First time grow


Active Member
So these plants are roughly a month old, they look a little small to me. They started their first 3 weeks outside and now I have them in this cage wrapped in aluminum foil with a blanket and box fan covering it. Does this set up look like it would yield anything?
4 23w 6500k hanging and 4 23w 5000k on the sides.
Watering every 1.5 to 2 days.
Miracle Grow Hydrate(peat moss and coconut husk) soil
Alaskan all purpose 6-4-6 nutes (1/4)
24hr light cycle.


Cam Roll

Whats up man. I would agree they look a little small for a full month with a 24 hour light cycle. Do you know what the temperature is inside the cage?


Active Member
During the day it can get up to 95 but at night it stays a constant 85. Just got some ffof and transplanted one into it. I found out that MG hydrate was just an amendment so maybe that's why they're so small. But I moved one over (the other died tragically ha) and I'm gonna see how it does overnight. Hope she enjoys it!
Whats up man. I would agree they look a little small for a full month with a 24 hour light cycle. Do you know what the temperature is inside the cage?


Cam Roll

It will definitely love the FFOF. That is what a lot of people use including myself. I have recently been struggling with stunted growth in my CFL grow box; I too had high temperatures. 95 degrees is too hot. You have to get that temperature down. May I suggest another intake fan to start and an outtake fan if possible. Also, aluminum foil can create a large amount of heat. I sacrificed my reflective surface in my box simply because it wasn't worth making the temperatures so high. If you get the temperatures down, you will probably see an increase in growth!!


Active Member
It will definitely love the FFOF. That is what a lot of people use including myself. I have recently been struggling with stunted growth in my CFL grow box; I too had high temperatures. 95 degrees is too hot. You have to get that temperature down. May I suggest another intake fan to start and an outtake fan if possible. Also, aluminum foil can create a large amount of heat. I sacrificed my reflective surface in my box simply because it wasn't worth making the temperatures so high. If you get the temperatures down, you will probably see an increase in growth!!
It's already perked up a lot and gotten about a half inch bigger. It's out in my laundry room with no ac. I've been thinking about getting rid of the foil and moving it inside but I don't have building materials to make a grow box. Here's the plant 36 hours after transplant.

