First Time Grow - Unknown Strain


Well-Known Member
first get pots that have drain holes in the bottom that way when water starts comming out the bottom you know they have enough water when they get about 6-8 inches tall give them a very mild fert solution and get them in bigger pots with drain hole keep me posted ill help you through it if you have any questions


Active Member
im tellin u dude u rly dnt gotta transplant for a while im mean u can if u want and its not gonna hurt but theres rly no need yet


Active Member
they have holes jus very small
i transplanted last night nd they look great
im starting nutes next watering
ill put pics up later


Active Member
thanks man
i have em in Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil with Fox Farm Grow Big nutes in the water
1 tsp per gallon of water like the bottle said
ive only been able to water em once tho cuz the soil holds the water so well


Well-Known Member
That soil looks so so so much better than the original stuff. Nice and airy with p'lite mixed in. Your other soil looked dark, wet, and heavy. And for 5 weeks those plants are tiny. I think you'll see much better growth now. FF Ocean is "da-bomb-dot-com! Great stuff! I wouldnt use nutes for a good 2 weeks but if you do, keep it to about 1/4 what the directions say and work your way up. I'm pulling up a chair if you dont mind. :joint:


Active Member
ive got a homeboy who lives up north who tells me what equipment is best nd thats the soil he uses.
I trust him cuz this dude grows the best weed ive ever smoked
he moves POUNDS


Active Member
aye so the height of my grow space is 32 1/2 in.
from the bottom of the pot to the top of the plant is currently 10 in.
i kno they get bigger during flowering so how tall shuld i veg em till?