First time grow - PPP from Nirvana


Well-Known Member
Do you guys use any root promoting supplements? I suspect the weak root system I found previously probably isn't helping them to grow faster. Any thoughts?
i don't, at least not yet, i think there are some nute products that claim extra root growth
the only specific thing that comes to mind is getting more oxygen to the roots
a good soil mix seems the best way
i have seen some use a bit of hydrogen peroxide to 'feed the roots'
i haven't used it, and would definitely read up on it before trying
also used to clear up other root troubles
i do use molasses tea as part of my feeding, 1 tsp per gallon of water
this feeds beneficial bacteria in the soil, best used with organic soils

Potseed McGee

Active Member
Interesting, I'll have to look into the hydrogen peroxide. I did see a product mentioned (with great affection) called root excelurator but seems to be fairly expensive, not sure it's entirely worth it.

One thing I have noticed is that my plants don't seem to be getting any taller, is that normal?


Well-Known Member
Interesting, I'll have to look into the hydrogen peroxide. I did see a product mentioned (with great affection) called root excelurator but seems to be fairly expensive, not sure it's entirely worth it.

One thing I have noticed is that my plants don't seem to be getting any taller, is that normal?
depends the period of time you're using
no taller say over the last 3 days?
my PPP is definitely slow on height, though it seems to be growing well, i can post a pic later if curious, it's around the same age as yours
but they should be getting taller

Potseed McGee

Active Member
depends the period of time you're using
no taller say over the last 3 days?
my PPP is definitely slow on height, though it seems to be growing well, i can post a pic later if curious, it's around the same age as yours
but they should be getting taller
Absolutely I'd love to see how yours are, especially fi they are similar in age :)

I found my local HTG shop has that root exclurator so i think i may pick up a bottle, and the lights.. and the tent lol

Expensive hobby :)


Well-Known Member
so here's where i am with a 14 day or so nirvana PPP, maybe a few days older
this plant is 3 inches tall, it's squatter than my northern lights was, which is a real squat strain
i see nothing sativa about it


Potseed McGee

Active Member
so here's where i am with a 14 day or so nirvana PPP, maybe a few days older
this plant is 3 inches tall, it's squatter than my northern lights was, which is a real squat strain
i see nothing sativa about it

So THATS what a non-nute burned PPP plant looks like :) Very nice, I'm very envious!

I bought a bunch of shit tonight, tent, lights, etc. I'll have pics of all that soon (babies are sleeping in their new home).

Also, bought a product called Humboldt Roots or something, watered the plants with that so hopefully it helps.

Side note: Whats with the site today, been down twice at least!

Potseed McGee

Active Member
March 26

It's kind of hard for me to judge, but it appears to me, that the plants grew considerably in the last 18 hours or so. I fed them that mixture last night with the Humboldt roots (I wonder if you're supposed to ditch what isn't used immediately?) and a little this morning (left overs from last night). I also discovered the spider mites were back, so i sprayed the bejeezus out of them with garlic water which i believe is whats left those white spots.

It's still rather stunted but they're doing better than before!

Potseed McGee

Active Member
Well, the spider mites are definitely back, and to add to it, i saw a spider! UGH. Any suggestions to kill these fuckers!?


Well-Known Member
yeah, the site has been flakey today, been a while since it's acted up
when your plant recovers, you won't be able to tell there was a problem, just a bit of lost time
well, spiders don't eat plants, they eat bugs so they are beneficial
the mites can be very bad, haven't had to deal with them yet

Potseed McGee

Active Member
yeah, the site has been flakey today, been a while since it's acted up
when your plant recovers, you won't be able to tell there was a problem, just a bit of lost time
well, spiders don't eat plants, they eat bugs so they are beneficial
the mites can be very bad, haven't had to deal with them yet
Yeah, the spider might be ultimately good for my garden, but i'm a HUGE pansy when it comes to spiders (or snakes), so for my mental sanity i had to kill it.

Luckily, I found a local store that carries Azamax, so i picked some up, hopefully I mixed it right and I sprayed my babies. The woman at the store recommended I might get 'Revive' or some shit, supposedly is good for battered and abused plants like my babies :P I'll look it up but was curious if anyone had an opinion of it. I guess it has b-vitamins.

Well, it's lights out for my babies while the azamax is working.

Oh, last bit, i noticed a bit of white around the edges of one of my plants, i'm hoping this is residual of the garlic water, if not i'll hvae to investigate further..

Potseed McGee

Active Member
March 27

So today they seem to be doing pretty good, i see very few black specs on my plant now, I'm going to wait till tomorrow to see if they return before spraying it another round of Azamax. Currently what I'm concerned with now is a little bit of white residue/powder on the edges of my leaves. I licked my finger and rub it and it came off, so I need some experienced growers to let me know if thats good bad or i'm going to die!

I watered them a litre today, mixed in some Humboldt Roots and 'Bio-Grow' 1-0-2 ferts i got as a sample from HTG. Hopefully they like it!


Well-Known Member
1st pic looks good, i see nothing but recovery
but i think you are rapidly approaching pot limits, roots can fill pots surprisingly fast
taste test probably not a good idea with pesticide around


Well-Known Member
yes they do fill them up quick but to no harm

i take it you have never read SICCs party cup grow?

go have a read!!;)

no, i have skimmed through there a few times
i had a miserable experience with smaller pots
so i'm kind of wary of them, some strains/soils/growers seem to have better luck with small pots
so if you have a need for a small pot grow, it obviously can be done

Potseed McGee

Active Member
1st pic looks good, i see nothing but recovery
but i think you are rapidly approaching pot limits, roots can fill pots surprisingly fast
taste test probably not a good idea with pesticide around
Well, I meant that I used my saliva to wipe off the residue. I checked again today, it's not spreading so i'm pretty sure its just residue from the garlic water.

I have some 3 gal bags i'll probably put them in, however.. I think that I'll end up doing some LST and I'm not sure how you can do that with grow bags... suggestions on how to go about that is most appreciated!

I'll update with pictures tomorrow! Also have some new seeds germinating and they appear to be near cracking open so haazah! However, like a dumbass i dumped them into the paper towels without taking note of which is which so.. it'll be a mystery to me too! fun times.


Well-Known Member
Well, I meant that I used my saliva to wipe off the residue. I checked again today, it's not spreading so i'm pretty sure its just residue from the garlic water.

I have some 3 gal bags i'll probably put them in, however.. I think that I'll end up doing some LST and I'm not sure how you can do that with grow bags... suggestions on how to go about that is most appreciated!

I'll update with pictures tomorrow! Also have some new seeds germinating and they appear to be near cracking open so haazah! However, like a dumbass i dumped them into the paper towels without taking note of which is which so.. it'll be a mystery to me too! fun times.
i was going to LST myself, but my PPP is so damn squat, i said screw it and started flowering today
with a bag, what you could do is put a board underneath, then screw in some eyelets into the board
tie off to eyelets, never tried this but should work

Potseed McGee

Active Member
i was going to LST myself, but my PPP is so damn squat, i said screw it and started flowering today
with a bag, what you could do is put a board underneath, then screw in some eyelets into the board
tie off to eyelets, never tried this but should work
Hmm, interesting.. I know your plants are about 10 days younger than mine, why so early (just curious)? Also, how many leaf sets do you have? My PPP just got it's 5th and is still working on it, so I'm kinda curious how much longer before I should wait before flowering, and when I should start taking clones (not that I intend to do more than maybe one or two!

Your thoughts are appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Hmm, interesting.. I know your plants are about 10 days younger than mine, why so early (just curious)? Also, how many leaf sets do you have? My PPP just got it's 5th and is still working on it, so I'm kinda curious how much longer before I should wait before flowering, and when I should start taking clones (not that I intend to do more than maybe one or two!

Your thoughts are appreciated!
well, you get a lot of stretch from a seedling, my last northern lights grow from seed went from 5 inches to 29 inches during flower
i've got about 6 nodes in between 2 inches, the thing is packed solid
i don't see how i can LST it, it's just too compact
it's a total of 4 inches tall
so my new grow chamber has 16 inches of head room, this may end up being a super crop job