First time grower attempting Aerogarden


:leaf:-first time grower-:leaf:

So i bought an aerogarden deluxe a while back for growing some marijuana, and im just now getting around to doing it. Its been about a week or so since i planted my germinated seeds, and ive been using a 24 hour light cycle and plan on switching over to 18/6 when after about 2 - 2 1/2 weeks in. I am rather concerned about one of my plants already, it seems to be growing rather good but it has a couple red dots on the largest leaves, near the end:wall:. (SEE PIC BELOW) I dont have airstones yet, but everything else i have. I am using the nutrients that came with the aerogarden itself, the small ones. the pH is good, and what not. Right now im just looking for a bit of advice as to what i could do to improve the growth or if im doing something wrong that could be corrected. thanks for all your input look forward to hearing from you guys soon!:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::bigjoint:

p.s. seeds are from some regs, wanted to experiment before i got into anything like lowrider.



Active Member
:leaf:-first time grower-:leaf:

So i bought an aerogarden deluxe a while back for growing some marijuana, and im just now getting around to doing it. Its been about a week or so since i planted my germinated seeds, and ive been using a 24 hour light cycle and plan on switching over to 18/6 when after about 2 - 2 1/2 weeks in. I am rather concerned about one of my plants already, it seems to be growing rather good but it has a couple red dots on the largest leaves, near the end:wall:. (SEE PIC BELOW) I dont have airstones yet, but everything else i have. I am using the nutrients that came with the aerogarden itself, the small ones. the pH is good, and what not. Right now im just looking for a bit of advice as to what i could do to improve the growth or if im doing something wrong that could be corrected. thanks for all your input look forward to hearing from you guys soon!:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::bigjoint:

p.s. seeds are from some regs, wanted to experiment before i got into anything like lowrider.

Im in the same boat with you except i have a smaller 2 pods w/ regs seeds are about 2 weeks old but the 1 pod with White widow is taking its time for some reason..root just left the seed. Its my understanding that in the veg phase, the plant uses a fair amount of nitrogen and phosphorus food. This will optimize growth in your plants..Im using flora gro and flora micro with surprising results..Also I didnt realize how much of an impact the extra air stone does..You should grab one, you wont be disappointed. As for the light cycle issue, I wouldnt rush the 18/6 until the plant is at least 10" and then 12/12 @ 12" or about 5-6 weeks old.

Dank Sticky Goodness

Active Member
Im in the same boat with you except i have a smaller 2 pods w/ regs seeds are about 2 weeks old but the 1 pod with White widow is taking its time for some reason..root just left the seed. Its my understanding that in the veg phase, the plant uses a fair amount of nitrogen and phosphorus food. This will optimize growth in your plants..Im using flora gro and flora micro with surprising results..Also I didnt realize how much of an impact the extra air stone does..You should grab one, you wont be disappointed. As for the light cycle issue, I wouldnt rush the 18/6 until the plant is at least 10" and then 12/12 @ 12" or about 5-6 weeks old.
I agree. Using the same deluxe and once i added an air stone to the mix things started to speed up. I myself will be using fox farms nutes but either will get the job done. Good luck man I'll keep poking my head in to follow your grow.



so i decided to get a 10" airstone and im going to order the foxfarm nutrient 3 pack. Just wondering what schedule i should follow with the nutes.

will post pics on airstone setup and follow up with the plants!

Edit- What settings have you aerogrowers been using? ive been reading around and see that either tomato or herbs is the way to go, input?


Active Member
if those all turn up female your gonna have a dont have enough room in the rez for all those plants


Active Member


Active Member
if those all turn up female your gonna have a dont have enough room in the rez for all those plants
i agree i only have my one and shes got that base full. I could imagine 7 wow, and detangling the roots when you have to take out the males.


i agree i only have my one and shes got that base full. I could imagine 7 wow, and detangling the roots when you have to take out the males.

haha, i didnt honestly plan on having all 7 of them live, but i guess we will see what happens. if worse comes to worse, i have another AG i can move them into i suppose?


Active Member
haha, i didnt honestly plan on having all 7 of them live, but i guess we will see what happens. if worse comes to worse, i have another AG i can move them into i suppose?
Do you have any extra lighting besides the A/G hood. Always good to have extra lighting especially when you decide to flower. A/G hood is good for the beginning of the plants veggetative state. But you should start planning on getting some lights for flowering, bigger buds :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Everybody told me to put in an air stone and it made a big difference.

They also suggested changing the water frequently and that made a difference too. It's amazing how fast a gallon of water can go sour.

I found the A/G nutrients good until you want to force blooming then they have too much nitrogen and you'll probably need to go to your hydroponics store for help. Hope this helps. Hank


hey guys, just got home and noticed 3 of my plants now have the red dots on their largest leaves.(SEE PICS) what is this? do i need to remove the plants? can it be cured? im changing the water out, putting nutes in, and installing an airstone today. but will any of this help?

note-picture 1 and 2 are of the same leaf. sorry the pictures arent so good, took them with my iphone.




I got an airstone installed in my AG now, and still unsure about what those red dots on my plants are.:wall: My dad suggested that they were dry, but I dont think thats what it is. I could be wrong, but if anyone knows, please! dont hesitate to post! thanks in advance!


Active Member
yea get as many CFL bulbs at your local walmart or home depot or whatever. but yea i have the AG kinda like yours and my roots dont have enough room with just 2 plants!! so you might wanna transplant them to another garden or something and also!! important to fight chances of mold you wanna cover up them pod holes asap but its lookin good i will keepin up with ya


I found my plants getting the same spots I layed off the nutes for a bit and the spots stopped getting worse. Not sure though ,im on my first grow too.


bumpdate -

so i have an airstone installed. its been running for almost 30 hours now or so. 5 of my plants have the red dots on their largest leaves, and one plants leaves are almost covered in them. For the fifth plant, its my largest and quickest growing plant that has a fairly large red dot on its largest leaves. Is this something that i need to worry about? I certainly dont want my plants to die, but i was thinking maybe taking out 3-5 of the plants like most people suggested, being the ones with the most dense red dots on their leaves and moving my biggest one towards the center. Is this a good idea? Could use some help! thanks!


Active Member
id flush them and chill on the nutes or a bit just put them in pure distilled water with no nutes or nothing just that water an air stone and give it a couple of days

tea tree

Well-Known Member
what kind of water are ou using? It looks like cal mag def I think. Are you using Ro water? Try a little tapwater once it is dechlorinated. Or use cal mag but I bet you dont have any. I am not sure, that is what I would do but ask someone else. I dont think you need any nutes yet either.