First Time Grow. Opinions needed.


Hey guys. like everyone on here i have decided to grow my own.
Here are a few pictures.
The chosen strain was titled LSD
These guys sprouted 12 days ago.
Its under a 250w CFL 18/6 (strict)
No nutes as of yet , any advice on what i should use? and when to start to include it in my routine ?
Does everything look O.K? As i'm a newb all feedback is appriciated.
and most people say dont use nutes til about 2-3 weeks old, well thats what ive read on here anyway. im a newbie aswell so sorry i cant be too much help
thanks for the comments, The straw was used to correct a minor bend that was happening a few days ago. I will eventually put grow room pics up but for now my main concerns were just about their health and conditions. Some of the leaves look a little crumpled at the bottom towards the stem, which may be barely visible in the photo. Any ideas as to what are the best nutes in the UK. i was thinking nutes used for tomatoes as a starting point?
someone correct me if im wrong but for the early stages you want something higher in nitrogen (N) which im pretty sure most tomato nutes would have so that should be alright to start with
your plant is looking pretty healthy IMO, it might pay to eventually get some more light in there though. it might be the reason your leaves are going like that. but being so small it might just grow out of it anyway
Try taking pics before gettin stoned next time XD. First time grower myself so cant help much there but try taking the camera back a bit... or back some more and zooming in... so it can focus
Well thats it good luck!
yea, post some better pics. i would lower the lights as low as you can get the, without burning the, she looks a lil long a stretched. yea, you shouldnt have anything holding it up, should be able to stand on its own. when it gets a lil stronger, but a small circulating fan in the room to make her stronger. what kind of soil or medium are you using. i use fox farm ocean forrest and i usually dont water for a few weeks. in a week or two if the lower leaves start to yellow, dont worry, as long as its old growth thats yellowing(should only be lower leaves). i would use MJ nutes, dont just go grab some junk off the shelves at walmart, go to a hydropnic store, look online and find one or in the yellow pages. the cfl should be good enough to get started or even possibly through the whole grow, you just wont get the results you may want. i start my seeds and clones on CFL, then veg under a 400, then flower under a 1000. keep eyes on temps, 75-85, keep her on 24 hrs for now, few weeks.