First time grow

I'm a first time grower and need a lot of help. i have never grown ANYTHING and not doing too well as of now with 4 casualties thus far out of 12.... 3 doing sorta... well... i think... could really use help... ie mentor or just someone that wants to help me go through my first grow. PLEASEEEEE it will be fun :)


Well-Known Member
Best thing for u to do is start posting any questions u have so u can get answers to get u going


Well-Known Member
Be really carefull dude... U can never be too carefull and clean! Post ur questions,... Also its crucial to post pics
Thanks bulla and d... apparently i should give up on growin so i hear based on the last pics i posted. not much love on this site :(
Ignore the douche bags bro no one gave me support at first but eventually you'll find someone who can help you out. If I knew more I'd help you out but I'm pretty new too. Good luck and stick around you'll find someone soon! :)

Good luck with your grows!