First Time grower help, please!!


Hi Guys,
elp would be
I'm new to this so hoping you might be able to help me out...

I've been growing under uv lights in compost for about 3 weeks, germination was fine ans have been watering and feeding plant sparingly on baby bio.

I spilt a small amount of the water/food solution on a couple of leaves a week ago and they developed some yellow/brown patches and dropped off. I thought this was my mistake however now most of the older leaves on the lower part of the plant have turned yellow/brown from the edges and are dropping off. The leaves on the very top and new leaves don't seem to be affected yet but it's deffinatley getting worse and I'm hoping someone on here can help me diagnose and treat the problem. I'll post up some photos tmoz when I have the camera and any help would be much appreciated!!! :cry::cry:
i would get water with no nutes added and spray that plant down to get spilt nutes off of the foliage. that would probably be the only solution.


Active Member
since you said most of the older leaves are acting the same way I dont think it was dripping nute solution on your leaves that caused the problem. Sounds like light nutes and this happens to me quite a bit with no ill affects. But you said it wasnt just those leaves but most the older growth right? That sounds like nute deficiency and since they just became 3 weeks old that kind of makes sense since a plant doesnt need any nutes for 3 weeks. I know you said your feeding them but that doesnt mean they are absorbing everything they need. Have you checked your ph?


Thanks for the replies guys, I've posted some photos on here now which might help with your diagnosis...

diowk - yes it is most of the older leaves and seems worse from the lower stems up, the top leaves aren't affected just yet, as stated in the post above I've been feeding it lightly with Baby Bio..... although it has been very lightly in every other water as I was worried about over-feeding. Any advice would be appreciated :-/


Active Member
Your pics definately look like typical nute deficiency. This could be caused by a number of things, most commonly: ph problems, not enough nutrients, too much nutrients, or nutrients in the wrong ratio. It would help to have an exact report on what/when you fed them and in what dosages/ratios. Your ph in soil should be around 6.5-6.8 and in a soilless mix or hydro its around 5.5-6.1 Your ph wont remain constant it will fluxuate a bit your job is just to keep in in the right range, not on the exact perfect point. Its almost impossible to diagnose exactly which nutrient your lacking since so many of them share similar symptoms and yours arent that bad yet. It will become more obvious later on if it isnt corrected, but you dont really NEED to know. You just have to eliminate the variables. Treat it with AN Revive, keep the ph in check, give it lots of TLC and itll recover without you ever having any real diagnosis.


ok thanks diowk, that's really helpful advice.

I feed the plant every other water with a few drops of baby bio in the feed. This contains Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium (10.6, 1.9, 1.4) according to the bottle, I'm not sure if that helps atall. That's the only thing I have fed it and have only fed it lightly perhaps once a week with a few drops in the water, perhaps this is not enough? I was just worried I would end up giving it too many nutes and that would cause problems. I have considered re-potting it into a pot with new soil, would this help? or you recommend a better feed I could swap too? I'm going to try and get hold of a ph meter tomorrow so check that too... thanks again, I just really don't want to lose this plant after the work I've done so far!!


Active Member
wow. that sounds like a horrible ratio! that looks like too much nitrogen and not enough potassium. A good ratio for veg would be something like 3-2-1 just as an example, not usually 10.6, 1.9, 1.4... lol thats a fucked up npk ratio for mj I think. Ive never even heard of baby bio but you should use more typical nutes. I REALLY think this baby bio shit is your problem.