First Time Grow - NEED SUGGESTIONS/HELP (photos)


Active Member
Using a 4ft x 4ft x 8ft closet.

600 watt hps light hanging about 5 ft above top of the plant
( was originally about 2 ft above but it almost immediatly began to burn the leaves)

Using a commercial 24 - 16 - 8 plant food.

Watering every 2 days/ every 4 w nutrients.

As far as ventilation goes the closet door is generally always open unless i have company. It is currently ventilated by 1 fan blowing exhaust outwards (photo shows fan facing inwards, but it was turned around shrtly after the photo was taken) and 2 smaller fans circulating air within the closet.

I want to build a ventilation system that can work with the closet door closed and keep the space at an appropriate temp.

Its currently staying around 80 in light hrs and about 75 or less during dark hrs.

I have yet to check the pH and the PPM.

I dont know how to check my PPM, can someone explain it to me please?

Some leaves were damaged when the light was originally too close to the plant.

Here are some pictures attatched.

Please hit me with any info/suggestions/ideas/help that you can give me.
I'll take whatever information i can get on how to make this work! Thanks!

Well-Known Member
i would move your light a little closer than 5 ft. that is why your plant is SO STRETCHED out. if you only have one plant than plant more. what kind of light cycle you have it on? that fert is a little strong that is probably what was causing the burn not the light to close. but i would weaken your nute mix maybe get some better nutes. fox farm, earth juice, canna,ect. but your plant is stretched so far that there are not very many bud spots. the more nodes the more buds.


Well-Known Member
Lower the light as low as you can get it, Put your hand under it if its hot then raise it to the point your a is comfortable. I only give my girls Nutrients when they Look like they need it, if you o by the directions give them less then they say start with 1/4 then go to 1/2 strength..From all my years of research and questioning you will find these plants to be some of the most Brilliant and Beautiful things on Earth!!Good luck and check out my journals. and Also utbe Thraxzz


Active Member
thanks for responding so quick. this plant has actually been sitting on the floor in front of a large well providing window. i was given this light by a friend about a week ago and the plants been under it ever since. i originally had the light about 2 ft about the plant and it did a little bit of damage so i moved it up to the 5 ft where its been. ive got this light on 18 hr days and 6 hr of nights.

where can i get stuff like fox farm, earth juice, and canna?

also, any closet ventilation tips?


Well-Known Member
Yea get a hooded vent, If not get a fan that can blow on or around your light,Also get an exhaust fan, Maybe a fart fan from home depot to get air out..Circulation is key!The Nutrients you can get at any Hydro store or try I think they have great prices!!The vented hood is pretty reasonable if found used try craiglist and they work Ideal to keep the light cool and the heat down!!


Active Member
thanks a lot for the advice. does it look like this plant has any chance? or should i give it up and get some quality seeds and start over?


Active Member
yeah, these burnt already leaves are looking worse each day and the leaves coming in above are even starting out a little yellow. it seems like this may be the last few days for this little thing.

i may try to flush it today and lower the light a little to see if it gets any better, then i'll prob. just change to a 12 / 12 cycle and try to flower.

will update with some pictures to show you how its going, please check back and let me know what you guys think about it.

im going to work on ventilation and finding a hooded vent. thanks again!!


Active Member
a hooded vent is the best option, if you feel like mcguyvering it until a hooded vent i would add more fans(Always spray your plants more with additional ventilation) an air conditioner can also be helpful but costs more than a hooded fan.


Active Member
(another new grower) my plants look about the same (tall and not particularly bushy) i really haven't thought this through. Should i start the 12-12 lighting now? They are cuttings from a previous plant (not mine). I would be happy with plants of the smaller nature but i think next time i will get reading. Got 1x150watt lamp on them at the mo, 2 fans under the stairs arrangement. Should i drop the lamp down? So many questions.


Active Member
Also, any recommendations on how to trim/prune them? I am a mega virgin with this stuff, but willing to learn and take advice. Please keep it simple though...


Well-Known Member
Two ? Have you fed it any Nutrients,It looks like it needs something and Have you lowered light and started flowering? If so then give it a week and should show sex and also,If you haven't fed it feed her, and if you have lower the dose. Its either burnt from Nutrients, Heat or not enough..Looks like shes burnt and over fed!


Active Member
yeah she got burnt when we originally had the light about 2 ft above. its currently hanging at 3ft a retaining a temp of about 85 during the day. i only fed her this nutrients that i later found out was too powerful about 2 times. other than that its only been filtered water. im going to go get her some nutrients today, but im not too sure what kind of place i need to go to to find such thing. the leaves that have come up since i burnt it look fairly healthy.

its still on 18/6. i was thinking i would get her some nutrients, take another week or so to try to get her a little bit healthier and then start 12/12 flowering.

does that sound wise or should i just go to to flowering right now?


Well-Known Member
Personally I would throw it into 12/12 and start flowering, Also you can get the Nutrients at a hydroponic store,Look it up on google for where you live. Whatever the directions say give it 1/4 to 1/2 that if you dont have a tds or ppm meter..She looks ok,like shes recovering.Also get yourself a P.H. kit and try to keep your P.H. balanced..


Well-Known Member
a tip in addition to thraxz good suggestions/questions --

by keeping the pot in that bucket you are getting the same result as if the pot had no holes - poor root ventilation and possible root rot. at least put the pot on something so that the excess water held by the bucket is below the level of the pot,


Well-Known Member
Excellent point, You have to have good drainage, you don't want root rot..Drill holes or re pot and put Newspaper at the Bottom of the pot helps to retain water! Your the man desertrat


Active Member
thanks for all the good help. im going start 12/12 on monday and try to find a hydro store close by and get some fox farm. any specific suggestions?

as far as drainage goes. both buckets have holes in them and drain into this little dish at the bottom. heres a picture attached. does that look like it does the trick or should i repot?



Well-Known Member
Your good, I have the Advanced Nutrients Dr.Hornbys Guano Grow and Bloom 1 part Formula.. I am into organic. Fox farm has allot of quality stuff.