First time grow


Well-Known Member
lookin good, man. don't worry about the roots, like gyp said. my babies had miracle grow (time release fert) soil to start, and i wanted to get rid of it so it wouldn't cause over-nute problems later on down the line, so when i eventually re-potted them, i gently shook the root balls while they were in the palm of my hand, letting the dirt fall away. i know i lost a significant amount of the fine roots, but i treated em like gold and the plants bounced back with a vengeance. great idea with the frozen water, btw! :joint:


Active Member
Thanks, I'll try ^^
It's a miracle though that they're still alive, what with ripping half their roots off while repotting 'em and so on..
Started this as an experiment but now I have a slight hope that I could get something to smoke out of this!


Active Member
Ok another day another update. All babies turned out to be girls, so that means I have 8 lovely ladies bushin' up! Tallest one is 20 inches now.
Some pics again, more tomorrow or the day after. Also trying to take a close-up from the pistils.
And I've never smelled anything so good than the Jack Herers.



Active Member
All girls? That's awesome! Have fun growing a whole bunch.
Yea I must have the greenest thumb on the block. Reading these forums had me afraid this would be rocket science but after just sticking the seeds in the soil and getting these kind of results I'm starting to doubt it. Anyway, fingers crossed and hopin' for big bushes!


Active Member
Lil' update on the babies, how're they looking? I'd say not too shabby considering it's my first grow.



Well-Known Member
yup, alot of people make it alot harder than it is with all these super fancy, super expensive gadgets. If you jsut get give them good soil, water, air, and light you will grow great weed. Its amazing how much you can do to them and they still stay alive. Thats why im not so worried about me having a few per pot. I can take some out and they will be fine. As youve already found out yourself, you can do alot to this wonderful plant and all it wants to do is give, give, give. Keep up the good work, ill watch this to the end. Oh, and congrats on getting all females! We put our seeds in a bag with ripening banana peels for about 2 weeks prior to planting. The ethyl (sp?) the banana puts off as it ripens is suppose to produce more females. There are other foods that do this as well. I think its basically the same stuff they are treated with to make feminized seeds, only its organic and probably not as powerful and reliable. I just seen it in a couple of high times articles by jorge cervantes and its in my Cannabis Cultivation book by Mel Thomas. Awesome book btw.


Active Member
Again new pics of the ladies, closer ones this time but HPS really screws the colors. Anyway they're getting hairy, gotta love it!



Well-Known Member
What are you pointing to for CO2 in the 1st pic here... ??

I like the water bottle idea im going to try to use it on my little ones...

Until i get some time and $$$ for a sufficient grow box there is just not enough circulation where i have them now to deal with the heat... No good intake... =[


Active Member
What are you pointing to for CO2 in the 1st pic here... ??

I like the water bottle idea im going to try to use it on my little ones...

Until i get some time and $$$ for a sufficient grow box there is just not enough circulation where i have them now to deal with the heat... No good intake... =[
It's a 2 litre bottle with water, sugar and yeast in it.

Yea I had the same problem with my first cabinet, twisted my mind trying to figure out a solution for the heat until I just built a whole new one from cardboard :D


Active Member
I will be building something similar to this soon...

International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - Red_Greenery's Handyman's DIY Grow Tub

I will have to give that CO2 solution a try... Where did you find out about it... EDIT: found it... =P

I tried the Frozen water bottle but my bottles are too small they melt before they do any good... I think ill pick up a 2 liter today...
Looks like a nice setup!
And yea you gotta rotate the frozen bottles at least 2-3 times during the day for it to stay effective, HPS heats up so bad that the ice really does melt really fast.

And here's some pictoral update, close-ups are from Jack Herers and I've been tying the tops of the bagseed babies down so I don't have to be raising the roof of the cabinet all the time.



Well-Known Member
Lookin good i cant wait till i get to that point...

Changing the bottle is not an option for me really while i am at work so ill try a 1 liter bottle today if that does not work i will try a 2 liter the gallon if i can fit it...

I over did the yeast on my 1st try it started overflowing... =]

BTW how is the smell doing with those... Are you using a scrubber... ??

And like your new avatar... =]


Active Member
BTW how is the smell doing with those... Are you using a scrubber... ??

And like your new avatar... =]
Smellin' a lot, but I don't have to worry about neighbours so I'm just gonna let 'em stink.
Haha yea, weird how animals have similar receptors that are affected by cannabinoids. If evolution didn't get rid of it, it must have an important purpose!


Active Member
And some new pictures again, everything seems to be going smooth, no problems at all.
First pic is an overall, 2nd a flashshot from a Jack Herer, 3rd from a sidebranch of one of the bagseeds.

