First time grower having hard time with trainsplanted clones.

My set up:
600 Hps build in a 4 foot by 4 foot tent
My tent temp is between 72 degrees and 79 degrees and the humidity is between 40 and 50%.
My plaints are in fox farm ocean forest.
I just transplainted these clones from a despencery about 4 days ago. I gave each plant about 2 cups of water and this is it. Also I hp tested the water before i used it and it was at 6.0. My problem is that some of the leaves are discolored or even deformed. I have read though some forms but I still don't know what the problem is. Any help would be appreciated thank.



Well-Known Member
hot hot hot your temps are what ? also get rid of that hps. get a florescent, so they clones can grow roots, for a few weeks at least. and don't veg with hps ever. you need mh but use florescent first. then switch to mh, the plants look like they are trying to escape the high temps, its prob over 130 in that tent, looking at the pics. that's my best guess.
No my temp in the tent is in the 70's at all time. I have also read that HPS will work for veg and the lamp is a good ways from the plaints.


Well-Known Member
600 hps is a little much for them IMO, NAd they def look heat stressed / burned. How close was the light?. If all you have is that 600 then let them get indirect light. Set em outside the tent (with door open) You might want to get a humidity dome over them (to retain as much moisture as you can in the foliage) ( just use Quarter Pound ziplock baggies over pot with a small cut in a corner)

But what the hell do I know I am just a stoner......
600 hps is a little much for them IMO, NAd they def look heat stressed / burned. How close was the light?. If all you have is that 600 then let them get indirect light. Set em outside the tent (with door open) You might want to get a humidity dome over them (to retain as much moisture as you can in the foliage) ( just use Quarter Pound ziplock baggies over pot with a small cut in a corner)

But what the hell do I know I am just a stoner......
ok thx I will try that


Not to get off topic, but Diesel I can say from experience (well, my experience anyway), My plants always seem to veg faster with my hps than my MH. Although I can't find too many people saying this in the forums I notice growth every single day when I come in from work, whereas my MH seemed to be dragging, oddly enough. And when putting a light meter under it the hps was brighter according to the plants. Surprised me, but I did find someone on another forum who quoted High Times or some cannabis magazine that verified that as well. Maybe something to look into.
So it was my light that was the problem. I set up some fluorescent lights in the tent and turned off my HPS and they are looking a lot happier. Thx again for all the help