First time grow Q's


So ive just potted a single plant...the soil has good water retaining capacity and was manured with compost...Ph about 6.5...i have yet to externally add any nutrients...all im doing is watering the plant every alternate day...its growing outdoors receiving around 14hrs of sunlight daily...although its been raining quite often and the sky is a little overcast...The temperatures vary from about 26 at max to about 18-20 minimum...i wanted to know if im doing the right thing...or atleast marginally close...Its been about 11 days now...I think i watered a little more mistake...

My Questions are ,

Is the growth natural??

Can i determine the sex??

Its 12:10 am right is it natural for the leaves to be a little drooping or is it due to over watering...?

how often should i water and in what quantity?

What are the chances of a female...?

The photos were taken about 10mins ago...
i just potted one because this is my first time...


I have gone through some of those videos and all...but the problem is that its my first time...its im a little nervous...and i dont know the fuck im if someone could give some solid advice then i would be able to get a greater understanding....


well im an indoor grower, watch out for bugs, and keep them healthy if theyre outside... little late in the season for outdoor eh?


yea...i know...but i just got the time...its usually winters in late december out here...its monsoons till september lets see...


New Member
So ive just potted a single plant...the soil has good water retaining capacity and was manured with compost...Ph about 6.5...i have yet to externally add any nutrients...all im doing is watering the plant every alternate day...its growing outdoors receiving around 14hrs of sunlight daily...although its been raining quite often and the sky is a little overcast...The temperatures vary from about 26 at max to about 18-20 minimum...i wanted to know if im doing the right thing...or atleast marginally close...Its been about 11 days now...I think i watered a little more mistake...

My Questions are ,

Is the growth natural?? yes

Can i determine the sex?? no. way to young.
Its 12:10 am right is it natural for the leaves to be a little drooping or is it due to over watering...? they look fine

how often should i water and in what quantity? every other day,is a rule of thumb.

What are the chances of a female...? 50/50

The photos were taken about 10mins ago...
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i just potted one because this is my first time...
Don't try to force feed em be patient