First time grower,first problem!


Hey guys! I planted an auto white widow 10 days ago and she's not doing so well.I'm growing in 4 gallon pots,using biobizz all mix.Temps 25 Celsius,35-40% RH. I have an 250w MH light and a fan blowing gently on it.I flushed the soil with tap water(7.4 PH) that had sat for 2 days for the chlorine to evaporate before potting the seedling wich was in a jiffy pallet so no wattering since.I can't seem to find anything that resambles my issue so i'm hoping someone can make my day a little brighter :) As you will see,the leaves look swollen,turning yellow from the center,and the growth had stayed at this stage for about 4 days.I don't think it's overwatering because i kinda scraped the soil and added some fresh soil wich i mixed with the one that was in the pot around the jiffy pallet to create some air pockets and a slighlty drier sorrounding.Here are 2 pics:



Well-Known Member
First, be careful about making too many changes at once. It takes time for a correction to show up and you'll never know what worked and what didn't. Patience.

A seedling isn't going to need much watering. It can only lose so much through transpiration with such small leaves.

Contrary to what most people will say, you don't have to have the environment "perfect" for the plants to do well. Yes, conditions matter but these plants have grown on their own and without human help for at least a couple of years. Let them.

That said, something is going on. Perhaps that's strong lighting for a seedling. Sorry I don't have more input on what it is. Let's hope others will.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
jiffy pellets are not good to start weed seeds in, they retain too much water, the roots need to dry out a little between waterings. let that get very dry, till the pot weighs almost nothing, and i'll bet that jiffy pellet will still be damp. don't water if very heavy, and give it plenty of time to dry out before watering again. when the roots get a chance to catch up, you can start to water it more


Well-Known Member
Plants like chlorine in doses! And what soil are you in? Could may well be classic over Nute from slow release heavy soil as that is just a baby! I suspect this is the case.


Well-Known Member
jiffy pellets are not good to start weed seeds in, they retain too much water, the roots need to dry out a little between waterings. let that get very dry, till the pot weighs almost nothing, and i'll bet that jiffy pellet will still be damp. don't water if very heavy, and give it plenty of time to dry out before watering again. when the roots get a chance to catch up, you can start to water it more

And if you're using tap water, you need to PH it. That 7.4 is a bit high. Get it down to 6.5 if you can.