First Time Grower my Baby OG is dying


Active Member
So I am a first time grower from the Milwaukee just got out to Cali and recieved my legal right in this state to grow. Finally got my girl to let me start my project. So i have a 4 bulb t5 flourcent with fan ventaltion and a drip system for the baby.. I had 3 growing total and 2 already started browning at the leaves so i started chopping all the brown off and before you know it lookedl like charlie browns christmas tree. So i got both those in my aerogarden to see if i can revive them. The big one is an OG kush clone and it was looking super strong but now it looks like this one might have also have the same problem starting.. Wanted to see if someone could walk this nembie through I am way to ADD and lost in the vast amount of information on this site..

I am going to attach pictures of the OG that U am trying to save...

Also i noticed some white powdery stuff on the side of the bucket and stuff is that a mildew or fungas infection thats killing the plants and how can i control it?



Active Member
hey man it looks like ur stem is gettin a real deep purple, in most cases it means its getting to much water, just chill with the water, make sure the water is between 6-7 ph or a bit lower i think. patience is the key man, good luck:blsmoke:


Active Member
Damn that must be wat i fucked up... The guy i got them from made real sure to tell me to cut off anything that wasnt green. I was a bit skeptical on that.. But when you say over watering since its a drip system I was told I can leave it on all the time.. Is it a lost cause if i already clipped off it ?


Active Member
if ur plant still looks like those pictures then just chill, sloww down the watering and just be real patient, try and save it man, even if it just gets a foot tall, you'll have a little bud =]


Well-Known Member
Well it is because when you cut it for the clone when it was WAY WAY to early to it just stopped growing it looks like and is falling over, I would wait a week and see if it gets better but it is starting to brown which scares me a little bit if this will grow because of how young it is and how many problems it will.

I am thinking you might have increased it to be a male or a hermie.


Active Member
my ph was around 6.0 i checked that daily... It is offically gone i pulled the plug on them... There was like a white powder shit all over the inside of the bucket and on the plant... I am wondering if this is some kind of mildew or disease that the plants had or if it was from the spray that i used to kill the spider mites etc...

If I want to start fresh with a new clone... What is the process so they don't get stressed... Can i put them in my drip system right away..Also a lot of people have said I am over-watering but the guy at the hydro store told me I can leave the air pump on all the time so the water is constantly dripping..

???Can someone just explain the simplest way to deal with clones that are already rooted cuz i'm a total amerature and this is way harder than i thought... I just want some dank budsssss...:joint:???


Active Member
no dont do a drip right away, start with rock* wool, and you need the rooting gel. and if you really want to go simple use soil. o and the white powder shit, i dont know what that is, but i had in my soil grow. i just said fuck it and it eventually went away. but i would deff look up some cloning guides man. good luck


Active Member
I need to get the rooting jel evan if they already came pre rooted...???
I thought once they were rooted you could put them under the drip?
Thanks for all the help..