First time grow w/ pics


Okay so this is my first grow. My lighting is 2 150watt soft white cfls, 2 75 watt bright white cfls and one soft white 75watt cfl. My seeds came from Nirvana and one is AK48 the other is from their indoor mix pack. Im growing with Fox Farm organic soil, bone meal, perlite, moss. I water every 3 days with one tea spoon of black strap molasses per gallon of H2O. They sprouted from seed on 3-9-12 and are about 10 inches tall now. Tell me what you think.



@ Coho, naw man. Just kept the cfls like 3 inches away till now.. They are about 7 inches away from the plants now....

@ Sopboy86 its Brer Rabbit Full Flavor Molasses

Thanx guys, i feel good about them now. Dude they smell to. Im growing in my garage and i can smell them in my kitchen... lol
I cant smell them from outside tho, my neighbor has like 4 dogs, so all u smell is them. LMAO
I gusses im doing good for my first grow.


Active Member
good..your doing great, i'm starting another grow now(waiting for seeds to pop) so maybe if you have any tips i can certainly use them


Active Member
started my grow a couple weeks ago, indica strain, cfl's 16800 lumens, been using molasses, super thrive, and worm casting tea. Have some pics here from a couple days ago until now, any suggestions are appreciated.IMG-20120422-00152.jpgIMG-20120422-00153.jpgIMG-20120422-00155.jpgIMG-20120423-00156.jpgIMG-20120423-00157.jpgIMG-20120423-00159.jpgIMG-20120423-00160.jpgIMG-20120423-00161.jpgmIMG-20120424-00165.jpgIMG-20120424-00162.jpgIMG-20120426-00166.jpgIMG-20120426-00167.jpgIMG-20120426-00169.jpgIMG-20120426-00170.jpgIMG-20120426-00171.jpgore pics


Well-Known Member
i thought Superthrive had molasses. i'd be careful about all that sugary water you are feeding it.
looks like time to re-pot, or close.