First time grower feedback please!

barefoot and stoned

Well-Known Member
Ok I started a similar thread at the bdeginning of my grow but didnt know what i was doing thus had no idea what I should write. Now i'm almost 2 weeks into the 12/12 schedule after vegging for almost 2 months (I learned the importance of proper pot size during that time). OK I'm going to start with my specs first. Keep in mind this is only my first grow and I'm planning my next one as we speak so I'd love to hear feedback from some of the vets (or anyone willing to put their 2 cents in).

Grow Room
I started my grow in my old apartments water heater closet with no reflective material on the walls. The space I was in was a 2 ftx 1.5 ftx 5.5 ft area. About a month into the grow I moved to a new place and put her in a closet similar area.

Random Bag seed

Started with Miracle Grow potting soil. I figured out this was a big mistake as everytime I tried to feed her she would burn badly. When I finally changed to bigger pot I switched to Miracle Grow Moisture control. Still a bad idea i think but its all I can find in stores around here. Definitely going with Fox Farm next time!

Miracle Grow All purpose plant food for veg stage not sure on NPK at moment. For flowering I'm using Miracle Grow bloom booster again not sure on NPK right now.

Veg: 2x 13 watt 6500k
2x 23 watt 6500k
Flower: Right now I only have one 2700k and its 68 watts but heres my list of lights i'll have by tomorrow. 1x 13 watt 2700k
2x 23 watt 2700k
1x 68 watt 2700k
I know it isnt much but i'm planning on making my own fixture or just ordering an HPS system for next time.

Now with all that being said heres all the pics I've taken of her over the grow let me know what yall think! Thanks:leaf:


barefoot and stoned

Well-Known Member
I forgot to add that because the soil was so hot I did not feed hardly any during veg but when I did it was at 1/2 strength. I've flushed the new soil hoping to get have better results during flowering with the nutes.


Well-Known Member
looks good for your first. I'm not fond of mg grows, But that how I started. your doing beter then I did.


Well-Known Member
Mix up your spectrum a bit, put a lil blue in the flower and a lil red in the veg, the sun always puts out both spectrums, more blue than red in the spring and more red than blue later in the year.

barefoot and stoned

Well-Known Member
Another question..Do yall see any places I could take a clone or 2 from? I have a buddy that is wanting to buy one if I can safely get one.

barefoot and stoned

Well-Known Member
Figured I'd try to open up the canopy a little bit and expose the middle of the plant since it looks like the spot I topped at has some potential to be a nice bud site. I'm using my phone so the pic isn't a good one but you can kinda get the idea.


barefoot and stoned

Well-Known Member
Well the lights are on and my girl is awake for the day. Everything looks in order, especially the branches from the lst i did. I introduced the bloom nute today thr npk is 15-30-15.


Well-Known Member
sounds good, when were you planning on starting giving blackstrap mollasses? one more thing, the stretch phase of flowering where it really explodes in growth uses alot of nitrogen, so watch for n-def and dont be afraid to give it a little bit of veg nutes if it start appearing really early, keeping the plants main and most effecient energy producers alive and healthy is more important than any negative effect on flowering the higher nitrogen level fertilizer might cause. towards the end they will all yellow up no matter what you do as the plant cannabilizes its own leaves so after about 1/2-3/4 of the way through dont try giving veg nutes to *fix* the yellowing, just let it be, if you can pull off yellowing leaf with a gentle tug the plant is done with it, if it doesnt come off let it be, the plant is still draining it.


Well-Known Member
it contains micro nutrients and help the microbacteria in yout soil that help break down compounds in the soil the plant cant use very well into easy to use versions. 1 tbsp unsulphured blackstrap mollasses per gallon of water.