First time grower,going to stick through it till the end


Active Member
still sortin my profile an pics! jus wana butt in to say that u cud b wise gettin somethin that'll reflect the lite from the top of the bulb-bak onto the plant,so your not loosing any lite from ya enviro........1..........


Well-Known Member
i got a emergency blanket made out of mylar that im gonna put in later tonight,i got a new timer for my lights 2 so no more manual,waiting to 12 to make syurei did it right


Well-Known Member
btw i bought another light so im running 3 now! hopefully its a female this is my 4th day into flowering and i hope this timer works it looks like it will,looks llike its a few mins fast though

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
thanks dude,im getting good at this haha,gonna start using nutes in 2 weeks,anyone kow what mollasses does for the plant>?i heard its good for something but i wanna know what i should buy it for
natmoon told me molasses helps fill out the buds after they start forming.
2tblem spoons in a gal of water once a week. gives them carbs.

:peace:peace man:peace:


Well-Known Member
The plant will be 3 weeks on Monday,i had to flower early not enough roomt o grow big,you like how its going so far?the LST i did?hopefully its a female im going on day 4 flowering
i didnt think that it would flower til mature which i thought was around 8 weeks ?:blsmoke::?


Well-Known Member
well i couldnt get any pics updated today but the plant is still growing,ever since i LST the side ranches r growing way bigger,i have a ? for topping do i just cut a the top off like where do i cut?and the timer works im happy i figured it out,just hooked up my 3rd lights so hopefuly i notice some growth


Well-Known Member
i got 3 going now i bought another today so yea! running 3,a leaf broke off on accident my hook broke and it knocked off a leaf lucky not the whole plant,i foliage fed today my plant looks great now!and my timer is working perfect


Well-Known Member
sounds like your dooin good man. i just came out of my grow room and i am thrilled to see that one of of my plants is developing a mega bud at the top, probably only a few weeks off!! i also am raging war against some mites right now but i think i can win lol. keep updating!


Well-Known Member
lol yea haha i have to deal with alot of fruit flies!and i hope my plant is ok the lights should be back on ill update pics tommorrow my cam is at a friends


Well-Known Member
ok so update,my plant is looking kind of messed up,looks like that nute burn from the past still hasnt gone away,the new leaves r curling at the tip like brown,and still no sign of sex,the plant is growing healthy other hten that


Well-Known Member
If you've got fruit flies get a dish and put some vinegar and dish soap in it. I had some flyin round my apartment and now that little trap has killed about 8 in 2 days so if youve got problems just throw one of those in there. Also be careful with foliar feeding as water droplets on the plant will burn holes through the leaves from the lights(magnifying effect).


Well-Known Member
ok ill only foliar feed like once a day then,or ill do it right before it goes to bed and right when it wakes up.i had to cut off 2 leaves today makes a total of cut off since i started flowering,no sex showing yet either,still waiting,showing burn on parts of the plant where it shouldnt be burning,i think the soil still is messed up,should i flush for my 2nd time?yes or no?


Well-Known Member
ok so i got some pics of Day 5 Flowering,looks like serious nute burn from the nutrient spikes still should I flush again?

Had to cut half off,whats it look like?

Notice how its all shriveled

The clearest pic,what do u think?!

leaves r a yellowish/goldish/brown color right theer,looks Sativa though long and skinnny fingers!

Top view of the 2 newest leaves,burnt but looks sativa!

Heres some pics of 3 days ago to tell ut he difference!

Day 2 of flowering

another pic of day 2,had to cut off the bottom most leaves!


Well-Known Member
you seem super interested in keeping your plants healthy, which is good man, but you need to remember to give your plants the space they need. i remember when i started i just wanted to do stuff to them all the time. im not saying you are like this but i just want to say that it is important to leave them alone for periods of time. i go into my room about once or twice a day and to my maintenence all at once, that way the plants are being touched and moved the least possible while still being checked on. always keep your plants happy!


Well-Known Member
yea,its nerve racking i dont want my baby dead,im so sad that its got burn and hurting,should i flush again like tommororw?i wont bug it nemore today until tonight right before bedtime im gonna foliar feed it it loves it!


Well-Known Member
gobears4eva , have you come across t4 link lights ,10 watt each 360mm long, bout 15mm-25mm thick, can link 5 or 6 together? just thought you may like as u r keeping things small.would be closer leaf,could show u pics


Well-Known Member
yea,these cfls r getting hot! and never heard of it,got no money right now buying w.e i can with what little money i do have