First time grow need some help.

So I'm Getting ready for my first grow, I'm going to start as soon as i move into my new Apartment (currently I'm in on campus apartments, and they have a very low tolerance for cannabis for some reason.) any way i think I'm going to go with a DWC Hydro set up.
my plan is to have four 5 gallon buckets. my first question is should i connect all of them together or leave them separate?
I have some dj seedmans white widow that i plan on growing and was curious about the growing schedule I was thinking 6-8 weeks for the veg and 8-10 for the flower.
as for the lighting ill be using a friends set up he has an LED light for the veg state (he has used it for 8 plants) and HPS for flowering (i think its 400w). if i can i would like to use the LED for the whole grow to help save money, how large of an impact will this have on my final yield.
has anyone tried technaflora nutrients before i found a kit that includes B.C Boost, B.C Bloom, B.C Grow, Thrive Alive B-1 Red, Thrive Alive B-1 Green, Awesome Blossoms flowering formulation, Root 66, MagiCal, SugarDaddy, for 40 bucks online,
do these work well with DWC systems? is there any other nutrients i should get?
I'm to stoned to think of the other questions i had going to smoke some hash, thanks in advanced for any help.


New Member
I am strictly a soil grower so really can't advise on DWC (I don't even know what DWC is LOL!). But, I do use the technaflora recipe for success kit. Great shtuff my friend. The Sugar Daddy gets used up pretty quick as it is used in both veg and flower and in higher quantities than the others. But I really like the system. On my next grow I am gonna do a side by side with FF trio and see if there is a difference. I am curious because I do use FF soil. Good Luck and +rep for taking the leap into farming.
Ok thats what i was thinking but if i let them veg for that long will my yield be significantly larger than say a month, and to they get harder to take care of the larger they are?


Sup GW, i have ran dwc in the past with good results! It is better to contect and run a rdwc setup! The fert line you talked about is decent but it is a personal preference! I use the GH Maxi series for soil, and dwc! Easy and fairly cheap! I have grown ww strains in the past and 5 gallon buckets in dwc at 6-8 weeks veg, dude you gonna need more lights! that stuff will grow huge! try like 2 weeks of veg on the first grow and go from there! dwc grows them big even with training!
B safe
thanks for the info budybong, i know there are a lot of DIY guides out there but can u point me in the direction of a good one, one question because its my first grow i was thinking that having them in separate buckets would decrease the chance of screwing up the whole grow with incorrect nutes or something


GW you are on the right path in using seperate buckets til you get the hang of it! The best diy link i know of is from anouther sight so i will pm it to you! Dont know the policy here about posting links to other forums sooo! Bsafe

hey let me know if you get my pm doesnt seem to be working correctly or i screwed it up LOL
ok so im all most done with my first grow i've been using CFL's with out much luck and am switching to HPS (veg CFL/ flower HPS) my grow tent is 20" 36'' 60'' I was thinking of using a 250watt light with a built in ballast, do you think my grow room would get to hot?
outdoor plants follow the seasons and go threw a natural cycle depending on the length of the day, so depending on where you live it should be some time around august when they start to visibly flower and depending on the strain you'll be harvesting sometime around October.