First time grow - PPP from Nirvana

Potseed McGee

Active Member
if the 7.6-7.9 is true, that would likely explain your issues
there is a ph chart around here that shows the degree of availability of various nutrients over ph ranges
nitrogen would not be much available at this range, not locked, but restricted
add more nitrogen and a bit gets through to the plant, probably just enough to keep it growing
Yeah, this is my thought as well and makes sense given what we observed previously. I have pH down that I will put into my next solution.

Curious, any idea of how 'down I should make it?' or should i make ti 5.5-6.5 and just let it readjust the soil over time?

Not sure if you or others have an idea regarding that.

I also changed the light cycle. They are now 6:30am to 6:30pm


Well-Known Member
i'm more of a gradual change kind of grower, not saying that's better, just kind of my growing method
collect some of the outflow and check it, that's valuable information
it may take a few waterings to get the feel of the ph down, it will produce a sharp drop which will gradually rise, at least that's the experience i see of many

Potseed McGee

Active Member
April 7

Quick update for today. Nothing new, still looks a bit out of whack, but the soil is still too moist to try and lower the pH.

Potseed McGee

Active Member
April 8
So today I watered my babies, plain water with 1 tsp of Advanced Nutrients Revive, pH adjusted. They are actually looking pretty good today, growing real fast it seems. You can see on the PPP (the bushiest of them all) that some of the leaves are showing damage. On the left you see where the CFL burned them a while back, the rest I'm guessing is either nutrient burn of something as a result of the pH issues.

The following shows the before and after results of the water pH. Apparently when the bottle says sparingly, it means sparingly! I started with 1/2 tsp of pH down which dropped it to around 3.7 pH. So I added 1/2tsp of pH up which got it into the 4's. Took some more tinkering before I finally got it at around 6 pH. I watered them with that.

I'm going with growones suggestion and doing it slowly.

Oh, I've taken my seedlings out of the tent (I'm amazed they're still alive, but one is actually, finally, starting to grow a second set of leaves. The other still remains suspect, hope it pulls through. Also found gnats around my seedlings, must be coming from the soil. Sprayed with azamax and crushed 3 of them. We'll see if they return.

I'm wondering if I should clone my PPP plant or not, if it's not too late. And if so, where should I cut off a piece?

Hope it's not long before I can expect to see sex! :)


Well-Known Member
potseed, looks like you're making progress
ph down is a dilute nitric acid, when it reacts with the alkali salts in your water/soil, you get more nitrogen available
so a sharp green up should happen in day or 2
for cloning, what many do is wait to see sex to avoid cloning a male, then throw the light schedule back to 18/6 to put the plants back into veg, then they cut the clones
what i've done is to grow out the plants and see what i get at the end
it's possible to reveg a harvested plant if you leave a bit of small bud on
takes 2-3 weeks, but eventually new vegetation appears, which can be used for clones
like everything in MJ growing, how well a plant takes to reveg is strain dependent, some strains do it better than other

Potseed McGee

Active Member
So a mid day update. The plants seem to be doing a little better, however my PPP is really starting to show signs of nute burn (last pic).

It's the only plant showing any nute issues, so I'm thinking I should just flush the shit out of it.

EDIT: After a bit more reading, this may still be the result of the pH issues. Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
flushing may be needed, i'm no expert on it, tried it once on a plant that didn't make it
with the corrected ph you may be getting a large amount of available nitrogen, the usual leaf burner

Potseed McGee

Active Member
flushing may be needed, i'm no expert on it, tried it once on a plant that didn't make it
with the corrected ph you may be getting a large amount of available nitrogen, the usual leaf burner
I'll let it go until tomorrow and see how it re-acts. I'm sure adding revive didn't help (all N) if that is indeed the case.


Well-Known Member
could be nute burn, not a worst case, but bad enough
it's not severe enough to tell for sure
a combination of things is possible, sudden ph change, too much nitrogen can add up

Potseed McGee

Active Member
April 11

Nothing big to update, the same leaves have dried up to the point they crumble and are pointed upward as you can see in the second picture. Also watered them today.


Well-Known Member
ph issues seems to be something plants recover slowly from
the upper parts look pretty good
and if your ph was too out of whack, they wouldn't look good so i think your chances of getting a good harvest are improving

Potseed McGee

Active Member
April 12

Big day today! I believe my plants are showing sex (2 out of 3, oddly the feminized PPP is not yet showing sex) and they appear to be female! Also! My seedlings look to have recovered and are growing beautifully! (Sans a fucking large, red, flying bug that creeped the shit out of me!)

Potseed McGee

Active Member
April 13

So I started noticing bud sites form on one of my plants (of the 2 mystery). Also noticing more white hairs! My PPP plant is not doing so hot. She's not growing and showing signs of stress. I flushed her last night with 5 gallons of ph'd water (roughly around 6.0 - 6.5) for a 3 gallon pot. We'll see how she rebounds but at least the others are doing well.

Seedlings also doing well, probably need to water them more though.

In the future, I definitely want to get some kind of setup to LST. I hate to think of my lower leaves getting little light.


Well-Known Member
if the 1st pic was the PPP, which showed yellowing at the edges, that looks more like short on nitrogen
flushing probably not a harm at this point, you do know that you will be starting with a clean slate
well, you've fixed one major problem, the water PH, and seeing some good plants now
not too unusual to have some doing well, and some others not as good

Potseed McGee

Active Member
April 13

Nothing big to update, PPP isnt' getting worse and started showing signs of sex! Looks like 3 for 3 females!

Seedlings are also doing well, I just noticed in the picture theres a damn bug on the pot, fucking bugs.

Potseed McGee

Active Member
April 15

No big updates, watered them today with some Tiger Bloom (1 tsp/gallon), so we shall see how they react.

I was curious, in the last picture, what are those bubbles? Is that normal?


Well-Known Member
bubbles? guessing this is bumps on the stem, couldn't really see them
last pic looked like a stem pic to me anyways