First time grower,going to stick through it till the end


Well-Known Member
ok so heres upated pics of the dying plant :'( and the boxes r just cardboard boxes,they look wide enough but idk bout height! unless i LST my plants and keep it short!

Look at how dead and chrinkly the leaves r,sorry bout the resolution shitty cam

Better resolution but u cant see the damge really

The newest leaves,look at the tips,now is it def nute burn?

Heres a pic of 2 days ago,now look at the difference!


Well-Known Member
the temp looks high...cant see if there brunt but if so just use plane water for a lil...looks good keep it up.. peace


Well-Known Member
it isnt the temps,it has to be nute burn,the temps r no where near high enough to cause burning,the lights arent touching,and i have a fan onthem2,its def nute burn and the plant isnt getting better even after 2 flushes,its from the damn nutrient spikes that i couldnt find in the soil,they go into the soil so u can find them,they blend in so it sucks!

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
My vote is on retransplanting.... find yourself a good size pot and fresh soil. With any luck, she will bounce back after the shock stronger then before good luck man.

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
My vote is on retransplanting.... find yourself a good size pot and fresh soil. With any luck, she will bounce back after the shock stronger then before good luck man.


Well-Known Member
i never transplanted to begin with haha she started in this pot,and i dont have an other pots,and i cant repot because of money issues,i have one bag of soil but i was going to save it for a new plant,the good thing is im only 3 weeks in,alot of time but idk,it looks almost fully dead,the leaves r getting worse,good sign is i think I see hairs!but idk,well c


Well-Known Member
man if those spikes are still in there then all your doing when flushing is hitting them with more nutes. if i was you id wash all the dirt out of there and start fresh with new dirt. even if you just used dirt from outside it would be better.
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Well-Known Member
im currently germinating a new seed! just started it,hopefully it germinates if not ill throw a few more seeds n the container,usually have good luck with germinating though never failed once for me!letting my other plant live until the new one is germinated then im going to transplant the other plant into a hole outside in the feld somewhere ad let it grow ad check back on it atthe end of summer,good thing is i already topped it so it shoulnt go haywire on me! haha,but yea,im going to keep my thread open,either that or start a new one and give u a link! everyone THIS TIME WILL BE THE TIME!!

R.I.P Beauty-Dick you grew graet the first few weeks and then allof a sudden stoppe!


Active Member
i've been reading trough this thread and just wanted to put in my 2 cents it looks like it had bad nute burn and was root bound, if it was a female i would take cutting from it and start an outdoor grow since u don't have enough light just a suggestion


Well-Known Member
i cant do an outdoor grow i live in an apartment,and ive seen people grow with less light then what i have so yea.and how could it be root bound?only 3 weeks old and in a pretty big sizedcontainer!it was mostly from those nutrient spikes ithink,they r a waste of monjey!


Active Member
ok so i flushed for my 2nd time right before bedtime,going to see if it helps! hopefully it does i wanna sex my baby and keep her alive,the newer growth looks fucked so i might have to sacrifice some leaves soon,they r wilting at the tips with bad nute burn so i might have to flush 2 or 3 more times the next month to bring her back! going to make the yield smaller,and btw the roots r long sticking out the bottom of the pot a little! so cute!
uasally wen the roots poke out of the pot i transplant them i was just sayin u could take clones and plant all of em in a field and forget about them till the end of the summer


Well-Known Member
lol it not big nough for cloes yet,no leaves left either,buti might plant t i the ield out back haha im fucking blown!
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Well-Known Member
wow the soil i have is so shitty,i think theirs a mud dobbers nest in there! ive seen like 5 of these bugs,and now this one was HUGE! had yellow legs,and looked kind of like a bee but skinny! i am scared to dump the soil cause im alergic to bees ahah,if a nest ofthese bitches fys out at me when i pull my plant ima fucking run out my door so fast,i might leave my body behind me! hjaha


Well-Known Member
i got good news today,i got a friend who lives next to a cornfield and is going to plant 10 seeds for me after he germinated,going ot be SAWEET! and im continueing my indoor one plant


Well-Known Member
Home depot sells Scotts Premium Potting soil for under $4 a bag. Its a good soil and I use it for all my bagseed grows. Also the generic plastic pots are cheap at home depot. Go in with $10 get a new pot and a bag of soil and you'll have a few bucks left over.