First Time Grower Indoor tent UFO LED


Active Member
At first I had 3 on each side of the tent for 6 in total with the UFO centered and it did a great job on the 2 plants as long as you rotate them they get even light. Right now my 2 plants have enough coverage with the one UFO but 6 may not !! I'm going to test the UFO on the 2 plants for starters and see how I feel !! I would think 4 on each side would be a good start. The 6 I had in the tent keep the temp just perfect as you will notice the UFO doesn't heat up at all or very little. I had a heater at first to maintain the temp !!


Active Member
Going to start 12/12 now ;) Going to pull the dome and 2 babies out and let her buck !! Post pics later ;)

Peace ;)~~~~~~~~~~~


Active Member
Been busy lately :) Here are some updated pics !!

I'm not having much luck with cloning .. lol but one manage to make it. Been transplant 10 days now and is growing ;) Started 4 more when I got home but once again more mishaps. Mold on one of them so I pinched off the mold on the one and move it to a warmer climate with more air flow. They have bounced back but I hope the mold hasn't messed up the rest :( They are well spaced so I hope that helps !! As for the sex of them it now appears hairs are showing and no balls in sight ;) Will get the better camera going to get close ups.

Anyway Peace :)~~~~~~~~~~~



Active Member
Thanks guys !! Having fun doing it and learning alot as I go.

Going to try some more seeds again ... lol but this time straight into soil. Not having alot of luck with a few different methods so what do I have to lose ;) Also going to do some more research on cloning into straight soil as well. The Jiffy popcorn maker has not impress me so far and have read the pellets are not the best to use :(

Anyway Peace ;)~~~~~~~~~~~~


Active Member
Also on another note I was told when I clone to send it straight into flower stage as the roots will grow faster !! Can anyone confirm ?


Well-Known Member
Also on another note I was told when I clone to send it straight into flower stage as the roots will grow faster !! Can anyone confirm ?
no 24 hr ..well I think the led is doing almost nothing and the cfls are growing the plants if you replaced the 90 watt led with a 65 watt cfl you would do better bud with the hps


Well-Known Member
no 24 hr ..well I think the led is doing almost nothing and the cfls are growing the plants if you replaced the 90 watt led with a 65 watt cfl you would do better bud with the hps
you know what you might be talking about...when you root if you give a little budding formula solution rather than grow formula the plants will root better. I heard this but am not sure if that is what you ment


Active Member
Well I have had some great success with seeding and cloning as of late !! I trimmed the 2 main plants where the nods wouldn't have a chance and used soil on 3 of them, 3 into water with DNF and 3 into the jiffypot dome. All are doing great but I did pluck them from flowering stage BUT have put them into 24 cycle from day one. Transplant in 2 weeks then flower by the third week is my hopes ;) Also got 4 seedlings to add but have alot of catching up to do with the clones so that maybe week 4 or so. Then I have the 2 transplants clones that made it when the wife looked after them .. lol

Anyway that will bring the total to 18 plants at by the end of the month if all goes well. My tent isn't going to hold that many and my coverage with the LED .... well isn't going to do it. Now I could buy a second tent OR just turn the room into a 5 x 10 flowering room. The room is almost enclosed but a 53 inch by 83 inch section of wall with door would have to be added. There is a window which will be used for the filter system and a A/C duct going into the room to control climate. Heat isn't going to be an issue. I have already purchased the can filter so it needs to be installed but just waiting on the supplier to get the fans in. He is the same supplier I get the tent and LED from. He is slowly adding more product and I have inquired about 3 more UFO this morning. See if he gives me a price break.

My plan now is to build the room to have ready by this weekend (tent is coming down). There isn't really much to do ... just have to do it .. lol Going to add a 1 foot shelf on 3 of the walls as I'm sure it will be needed before to long. For the moment I'm going to add the HPS along with the LED then add the CFL's once the clones and seedlings are ready. The tent will be used later on for LED only test. 4 LED UFO 6THGEN using the tent. NO CFL. A true test of LED power. I believe 4 UFO will give you the coverage you need in a 4 by 4 tent. My goal is to have it going by Xmas if not alittle sooner.

On that note I want to say thanks for the replies and fallinghigh thanks for the flames dude ... lol

I will be starting a new thread now since this one has ran its course.

Peace everyone ;)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Well-Known Member
On that note I want to say thanks for the replies and fallinghigh thanks for the flames dude ... lol

I will be starting a new thread now since this one has ran its course.

Peace everyone ;)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
OK I do say my bad For 1 when I first seen the your thread I missed 1st time grower. I think I searched riu with google for led and came to you. I was pissed at failed led for flowering plants. I was also pissed at people clamming they were working better than what they were. Anyways after further examination of your setup you do have things going nice(your plants are some of the best looking led plants I have seen). I am only trying to help when I try to talk you out of 4 ufo vs 1 400 watt hps ran vertical.

HAY BRO I do say you have some nice bushy led driven vegged plants. If I was you I would consider doing a vertical setup with your hps for flower and keep the leds and cfl in the veg room. Plants love the transition from led veg to hps bloom

cloning is one of them thins you have to find your own nitch but I do suggest looking into a Google search on "DYI raft dwc cloner" or "DYI aero cloner" both are easy and hassle free with high success rate....good job...and good luck


Jack Bartley

Active Member
I bought a ufo light a few months ago. I USED IT FOR APPROXIMATELY 2 WEEKS. It turned my plants into spindly pathetic looking turds. Do not trust these lights to be near the effectiveness of ANY OTHER GROW LIGHT.... even a 9 watt CFL. You can yield better results with T12's and save lots of money too. The good news is that HTGSupply gave me a refund and shipped me a nice 100 watt t5 set up with mixed grow and bloom bulbs... Just about the same wattage... and my plants love it for their veg time. Thank you HTGSupply.... Up yours UFO manufacturers!


Active Member
Sorry guys been really busy !!

I can say the UFO LED works just fine for veggie !! I have since added 3 and use them only for veggie. I now have 4 - 400W HPS going for my main room. I have had nothing but success. Cloning is a breeze now !!

Anyway I will not be posting anymore pics !! Want to thank everybody for getting me going :)

Peace ;)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~