First Time grow!


Just got my seeds to pop took less than 24 hours so i'm pumped and now im about to put them in my yellow solo cup! Just a queastion should i put them in my tent already or should i let them sit on window sill for a bit! Here is my specs I have a 3/3/6 tent with a 600 hooded cool tube thats dimable and i just got an inline duct fan to suck the heat out side! I will take pics of the set up soon! I also have two red and blue led light combo and i was thinking of useing those to help the littlke guys grow better but i dont want to screw things up! Im gonna go and take some pics of my set up and seeds! Need as much help as i can get lol!! thx


Well-Known Member
No harm in putting them in your tent. Although they don't really need an intense light, a couple CFLs is all you would need. They just need moisture and heat until they've sprouted and then a little light until its first sets of leaves come in then you can boost the light.


so forget the red and blue led lights i have in there too then? I dont know if exposing the seeds to that light would do anything any way! Here are some pics of my tent! I have my light vented out i have fresh air coming in and i have my 600 watt dimmed to 350 watt!IMG_0550[1].jpgIMG_0551[1].jpgIMG_0548[1].jpgIMG_0547[1].jpg Im tempted to throw the little girls in the tent and just leave the light set up high and keep it dimmed to 350 and see what happens but i dont want to mess them up either lol being a newbie sucks lol!!



wow after looking at my pics my tent looks like crap lol ! I have to clean up that exaust and make it look better without the bend and i didnt take a pic of the good air im pumping in from the floor! But thats the led light i have and i have two of them should i put my seeds under the leds? or just stick them at the bottom of the tent with the light dimmed down?

Oh and thx a lot balactus for the reply im so new to growing anything that any help is awesome so thank you!!!


Ok here is what i did i turned my ballast down to 300 watt and turned my blower fan off but kept my fresh air intake on and light exhaust on and heres how it looks!IMG_0553[1].jpgIMG_0552[1].jpg The first pic is what i did with the seeds and the second pic is just a pic of my intake fan blowing the fresh air into my tent! Intake fan for fresh air was pretty cheap i just got a 4 inch fan from crappy tire duct taped the blowing part into the 6 inch ducting and then cut a hole in the floor to all that cold air and put the back end in the hole and sealed it and it seems to be working lol!! so far so good! So if anybody sees a drastic idiot move on my part with what im doing with the seeds please yell at me lol!! thx!


Well-Known Member
What you should do is just make sure the soil stays somewhat moist from sprouting up until they start growing their first set of leaves. Then you can up the amount of light, as much as you can while having around a comfortable temp of 80 degrees or so. People say 72-75 and others say 82 to 85 so I just say 80. Once they've taken off they will love all the light you give them. I've never worked with a light quite as powerful as yours only CFLs so I keep my babies close to the light. You probably can leave them where they are but if you begin to see any stretching you'll have to move them a tad closer to the light or just increase the lighting but I don't you will have that problem. Then once they've grown their first set of leaves you should start giving thorough waterings where you water enough to where you see water seeping out of the drainage holes. Then you can leave them be until the soil dries up again. Also make sure you don't get any water on them cause the light could magnify on the droplets and burn your leaves...which I learned recently from exp.


Well-Known Member
Your grow tent should work OK, don't worry abt it. Once your seedling shows it's first true leaves lower you light as close as posible without burning them, keep an eye on them for the first few days. You want your light as close as posible so as not to stretch your plants, if light's too high they will reach for it making them spindly. You're on your way, good luck.


wow thx again balactus ! I have my light turned all the way down to a 300 watt so im hoping that will be enough to give the girl a good start and then when the leaves show up i will turn my light up to 450 and move it down to the proper level! And start my nutes! Im going with organic and its a complete kit with bio root thrive and all that jazz lol! Well as long as i cant do any damage to them tonight im going to go have a puff! Thx again man you have really helped me out! The only way to learn is ask!! Thx for the help to Dee Tee you guys are why i love this site!!


Well-Known Member
Lol really I wish I were learning from someone showing me but this is what we have to work with. I'll join you on that puff. Been toking on this sativa variety but dunno what its called. Keeps making me head swim. Check out my grow journal in my signature :). I deleted a bunch of pictures so thats why there is a lot of blanks in there but the last couple pages has some pics. They are coming up on 2 weeks now.


Active Member
no you are right its good to keep both lights in. Just make sure you set ur tent up and get the "weather" dialed in before anything else. I made the mistake and germed some seeds threw em in the tent. I have a secret jardin tent so it has really good quality reflective material and a 400w sunleaves hid mh/hps light. Well i thought my WindTunnel 4" exhaust(running from light to outside of tent) would be enough to combat the heat..wrong. I had to quickly purchase a window unit. But i would definately use that light setup all the way through the grow to avoid any stress from changing the light mid grow and causing hermies or stunted growth basically just eliminate the possibility of that from the get go. Dimming would be a great idea tho.

As said previously the just need moisture and heat to get started. But the whole thing with the light is HIGHLY debateable and mostly oppinion with a little bit of fact. Most ppl say blue is good for veg. I used a hortilux blu mh and wow it definately treated those ladies well. And red (hps) is good for flowering as it increases yeild by density although ive heard blue isnt as dense but has more trichs and clusters, etc. So ur light would be a perfect balance and imo i would use that the whole grow and not change it at all other than turn the dim off once its established. As you near the end of the grow i would gradually dim again as again ive heard and seen many results proving that a good 48 hr dark period forces plant to try to protect itself with thc basically. So..its up to you ultimately and finding what works best for you.

As for nutes i strongly recommend using general hydroponics GO box(general ORGANICS). its really cheap; only like $30 and u get several bottles of really good clean potent natural nutrients that will feel ALOT of plants. Keep in mind what u put in ur blood, lungs, brain..all these are vegan(plant extracts) except the processed squid so there is not room for harmful products feeding your ladies. BUt i recommend due to its easy for beginners because its hard to burn the plants. Dont let this fool you though the nutes are really strong and the plants will be VERY vigorous(i accidently overvegged in a couple of days due to growth rate lol) but i believe doesnt burn ur ladies due to it being all plant extracts. So you can feed the fuck out of em:) the box recommended once a week i feed every 5 days. THe box is also good in the sense that the smell of plant grown organically will always be 100x better. Experts will also find this box fun as the nutes are broken into about 7 bottles instead of 2 or 3 bottles of a bunch of stuff premixed. This allows you to better control a problem should you have a problem with burn, deficiency, or whatever. Basically u have more specific control over your plants diet. But they make it very user friendly for beginners. Read the box AS WELL AS the bottles. Buy a ppm meter. I would strongly advise to play with the variations possible to ensure u find what works best for you. I used the example elsewhere but say u could use more nitrogen but want the squid as well in the diet. Increase the bio weed nute decrease the squid. All while keeping a specific ppm range for your daughters as well as covering the whole food pyramid. mm thats alot to take in but thats my advice take it or leave it.

Oh yea before i go also when they pop ur gonna want as much light as possibly without burning, stressing, or bleaching them. When the break ground i would say turn it up just a little each day until full power. But in my oppinion you wouldnt want to take long doing this as your plants will be stretchy if your lights not close enough. I use 400w though so im not sure how close your 600 should be for seedlings. just look around the site you should be able to find someone else thats already asked lol


Well-Known Member
Being your first grow scared you dont know your setup good enough to start seedlings with even 300w hid.IMO id just buy a few 23w cfls depending how many you planted and let the root system get established for a couple weeks or first set of true leaves.What kinda seeds bagseeds or some good Genectics,just hate to see ya burnem or get them streched all out.Gl


I just turned the power up today to 450 watt and i think tommorow i will crank it right up to 600 and see what happens i still have it a little high so i dont cook them but when i crank it up to 600 I will stay around 18 to 24 inchs away from the plants and i will also use the hand test to! Thx a lot l8lDANKl8l for the great advice too and those are the exact nutes i have to funny lol!!


Well heres my set up I have a hooded cool tube set up with my exaust being sucked outside from the light and i have an intake push fresh cool air in and i have a little fan pushing air aroumd! I have a dimable ballast that I have set up right now for 450 with the light about 2 half feet above the seedling and they seem to getting leaves! I will take a good pick of the set up now so you can iit! Im useing a 60 day auto lemon and a couple of big bang!


Active Member
I just turned the power up today to 450 watt and i think tommorow i will crank it right up to 600 and see what happens i still have it a little high so i dont cook them but when i crank it up to 600 I will stay around 18 to 24 inchs away from the plants and i will also use the hand test to! Thx a lot l8lDANKl8l for the great advice too and those are the exact nutes i have to funny lol!!
hah thats awesome you wont be disappointed with them. Like i said imo you once you get the hang of the basic feeding schedule play around with it a little. Keep that ppm and ph meter handy. Most of my mixes stay around 6.5 ph through veg about 200-650 ppm approx(off the top of my head not exact ppm ranges) but i like to tweak the feedings a little bit. My daughters went into flower yesterday for example and i fed them today with the veg nutes(this is best way IN MY OPPINION) and the couple extra ones in the box; only thing i changed was decreased the biogrow i think? and increased the processed squid? to basically keep ppm the same but get certain n-p-k diet. again i cant remember exact nutes i done off the top id have to look at the bottle but basically i upped the phosphorus and potassium in the plants diet while keeping all other the same to gradually introduce flower nutes to avoid sudden nute change and also to encourage the flower stage. Ive also heard veg nutes in beginning of flowering help reduce stretch so thats my goal right now.

Anyways point being just play around with nutes once your comfortable with knowing your science/biology aspect of it as each strain needs different things. See what works best for YOUR plants.

And yea no problem. I personally think there needs to be more compassion for other people and what they go through medically and knowledge sharing to ensure they have a quality experience.


well my little ladies are starting to show some leaves there are two big ones and two little ones im like a proud dad all over again lol! Im thinking of starting my nutes soon because it gices a feeding chart on the side of the box and it says to start as seedlings! Now my queastion is the amount of light i should dump on them! I was think going 24/7 veg and the 12/12 to flower! But iv read alot about 18 6 and even 20 4 so im a little confused! 20 4 would work good right now i think cause i could put my girls to bed fron 2 to 6 during the hottest part of the day and then crank the light on after as it gets cooler! Any advice welcome!! Thx again!!


ok I think im a idiot lol! my 3 little seedlings have tiny leaves so i mixed up a batch of week one nutes as the general hydroponics GO box(general ORGANICS said to do and i spread it out amongst the 3 little girls in there solo cups and now im stressed im gonna kill them lol! I have decided to put my light at full power its still not at 18 inches away but im moving it closer each day to that ! I guess if i go tommorow and there all yellow with no leaves that will teach me lol!! Im gonna run the 20 on 4 off light cycle as it will keep down the heat in my tent during peak time! LOL any advice on anything as usual is welcome lol!!

Zig No Zag

Active Member
Hey, that's what I'm using! Let me know what you think as you go. I've noticed the feeding chart tells you how much per gallon, but doesn't tell you how often to give it to them. You might want to check that out too.

I should have read the WHOLE post...duh!


Active Member
Hey, that's what I'm using! Let me know what you think as you go. I've noticed the feeding chart tells you how much per gallon, but doesn't tell you how often to give it to them. You might want to check that out too.

I should have read the WHOLE post...duh!
it does say how often; just once weekly is recommended. But who knows what strain(s) thats for. sooo.. i dont think u should have anything to worry about. They are pretty strong forms of life..ive seen shit survive that by all means shouldnt lol. But me personally i waited to start my box and then regretted not starting nutes asap. They broke on June 20th and i fed them for the first time on July 2nd. I was thinking if started nutes asap plants could be as much as double the size due to early rooting system aides etc. Also as i mentioned its all plant extracts. SO in my experience its pretty hard to hurt plants with plants.


well I checked on the girls this am and there not dead yet lol so maybe spreading out the dose of one plant for all three wasnt such a bad idea lol but now im thinking next week im gonna go full dose of nutes and see what happens lol! Hey zig no zag i will def keep you posted on how there doing with the nutes! Being organic omg do they stink lol one is called marine and its made out of squids so you can imagine that smell lol!! Also thx l8lDANKl8l for the info its nice to hear that those suckers are tough lol! Keep the info coming guys thanks to all for the knowledge its how we grow!!!


Active Member
well I checked on the girls this am and there not dead yet lol so maybe spreading out the dose of one plant for all three wasnt such a bad idea lol but now im thinking next week im gonna go full dose of nutes and see what happens lol! Hey zig no zag i will def keep you posted on how there doing with the nutes! Being organic omg do they stink lol one is called marine and its made out of squids so you can imagine that smell lol!! Also thx l8lDANKl8l for the info its nice to hear that those suckers are tough lol! Keep the info coming guys thanks to all for the knowledge its how we grow!!!
Exactly. Im all about compassion towards your fellow neighbors. Thats someones mother brother grandfather or whatever just like yours. I suffer from severe chronic pain and anxiety. I understand what miserable pain is. If I can help someone avoid that..let me know and im here. like right now lol. seriously though im always trying to help my fellow cultivators! Yea they can be a little smelly. Haha wait till you smell how the plants end up. That organic stuff really brings out the smell. And I have a theory it affects color. I have one plant thats a blueish grey, a couple ones with a grayish red, one with LAVENDER ass stems like really vivid color. All of my ladies have color lol very nice colors at that. Im not sure what influence the nutes have if any but i know most peoples crops ive seen that do not use these nutes do not have these colors