First Time Grower - Documentation and Questions

I have the Fox Farms on order, but it says it won't arrive until June 1st. I ordered this (because I can have it here on by Weds)
but it might be a bit strong for what I am doing, so I will use it very conservatively, if at all?

I will do research on how much neuts to use, from what I read, I should use 1/8th the suggested, but I will learn that in those reads I am sure.

I am planning on transferring this to a 2 gallon fabric pot and using Happy Frog Potting soil for the rest of it, hopefully that will be a bit richer.

My PHs on my water have been good, I have been making sure that is optimal, I have the test kit and PH+/-. I do not have the "soil" test kit though, although advertised optimal, my tester is arriving with the new LED tommorow.

So my next question is:
Should I even use this product that I referenced to in the beginning?

Or just wait until June 1st to start super slightly neuting?

Thanks for the reads, will catch up!

Wait for the fox farms. That Humboldt's secret stuff is only for late in flower. Are you waiting on the happy frog as well? Because that soil would feed your plant on its own for a while.
Yeah, I am waiting for them both.I have this miracle gro stuff but was told not to use that. When I do the transplant to the happy frogs, should I try to get the max amount of the fake soil away from the transplant? Or just do the full thing like it's a Rapid Rooter?

Also have the RapidStart stuff on order, Do plan on using that for the first time i get it too.

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Another question, When I get all these nuets, what is the easiest way to prep this water/food? I know I technically have a hydro medium right now, but I really want to get it going on soil. Right now I have been just doing my PH in 500ml intervals, Everything on feeding neuts though usually has to do with ml/gal though, So should I really be prepping water a gallon at a time? Or just go to millilitres?

When I prep the neuts, and spray the "medium" that I currently have right now, Should I spray heavy to be sure to get everything on and around the plant to be sure that it absorbs it all? Or should the neuted up water not touch the plant at all and I should apply it more precisely with a dripper to make sure the water gets down to the roots?

Sorry for all the questions, just going to the Grocery store in the morning when they open and getting all I need instead of waiting on Amazon. Will end up having additional product, but I plan on doing this for a while, so hopefully these products have a long shelf life.

Thanks again for any tips on that, did not find this information in those articles. Will take Anyone's opion too guys. Thank you :)

Seedling is looking ok this morning, still the drooping leaf, but the new 2 leaves got a little bigger. I still think I need to get a tiny bit of neuts going though.


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Update 5/26

Only thing they had at the grocery was the Fox Farm Grow Big, I mixed in with my watering and gave it a decent water this morning, hopefully I didn't overbear it, only added 7 drops to a 10 FL oz spray bottle (i think that was the right calculation)

Will give a picture update later in the day, hopefully with a positive reaction to the food!
Photo Update, Seemed to respond to the nutrients very well (I was very conservative) leaves went up before I put in the new light, so I bet those really helped.

Also, the new light ("1000w" Quantom LED), the plant really likes it, and I do too, Will be getting a second one and trying to pump this plant out.


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Plant still responding well to the slight neuts (Grow big), looking excellent! (I think)

Cal-mag is coming tommorow as long with some RapidStart roots, going to put super super conservative amounts of rapid and 1/2 dose of cal-mag in feed.

June 1st still looking like the date I will transfer to 5 gal fabric pot.


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Update 5/27

Plant seems to be responding well to the new lights and neuts, Last night I tested the PH of the soil (I have been watering with properly PHed water) and noticed the soil was at 7-7.2 ph! I had to lower it. So I looked up and saw that coffee grounds were a great additive (it had comflicting info too), but I decided to try Fresh Coffee Grounds, due to me growing in a medium with no neuts, i figured it wouldnt hurt. My plant has been responding awesome, It is just a bit less bright close to yellow green and is a bit darker green now, I would imagine that is thanks to the nitrogen. My only worry is that it may be slow release and will give me problems down the road, We will see! it recieved a feeding very early this morning but not too much, I am waiting for my Cal-Mag to come in today so I can incorporate that into the feeding.

Soil make look dry, but I JUST added a small layer of new soil for blocking some of the grounds smell.

It all looks good! Honestly experimenting with the coffee grounds has me a little worried, but its a chance I am willing to take! This is all so fun!

Picture below.


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Update 5/28

Plant is responding really well. All looks good so far, have very minute, but effective neuts going on.

Looks remarkable to me, are those leaves too green though?



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Update 5/29(30)

Grandaddy purp has been added, I totally messed up the germination, so I don't know how well she will go (hopefully its a she). She is not an Autoflower, so she will be my cloner (maybe), Both plants responding to feeding very well, Being very conservative with the little girl, and the bigger one, getting a tiny bit more. Growing more everyday! Exciting!

(literally just transplanted and watered down, thats why you see such heavy runoff!)

looking at this picture made me realize I need to get my plants running off into a container, Too close to electricity! hah

Is it okay to keep Non-Autoflowers on 24hr light?


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Update 5/31

I got some Neut burn on my seedlings. I got a bit too excited with it! I seemed to fix it though, FLushed them. I need to be alot more conservative with them from now on.... was only doing 1/8th, but mixing all of them was no beuno! Will do less.

Check out Day 9 video!

Video update! Day 15! Everything is going really good it seems, maybe some discoloration of the leaves. I believe they want neuts now. So I start to give them.

Check out the progress!

And a picture for anyone who doesn't wanna watch!

Do you see any problems? Thanks!


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Here is an update, day 20. Wow they grow fast. I am hoping they grow upwards a bit more. I like the bushiness but man! haha. Still only feeding small amounts of Cal-Mag. Will be switching to regular neuts in a week. Then to bloom neuts in 2-3 weeks.

Check it! Any comments/problems/suggestions/tips and I will love you! :D


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Day 23 update. I have begun LST on the OG auto flower. Some coloration problems, but I believe I have it handled.

The smaller one is the normal, non auto, granddaddy purp on day about 18 or 19.


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OG Kush Autoflower has finished. Sorry for not posting updates, been very busy, but I think it was quite successful.


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OG Kush Autoflower has finished. Sorry for not posting updates, been very busy, but I think it was quite successful.
Harvested right at 60 days, could have let it go further, but it was growing with a regular plant that is still in Veg and double is size, I had to harvest.