Well-Known Member
I have the Fox Farms on order, but it says it won't arrive until June 1st. I ordered this (because I can have it here on by Weds)
but it might be a bit strong for what I am doing, so I will use it very conservatively, if at all?
I will do research on how much neuts to use, from what I read, I should use 1/8th the suggested, but I will learn that in those reads I am sure.
I am planning on transferring this to a 2 gallon fabric pot and using Happy Frog Potting soil for the rest of it, hopefully that will be a bit richer.
My PHs on my water have been good, I have been making sure that is optimal, I have the test kit and PH+/-. I do not have the "soil" test kit though, although advertised optimal, my tester is arriving with the new LED tommorow.
So my next question is:
Should I even use this product that I referenced to in the beginning?
Or just wait until June 1st to start super slightly neuting?
Thanks for the reads, will catch up!
Wait for the fox farms. That Humboldt's secret stuff is only for late in flower. Are you waiting on the happy frog as well? Because that soil would feed your plant on its own for a while.