First time grower could use advice


Well-Known Member
hey its me. a few things. a rule of thumb is 100true watts per plant for adequate growth. those cfls that you bought are 13w each im pretty sure cause i saw those at home depot too. When looking for CFL's look for the wattage that they put out.

Your going to have to invest in an HID sooner or later so why not sooner? Their expensive so check ebay. You can get a 1000w HPS for 200, 600wHPS for 140. Or check craigslist. YOU NEED AN HID FOR FLOWERING. You wont yeild enough for you to even be worth growing if you flower with those CFL's.

For now put the CFL's at 3 inches, and put in 40w CFL's in their. If I end up switchin my new plants to my friends house, You can buy my stuff off me. I have 3 light chords, 1 y-adapter, and 5 REAL 40W cool white CFL's. add 120w to ur garden.

Also in about a week transfer to bigger pots. Use organic Fox Farms organic soil, preferrable the Ocean Forest bag. Ace hardware in Davis carries it, probably the best soil for marijuana growth. THe good thing about it is that you dont have to add any nuted until you induce flowering.

Hope this helps