I'm laid off and have times on my hands, with very little money. MJ would make me happy when there is nothing to be happy about and I'm sure that's why it is kept out of our hands. Sorry man didn't mean to go on like that. Use the chemicals that Mr. Green tells you to use. General Hydroponics - Micro, Grow and Bloom. PH is important, get a pen first thing, f you can afford it, you already have your lights, all the other things you need next is very cheep. I bet you less than you think. Rockwool small and 4 in. cubes. Screen pots large ones, 8 inches you'll need around 8 of them. If you run into any trouble put a message out and someone good will read it and give you the best advice you could ever get.