First time grow. Low budget

Sounds right. The information pack that came with the light said its actual wattage is about 103 but I'm guessing its on the lower side probably closer to 75 like you said. It's bright and working so I'm not going to think too much. I have another 75w led grow light somewhere that I'm going to add when it gets later into flowering(if i make it that far). Fingers crossed.
Thanks for the tip but I'm going to stick with this light until I know I can get it to harvest. I've seen grows completed with much worse set ups. If I do spend any more cash it will be on a dehumidifier so I don't ruin any buds with mold if I get it that far. If I need to supplement with more light other than the 2 I have, I will just have my wife put her outside in the backyard while I'm at work :)
Thanks for the tip but I'm going to stick with this light until I know I can get it to harvest. I've seen grows completed with much worse set ups. If I do spend any more cash it will be on a dehumidifier so I don't ruin any buds with mold if I get it that far. If I need to supplement with more light other than the 2 I have, I will just have my wife put her outside in the backyard while I'm at work :)
I'd be careful about putting them outside and then bringing them back indoors. A lot more bugs and crap to worry about outside. That light will work fine, especially to learn with.
Since it's winter the efficiency doesn't matter so much because you're already spending money heating your apartment. Might as well heat it with a grow light. You're going to get very low yield though. That's enough light to light one square foot of flower room. :) You'll definitely want to upgrade to a kingbrite or something like that before spring comes around and you're paying for air conditioning. I don't think Huntington Beach has too much humidity. If you regularly open your windows you'll be fine without a dehumidifier.
Also, a space heater is an excellent idea. I put
Mines in the room not inside the tent.if you want to go all out. Spend money on one that’s automatic. Once it senses a certain temp it shuts off. It’s fall below it turns on. It’s like I’m giving my house thermostat a little extra boost.
I have the light on a timer. It shuts off at around 11pm and turns back on around 3am. The space heater I have is exactly like you described. Its digital and has a thermostat built into it. I have it barely facing towards the closet so it doesn't just bake the plant in there.