yea i seen hes back from camping! i think its great u guys all network with each other, that's the way it should be!
what are your temps like lady J?! how exactly did u set up ur venting system? like brotha man Owl asked how are the ladies?! and 1 more question lol.. did u ever get to finding out how big grow area is length width and height wise?!..i seen someone asked u earlier in the thread but i dont know if u ever told them.
That is what I love best about this site...the networking. Feels good because people give a lot of advice, and then you get to take what you learn and help others.
My temps are pretty decent, lower to mid 80's. Gets as low as 73 at night with the lights off, but I kind of like it that way because I found red spider mites before, and they hate low temps.
As to setting up the venting...I have a 2x2 slot at the bottom left hand corner for intake, and I have a 4x4 slot with a computer fan mounted (w/ velcro) blowing out exhaust, and I have a small cheap fan that I bought from wal-mart circulating air under the plants.
Just measured it out for you

: It's 36 inches tall, 26 inches wide, and the sides are 16 inches across.
The ladies are good! About to throw some pics up...