First time grower.Experiencing and looking for advices.


Today i've butchered her a bit :-(,cut down some of the lefs that were affected by some deficiencies,if you have seen the last photos you might be seeing some fan leafs being yellowing/browing so these are the ones that i've cut down, did this in the morning and entire day ive thought if i did the correct thing or not.Camed back home to see that nothing really happend to her apart the thing that she grows and it grows visible, 12 hours she got 1.5 cm higher :O.

Some people and on some videos i have seen say that cutting down fan leafs is a bad ideea due to energy being stocked in them.I havent cut down the lower branches though, cause one of them almost reaches the top of the plant, being close to one of my lights, you guys recommend to cut down the lower branches aswell, or just the ones that arent developed that much and struggle to reach the light?

Was thinking of taking some clones out of her if i would be cutting those lower branches? Or is it to soon? My space in the closet ain't suitable for 2 plants so thats why im hesitating a bit with cloning.


Ok my plant is 1 week older :) and an update on what ive done in the past few days.

Decided to cut some leafs/branches down after watching some threads/videos and the girl is now pretty much "naked" from the middle downwards.

Aswell as of today afternoon switched to 12/12 after i had her on 18/6 last 7 days, coming from 24/24 since sprout.I must say that she went nuts on developing new branches and grow since i turned the lights to a 18/6 cycle.So now getting on the next stage with me plant, new things to discover and hopefully i can take her to the end! :)

In some previous posts i mentioned small jumping larva in my soil, those are still there(over 3 weeks since i noticed them) the plant doesnt seem to be affected, no fleas spotted so my fear of being gnats has camed to an end.

I bought aswell some new nuts for flowering 4/8/4 you guys suggest to start using those nuts on the next watering, which should be in 1-3 days?

And here are some photos of her on day 42 of vegging showing the lower part where i have taken the leafs/branches off her, the upper part which amazes me, although she started to smell quite bad :eyesmoke:



Hi, it has been some time since ive posted/updated the status on my plant.

So its now in her 10th week, 12th day of flowering.

So lately apart that she has grown quite alot in the past few weeks, 4 days ago noticed the pistils coming out, so i tooked some photos on the 1st day of pistil sight, a new stage im going to begin with my little girl.

One thing that i noticed is that i started to water it every 4 days, after ive been watering her every other week so probably the growth is causing this.

I still have those larvae's in the pot, still no sign of any flies,gnats or mites.

Hope its gonna get alot more interesting from now on. :blsmoke:

On these photos is the plant at its current height, its getting pretty crazy,over 1 meter.If it will keep growing like it is now im in a bit of a trouble,might have to replant it outside(any advice if i should do that while its in flowering, when now the day is getting larger every day?).



Your area needs to be painted white and more lights need to be added.
As i mentioned previously in some post, painting the inside of the closet white its impossible for me, as for the lights,currently running it under 2 CFL's.

I have to mention, im not after huge yeilds, just wanted to grow my own plant and see if i can do it and with what results with minimum equipment.Once this one is done ill be thinking on proper growing.


:blsmoke: Today i watered her with plain water without any nutes.Ive seen in some threads and videos that its a good method to flush the soil, early when the plant shows her sex.

Every single branch and main cola exploaded on expanding pistils, excited to see first signs of buds.


And flowering goes on :) .Did some photos before switching the lights on, she seems to go pretty better, apart loosing some fan leaves on the lowest nod, a bit to early into flowering ill say.

The photos cover the main top and some branch development of pistils.



New Member
hello im a first time grower (outdoors) i have a decent size like about 5 feet and its only got buds the size of like half your pinky ands there only a month a couple weeks left will they get bigger?? im worrying if im not doing somthing right