First time grow


Well-Known Member
do you know any specific brands that will be beneficial
Note that I said "generic". It doesnt have to be name brand.. just make sure it has good ingredients. If you have a gardening store or nursery near you I would suggest Uni-Gro.


Active Member
Alright its picture time!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is right when i found itIMG_8649.jpg

This is the weed.IMG_9874.jpg

this was 2 days after the transplant and the day after it got dug up and i found it under a few inches of grew like an inch from the day before i thought it was cool.IMG_8158.jpg

this is my other bigger plant with 4 other sproutes in the bucket.....i plan on putting all there in my little "garden"IMG_3853.jpg

this is the veiw above my spot. There are some trees to the right but not bad...i might trim them back i little to get a little extrasun on em.IMG_7601.jpg

this was yestorday. ended up being almost 100 out and dry it sucked and this is the dug up plantIMG_3980.jpg

here is the other bigger one with the bucket matesIMG_5310.jpg

little over head view of em. it was like 10:30 and almost 90 out effing blewIMG_5757.jpg

heres my bear grills fence i was talking about lol it goes all the way around not ment to stop anything just ment to make them not want to go in there as bad and there is the start of my hole for my gardenIMG_8866.jpg

this is this morning they all look good but the bigger one in this bucket has some whitish spots on the leaves i think t may have somthing to due with the heat the last 2 days but it should rain today and its only gonna get up to 86 ishIMG_9903.jpg

here it as after i sprikled a little water on the leaves....(can see another in the backround)IMG_9480.jpg

i got alot more dug out today.... still no sign of my master ksuh bag seed sproute yet:( i still have faith tho)IMG_1282.jpg

and here is the plant that got dug up. shes looking good(well atleast to me idn very much yet lol)IMG_9222.jpg

tell me what you think of my set up/ plants i have like 20 more planted and am just waiting for them to sproute im prob gonna give most of those sproutes away but im still gonna keep a good bit of em


Active Member
So with how big these plants are do u guys think they'd be able to survive a massive thunderstorm? I'm half expecting them to be hirting next time I see em


Active Member
Well the storm started out real bad heavy heavy rain. Like I was at work and I was in the west house and me a guy were talking than it started to rain so we started yelling as loud as we could and we still couldn't hear and we were like 5 feet apart (if that gives u an idea of how bad it was raining) than like 15 minutes later it started slowing down to a slight drizzle and eventually stopped idn how they'd do in that kinda weather at like a week and a half old


Active Member
Well I'll be able to go out and see them in the morning but right now it's drizzling and it should hopfully stop soon and it sounds like it is there wasn't much wind just heavy rain with alotta thunder and lightning idn tho I'll stay positive and hope for the best in the morning


Active Member
They're loving that fresh rain water the two that started earlier look great and happy this morning and theyve started their 3rd leaves :). all the smaller ones around the one in the bucket started they're second leaves. And about ten more sprouted up but no master Kush but it could sproute up later today or tomorrow but idn just got a new boat and going out on that so I probly won't be out looking at these "girls" (he says with hope) tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear they are doing well. From my experience most plants and seedlings can take a beating as long as they aren't washed out or drowned. A few days ago there was also a storm that rolled through my area. I had to hike 2 miles in a torrential down poor and some serious lightening to check in on some of my babies. The whole time I was saying.. Lord im on a mountain so please don't let me hear any fizzy cracks of lightening and please don't let there be a river where my plants are. Thankfully all of the plants were ok. Farming can have its eye brow raising moments at times.


Active Member
Haha yeah man I know what ur saying I went out the next day after the storm expecting them to all be like in half cuz of the heavy rain for that period of time and I went out and they loved it I'm kinda surprised I'll be able to get out there today I'm aboutto walk out now actually but I need a j first lol


Active Member
Just got back,the one that was dug up is looking good was windy last night and a twig fell on the other biggish one in the bucket with the 4 others but all it did was bend the stem a little and the stem felt with it and grew upwards but the other plant behind its stem bent and idn about that one I think it's gonna die but I propt them both up and with a twig and some bark and MY MASTER KUSH BAG SEED STARTED IM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!! And I counted I have 21 growing
So with how big these plants are do u guys think they'd be able to survive a massive thunderstorm? I'm half expecting them to be hirting next time I see em
I have a grow outside right now and my plants are only about 2 feet tall,anyways its been raining for about 2 days now, i think they will be fine as long as i don't water for a few days. let me know what you guys think. thanks


Active Member
Idn about a multiply day rain thing I've never really gotten plants over a foot the most I've done is an indoor auto flower grow and I have to post a pic of te purple Ryder we grew ......that shit looked nice


Active Member
Today's the first time I haven't checked up on my babys I'm hoping to go out tomorrow and see some good growth on em and some nice fan leaves


Active Member
So I think I squarel dug up one of my plants by didn't harm the roots so I replanted it and I foud. My master Kush plant under 2 inches of soil so I cleaned her up and went to home depot and got some critter ritter and my femce stuff along with my soil so I started a chicken wire fence didn't bring enough out with I use the fishing fins to make a make shift fence and I filled in the hole in the ground which is 3.5 at its deepest. I used I think it was called vigor organic soil some of the dirt I dug up and horse manure with the wood shavings in it I got it all out of the oldest pile that I started like 10 ish years ago and has sat for 8 with me turning it Every now and than. I'm waiting for some to get a little bigge before I transplant not tying to stress them out to much right now. But all my plants besides 2 Re looking good and those 2 r the one that I found dig up this morning sorry I can't post pics every day but I can when i have time to use my friends computer bu I h e to wipe everything off it cu I don't want him knowing where my spot is


Active Member
alright found some time
IMG_3170.jpg This is the one that origonaly got dug up i think its looking good but tell me what you think
IMG_3335.jpgthis is the bucket that had 5 you can see the one that the stick fell on pretty much dead if it doesnt look any better tomorrow im just gonna pull it and the one in the centers stem is thin so it needs suport. the one on the bottom leftish of the bucket is growing tall fast

IMG_7458.jpgthe one in the bottom right is the master kush. this piture was right after i dug it out and gave it some sun its perked up alot scence than.

IMG_3209.jpgand theres my spot with the fence up i got 2 5 gallon water jugs to store water out there. the soil in my little plot is nice and loose and i decided to put 3 of the little little girls (i Hope) in there to see how they react to the soil

Let me know what you guys think


Active Member
Idn man your asking the wrong person lol but I cought that mother fucker red handed today walked out there and the ground hog was trapped in my fence so I. Beat it over the head with a shovel. I guess the random thunderstorm at 5 amwashed away my critter Ritter