First time grower looking for some advice, and trying to keep it simple

Bong...James Bong

Active Member
i read that you have to switch between MH and HPS depending on what stage the plants are you tho (i forget what they're called, growing and flowering i guess) and cfls are good for both. or does it really not matter? plus cant you get the cfls closer to the plants?

Fungus amOnguz

Well-Known Member
nah u dont have 2 switch, its better because u get the blue light from mh for veg, and red light from hps for flowerin, but on their own they still do better then any cfl's.
theyre the cheap way out
dont settle


Well-Known Member
Ok so i know there are probably a million of these threads on this site asking for info on how to start doing the same thing. I dont feel like wandering around a million different forums tho looking for all the pieces to growing and putting them together.

I just wanna know what supplies exactly i would need to start a pretty small closet growing op (maybe 2-4 plants), i dont want any fancy expensive crap or a million chemicals or anything like that. i just want to get the most out of some plants (a good yield would be nice) with as little effort and cost as possible.

Can anyone give me a full list of supplies i would need for a successful grow? any tips on getting the seeds to germinate and start off right would be good too cus i hear the beginning of the growing is kind of the hardest part.

keep tokin :joint:
LMFAO @ your name bro!

Rep points for that y0!

i read that you have to switch between MH and HPS depending on what stage the plants are you tho (i forget what they're called, growing and flowering i guess) and cfls are good for both. or does it really not matter? plus cant you get the cfls closer to the plants?
Yea, MH gives off a lot of blue spectrum, plants love this during veg. HPS puts off red spectrum which plants like during flowering. Some say you can use HPS all the way through. Some HPS bulbs have blue spectrum in them as well, so that's why.


Well-Known Member
So they say, but I'm going 400 watt MH for veg, then 400 watt HPS for flower. Switchable ballast. Best way to go IMO if you are doing one grow cycle at a time.


Well-Known Member
XZerT, can you post some pics on your setup?

I have the 23 watt CFLs
2x power strips
2x clamps
7x power socket to light socket adapters
5x y adapters

I'm using some really big buckets for my plants though, I almost think I'm wasting too much effort on my plants (I don't want them to become rootbound)

I have the clamps facing down on my plants (they're about 2-3 weeks old from seed).

I'm trying to find a way to expand once they get bigger...

By the way, here's a good cheap CFL brand, James Bong:
Make sure if the bulb is for veg that it has 6500K output and around 2300K for flowering