First time grower. 17 day old seedlings. How do they look?


Active Member

This is my first grow.

I am using a 400w Metal Halide in a 4'x6'x7.5' area.

Temps in my grow are steadily at 80F with light on and 70F with the light off.

Using 70% Fox Farms, 30% Vermiculite for soil.

Not started using any nutrients yet, have the Fox Farms 3 pack which I will start around week 3 (using 1/4 strength to start and working my way up over time)

Using 462CFM exhaust fan during lights on, using a carbon filter and exhausting into my vented attic space.

Watering once every other day, 80-100ml of water, PH7

G13 Labs White Widow and Northern Lights x Skunk, seeds purchased from Attitude Seed Bank.

Please give me your educated opinions about the health of my 17 day old (from the time they where germinated, 14 days after sprouting) seedlings and my newly constructed veg closet.

Can anyone spot anything I should be concerned about or that can be improved?




Well-Known Member
everything looks really good man, nice room, plants look very happy. Have a good grow!

Drainage is going to be crazy on your soil with FFoF and added vermiculite. I feel like FFoF drains really quick straight out of the bag, shouldn't cause any issues and will most definetely avoid over moisture issues.


Well-Known Member
That last pic looks like it might have a bit of a PH issue or something...I could be wrong, but the leaves look a bit thicker and "wrinkly"...what do you think, is it just me?


Active Member
I noticed they have slightly different appearances, and that is a reason I wanted to post these pics in case that was a sign of there being an issue of some sort.

I also thought that since they are very different strains from different breeders that may also be the reason for the difference in appearance.


Well-Known Member
How are they looking now that it's been a few days? It could just look a bit odd because it's a different strain.

A few general comments based on your initial post...
Be sure to wait until your pot is dry before watering, and water enough so that it runs out the bottom.
Make sure the seedlings are nice & far away from that least 2 feet I'd say.
PH could use to be a bit lower...6.5ish I like to buy gallons of distilled water myself.
Good luck!


New Member
Right now that light is fine. However a 400 watt can only support a 3 x 3 area with direct light. If you are trying to get the most out of your setup that is what is going to be the limiting factor. A 600 watt would be good for veg and then 2x 600 for flower would put in some work.

Since this is your first grow you might want to get the basics down before you invest cash into upgrades.


Active Member
How are they looking now that it's been a few days? It could just look a bit odd because it's a different strain.

A few general comments based on your initial post...
Be sure to wait until your pot is dry before watering, and water enough so that it runs out the bottom.
Make sure the seedlings are nice & far away from that least 2 feet I'd say.
PH could use to be a bit lower...6.5ish I like to buy gallons of distilled water myself.
Good luck!
Thanks for the advice, they are looking great and both have added a considerable amount of growth since the last photos I posted, though the lighter plant seems to be packing it on a bit faster.

I have them 18" from the bottom of the light, and can hold my hand at the top of my plants for a full minute without the back of my hand getting hot at all.

I will get some distilled water today, and check the PH on it. I read that should go for around 6.5 as well, but that 7.0 is just fine... but if I can get closer to ideal PH just by buying distilled water I will definitely do that.

I have learned to let the pots dry out completely before hitting them with any water.


Active Member
Right now that light is fine. However a 400 watt can only support a 3 x 3 area with direct light. If you are trying to get the most out of your setup that is what is going to be the limiting factor. A 600 watt would be good for veg and then 2x 600 for flower would put in some work.

Since this is your first grow you might want to get the basics down before you invest cash into upgrades.
My veg area is about 4'x4', and I planned on putting my taller plants on the side (as they get larger) with the shorter plants in the middle in order to get maximum usage out of my growing area. I only plan on vegging to 18-20" tall, so I am hoping the 400watt proves to be enough to get started.

I have two 600 Watt HPS lights with Eye Hortilux Bulbs that I am going to be putting in my 5'x9'x7' flowering tent.


New Member
My veg area is about 4'x4', and I planned on putting my taller plants on the side (as they get larger) with the shorter plants in the middle in order to get maximum usage out of my growing area. I only plan on vegging to 18-20" tall, so I am hoping the 400watt proves to be enough to get started.

I have two 600 Watt HPS lights with Eye Hortilux Bulbs that I am going to be putting in my 5'x9'x7' flowering tent.
That'll do.


Active Member
Here's some updated pictures.

I have had several more seedlings sprout (that I planted on the 9th, directly in moist soil, no pre-soaking or pre-germination).

My girls are looking bigger and healthier every single day, and the new sprouts are growing very quickly under the 400 watt MH.

One of my white widow seeds sprouted in less than 48 hours (just planted directly into moist soil, was not pregerminated or presoaked).

I planted some seeds from a great bag I got recently in 3 gallon pots as well (3 per pot) to experiment with a bit.

Also included some pictures of the flowering room (nearly complete, just need to put up the mylar and hang my two 600 Watt HPS lights and button up a few things).

Please give me your opinions. Thanks!



Well-Known Member
I can't find ANYTHING wrong with those. That's a rockin' set-up for your first grow!!!!

Keep us posted on how those do. You should have a VERY good grow!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
They look very healthy but alittle small for 17 days old and the wrinckled leaves could be genetics, I had a plant just like that in my first grow that the leaves stayed wrinckled all the way through veg and flower but the bud was great and it was the highest yeild. Just a tip I would top them as soon as possible just let them mature for about two more weeks. If you LST you will expose the lower branches to more light and doing this you will increase yeild. Good luck man happy holidays and happy harvest.


Active Member
They look very healthy but alittle small for 17 days old and the wrinckled leaves could be genetics, I had a plant just like that in my first grow that the leaves stayed wrinckled all the way through veg and flower but the bud was great and it was the highest yeild. Just a tip I would top them as soon as possible just let them mature for about two more weeks. If you LST you will expose the lower branches to more light and doing this you will increase yeild. Good luck man happy holidays and happy harvest.
Thanks man. I planned on doing LST, however I was told that topping would result in additional time before harvest, and I need my first harvest as quick as possible, and I am willing to give up a little yield for a speedier harvest. Would I gain enough by topping to be worth it?


Well-Known Member
Your plants are healthy looking, but I think you may be stunting their growth by allowing the soil to completely dry out between waterings. That would help explain why they are on the small side. You eliminate over-watering this way, but you introduce a new problem to replace it. Your plants will grow best when the soil is moist but not soggy or wet.

As for topping, dont worry about it slowing the growth. It may for a day or two at most.


Active Member
Your plants are healthy looking, but I think you may be stunting their growth by allowing the soil to completely dry out between waterings. That would help explain why they are on the small side. You eliminate over-watering this way, but you introduce a new problem to replace it. Your plants will grow best when the soil is moist but not soggy or wet.
Well these seedlings suffered some pretty severe shock by being severely over watered for the first week, then transplanted at only a week old. Both of the larger seedlings showed no growth for several days due to my initial over watering. They have since took off in the past week or so since being transplanted. I am hoping that is the reason for the slowed growth, and I am hoping they really take off once I start introducing ferts.


Well-Known Member
Well these seedlings suffered some pretty severe shock by being severely over watered for the first week, then transplanted at only a week old. Both of the larger seedlings showed no growth for several days due to my initial over watering. They have since took off in the past week or so since being transplanted. I am hoping that is the reason for the slowed growth, and I am hoping they really take off once I start introducing ferts.
I know your pain all so well. My latest plants got over-watered in a heavy peat/compost mixture, so I switched to a very porous new mix and now they need water every day or they start wilting. Watering is a real bitch.

Looking forward to new pics.