first time grow. please help me out and tell me how it looks


i got a seed from a bag of a really good sasquatch chewbakka mix. got it in a large pot with miracle grow soil and normal potting soil. 70w hps light. sorry the pics aren't great but will hopefully get better over time


I would suggest trying another type of soil than miracle grow. I too used miracle grow on my first grow and found out the hard way that after 9 days after sprouting my plant got nutrient burn and I had to replant into a safer soil type. I would suggest Fox Farms Ocean Forest if you can get your hands on it (MJ likes it according to what I was told). Hopefully, this saves you from the troubles that I indured. GL on your grow :D


thank you. my funds arent very high right now so im gonna see how it turns out but i will definitely monitor for nutrient burn now. thanks ;)


Active Member
While there is no roots the smart thing to do would be to transplant those into a much smaller container. How do you expect to get a root ball in a huge pot like that? It's not gonna happen. Then when you start to add nutes you will have heavy salt build up and you'll have to flush big time. Then the soil will stay way too wet for way too long.


Active Member
Definitely put in a smaller pot while you can. Drop that light or raise that plant to as close to that light without being burned. Don't fertilize for like a month or so with Miracle Grow.


Active Member
so should i just dig it up right now while i can and just put it in a normal cup for now or what?
Do you have one of those 1/2 gallon "waxy" milk or juice cartons? Cut that in half and use the bottom. Punch some holes in the bottom sides of it. Or go buy a large fountain soda from a convinence store and use that plastic cup.


Well-Known Member
things are looking good. moved it into a cup this morning and gave it some water. light is on 24. hopefully it keeps goin good. anything else i should be doing/not doing?
Ignore it sometime.... Don't keep an eye on it looking for changes. You'll end up reacting to every leaf flutter and end up killing the plant. Give it some space. In the meantime, I suggest that you Google up some growing indoors guides or reading up the great information found here. You should be able to transplant or pot up in about 10-14 days.

Good luck and have a good grow!!


Active Member
things are looking good. moved it into a cup this morning and gave it some water. light is on 24. hopefully it keeps goin good. anything else i should be doing/not doing?
How close is your light? Is it very hot? What's the temp in that area (where the plant specifically is)? Your sprout still looks pretty stretched but that was from before. I would have planted her (knock on wood) a little deeper. Put that light as close as you can without burning her so she quits stretching. Otherwise, she looks like she can get there. Baby your babies but don't smother them...

Btw, did you put some drainage holes in the bottom of that cup?


Active Member
I second the Fox Farm Ocean Forest. I started with Miracle Grow Organic and they grew to about 2 inches tall and stalled out. I switched the Fox Farms as suggested and they suddenly sprung to life. It's worth the small amount more it cost than the Miracle Grow. Seriously... money well spent.


Active Member
looks like tin foil on the walls around the room. i would suggest using mylar for that, tin foil causes hot spots.


i did poke holes in the bottom of the cup. i will try and get some fox farms soon. and the light is pretty close so im trying to stop it from stretching. its not too hot in there with the plant. we have a small fan in there to keep it cool


Well-Known Member
miracle grow worked great for me didnt have any problems till after a month which was due to imbalanced ph never used fox farm but mg seems to do the trick


New Member
if you continue to let it stretch u will regret it. The plant will have to be supported for its entire life and your nodes will be way too far apart, creating a top heavy plant. Also try to get some movement on the plant, fan ect.. will help the stem to toughen up. Like serapis said read! read! read! if your not learning something new almost every day with access to the internet you are waisting your time. Get the light closer without burning the plant!!