First Time grow!


wow dank i would kill to have your problem! those guys look great!! Looks like your doing pretty good im lucky to have you and warlock pop in now again with help its the only way im gonna learn besides all the reading im doing lol! My misses has me stressed a bit she said my best girl leaves look shrivled i think shes nuts what do you guys thinkIMG_0580[1].jpgIMG_0579[1].jpg The first pic is the one she thinks looks shrivled and the second one is my lemon auto thats seems to be ok! Only thing is i soaked them last night because the soil was really dry and tonight when i checked the soil was still damp halfway down but the top was dryed out again! In the first couple weeks of living in a cup how much should i be watering these ladies im doing the finger test but i was just wondering if there was a set watering regime or if it just went by feel! Just wondering lol!!


Well-Known Member
Both seedlings look OK to me. Finger test works for me but I also live by the rule of withhold the water. Indoors a pot plant uses very little until it is very large. They droop when thirsty and perk when watered. If overwatered they usually die or do poorly if they recover. In my experience at least.


Active Member
yea man they are looking good so far! itll be a minute but you will be there. Mine took off before i knew it. Once they hit their permanent pots and got a good meal i got to sit back and watch:) you will be there soon! but yea they look fine to me. Nothing to sweat.


Active Member
oh and thanks for the compliment lol yea im trying to stop the growth..idk how thats gonna happen lol idk if its a good thing or not yet. we will see in a few weeks!!


Well they look amazing dank hope my two girls turn out like that! Lol actually I just hope they turn out period lol there's so many steps to mess up lol !


Active Member
came back through to update you on the girls. They are growing way faster than ive ever heard. I was really lucky with these beans. Ive only been in flower for like 5 days. I identified two males today and removed them from the tent and then there were 6. Three of those were identified as female. Three to go but idk how they are showing so quickly as it usually takes around 2 weeks! Ive got alot more light penetration going on now with those two removed. Plus the one that made me worry about bleaching was male((he was tallest and still climbing quickly) so big relief today! I cant wait to see how your ladies end up! Ive got faith in u bro u need to have more faith in yourself. You have got them this far. If you can keep yourself alive you will do great with these. Just whatever you do dont overprotect them. Its very easy to over do it. Just kick back a little and watch em grow and ull be harvesting before you realize it.


wow the ladies have really started to show there different looks and i moved my 600 down to 16 inches and the hand test says were good actually the hand test says i could drop it lower but im not getting greedy they seem to like the light where it is ! I will post some pics and see what you guys think!!


Active Member
wow the ladies have really started to show there different looks and i moved my 600 down to 16 inches and the hand test says were good actually the hand test says i could drop it lower but im not getting greedy they seem to like the light where it is ! I will post some pics and see what you guys think!!

right on brotha!! i told you man once they get going and you find your "groove" or routine u get to sit back and enjoy the performance:)


ok pics to come soon and i think i almost have this heat issue licked ! I have a inline duct fan sucking out my cool tube heat and I have a multi speed inline bringing cool air in from under the shed so its nice and cool! I left my tent closed in the hottest part of the day and it only reached 31 and that was with my fan on lowest setting ! I only have a 3x3x6 tent so either cranking up the fan or opening the tent door during the day i hope should fix this! Any ideas are welcome! I will take some pics of my girls and set up for any input!! thx guys!


IMG_0583[1].jpgIMG_0584[1].jpgIMG_0585[1].jpgIMG_0591[2].jpgIMG_0589[1].jpgIMG_0590[1].jpgThe first pic is my tent and how close i have my 600 near the plants im at around 16 and the second and third pics are my clean air intake on the bottom and my exaust on top going right outside! I have a more air coming in then i do out because its hot in my shed and i wouldnt want to draw more of that warm air in so this way i have more air pressure inside keeping the hot out! If this doesnt make sence or is wrong please feel free to let me know! The First plant is a 60 day auto from dna genetics and its a weird plant so far its leaves seem to be wider and pointing down with a weird lighter colour in the center and thats always been there so i dont think its the light being to close and the other is a big bang from green house and his stalk is def higher and his leaves are bigger they def dont have the same look! Im kinda pumped to try my other seeds later to see how the diff strains go! So my girls are around 9 days old from seed so please feel free with any input or glaring flaws lol! Im a newb but im learning !! Thx again for info shared in advance!! Oh and the thing you can kinda see on the inside of the tent is just a air block to redirect all that fresh air coming so it isnt blowing directly on my girls cause there a little to small right now and almost get pushed over lol!!


Hey Dank the girls have started growing down and I have no clue why if ya have a chance out my thread in plant problems and have a look if I'm over reacting lol ! There growing good just seems weird why there growing down like that!


Well-Known Member
They are turning down. Looks to me that your 600 is too low for the lil ones. Take it up high till you get 3-4 nodes and real 5-9 point leaves. If they stretch you just need to plant lower in a new pot and your good. But seedlings don't need the full gorse of a 600. So lower lumens are better at this stage.


Thanks a lot warlock I figured it must be my light and when I moved them down they perked up but I might move them down further there sitting around 18 and maybe I will move them down to 20! Also warlock I noticed the roots starting to grow out the bottom of there solo cups is it time replant them?


Well I re planted my girls into some 1 gallon pots ! When I took them out of there the cups they had roots everywhere! So I'm hoping I didn't stress them out to much and there good to go! I have been turning my intake fan to almost full during the day and closing the tent and they really seem to like that! It blows my tent up like a ballon but they like it lol


Active Member
yea you dont want to let the roots get that far like growing out because of course its hard not to cause stress and damage at that point. It will be ok though no big deal. You really just want to give the roots time to establish so when you do your transplant it actually has a stable root system to anchor itself not just a little germd taproot. Like i said though no big deal if the roots are that established i mean it will cause stress but its big enough to take it.


Well I transplanted them yesterday and so far no shock has set in actually I think they have grown more per night ! I have figured out how to use those organic nutes and I think it's got to be them why I'm not swing as much shock as I thought I would see! But it's still early I don't know how long until a plant goes into shock after being trams planted but so far so good! I'm gonna post some pics soon! Thx again for any and all info that has be given!!


Well here are my girls today two weeks old and growing i have messed around with my tent the last few days and i think i have it dialed in for now lol! First two pics are of my 60 day auto lemon from DNA genetics IMG_0629.jpgIMG_0631.jpgHere are two pics of my other girl who is a Big Bang from Green house!IMG_0628.jpgIMG_0630.jpg I cant belive these guys were just seeds 2 weeks ago and there two days into there transpant and they seem happy!


Active Member
good deal brotha! ladies are looking good!!! Glad the nutes are working good for ya too man yea those general organics will make your plant grow crazy fast. my ladies are doing good got 5 females out of 8 bag seed! They are flowering nicely tho ive been meaning to update you but none of my cameras can even take a decent picture under the SUPER HPS bulb its crazy how red and orange that bulb is.


Thx dank well whenever you get a chance fire some pics on your girls looked great last time and those organic nutes are givin me some crazy growth everyday I check on them they've grown new leaves lol!!