first time grower,need advice


hello guys greetings from romania:) so im making my first grow ever,i have a bagseed dont know wat strain, its for sure a hybrid ,planted it 10 march in special soil for vegetables(peat moss i think its called)in a 2.5 L transparent bottle wich i cut in half, sprouted after 3 days and put it outdoor under a improvised little greenhouse,has plenty airflow..its growing kinda hard its arround 6 inch with 3 set of leaves
now i was wondering about ferts i have plenty pig chiken and rabbit poop all decomposed and good to mix with the soil and want some advice on adding some poop into the soil wich my plant is in right much,should i mix all 3 ferts together or just one of i will add to soil should i stik it in or just put a little on surface and water..

and another thing im planning to clone if hopefully it will be a sexy lady,now if im not mistaking i think over here in romania mary jane should flower arround august,should it take long to show her sex and will i have enough time for my clones to grow big and beautifull judging by the fact i planted so early?:leaf:


Active Member
hello guys greetings from romania:) so im making my first grow ever,i have a bagseed dont know wat strain, its for sure a hybrid ,planted it 10 march in special soil for vegetables(peat moss i think its called)in a 2.5 L transparent bottle wich i cut in half, sprouted after 3 days and put it outdoor under a improvised little greenhouse,has plenty airflow..its growing kinda hard its arround 6 inch with 3 set of leaves
now i was wondering about ferts i have plenty pig chiken and rabbit poop all decomposed and good to mix with the soil and want some advice on adding some poop into the soil wich my plant is in right much,should i mix all 3 ferts together or just one of i will add to soil should i stik it in or just put a little on surface and water..

and another thing im planning to clone if hopefully it will be a sexy lady,now if im not mistaking i think over here in romania mary jane should flower arround august,should it take long to show her sex and will i have enough time for my clones to grow big and beautifull judging by the fact i planted so early?:leaf:

I'll try to get as many questions as i can. and a few comments.

get a bigger pot, that's not transparent.
If your gunna add manure, add one kind, (im not sure which) and mix it through out the soil.

you can clone very early and they might mature in time to have any sort of yeild. but im not sure

if your seed isnt a fem, id try to plant another one. because you'd lose a lot of work if your 1 plant was a male.

hope i helped a little

diet coke

Active Member
When is your first freeze of the fall? Composted manure mixed with your soil will be very good, never tried rabbit but it should be good since vegetarians :) All of the would work. You would need to be finished by end of September, maybe early October. Might pay to order some seed that are early finishers.
You shoould be able to get them in the ground in a few weeks.


When is your first freeze of the fall? Composted manure mixed with your soil will be very good, never tried rabbit but it should be good since vegetarians :) All of the would work. You would need to be finished by end of September, maybe early October. Might pay to order some seed that are early finishers.
You shoould be able to get them in the ground in a few weeks.
well in late november early dec its the first freeze im thinking about getting some northern light but putting lot of hope in the bagseed since its early planted and i could get clones early


Active Member
Rabbit is the best- it is not as "hot" as chicken or steer-- do NOT use pig manure...!
Rabbit can actually go right into the soil after 24-48 hours... others must compost.

IMO- try to get some actual fertilizer for flowers-- it is most likely the closest you can get to that for cannabis where you live.

You will want to "tent" the plant late in the grow to protect it from cold nights and frost... remember- they do not start to bloom until late in July/early august-- then you figure at least 55-60 days of bloom- IF it is not a Sativa Dominant strain--which needs anywhere from 70-125 days... and the only way to find out is to grow it and look at it when it begins to bloom...

Good Luck! ;)
im on my first grow too but im gunna stay tuned into your journal but the only advice i can give u is mix the manure throughly and i mean throughly...oh and hes right deff plant more bc if that turns out to be male i know your gunna be pissed lol plus no harm done if there outside anyway
When is your first freeze of the fall? Composted manure mixed with your soil will be very good, never tried rabbit but it should be good since vegetarians :) All of the would work. You would need to be finished by end of September, maybe early October. Might pay to order some seed that are early finishers.
You shoould be able to get them in the ground in a few weeks.

best website to get seeds from very discreet and very very cheap forget all the other webistes im not a spokes person for this website but they should hire me lol


Well-Known Member
Lady is right..rabbit poo can be mixed right in the soil and wil release safe amounts of food for your girls, no need to decompose? I've used it for a few years now. Greatvway to go.


hey guys thnx 4 posting and advice :D here are some pics of the precious thing
and its getting a lil yelowish the botom leaves are yellow and it doesnt have that bright green like it was 2-3 days ago..i think its nitrogen deficiency,so i took 3 little rabbit poop balls grinded it good put it on top of the soil water it and push it a little in the ground then water again a bit130415-1200.jpg130415-1201.jpg130415-1201(001).jpg130415-1202.jpg130415-1202(001).jpg


and why not use pig poop?? it is used alot in cultivating tomatoes and shit..and trying to do a experiment i have in ma backyard some hemp seedlings that grows all arround romanian fields its pure sativa but under 1 % thc so no good .so i want to mix pig chiken and rabbit poop with some soil im thinking 20 percent poop 80 soil and but some seedling there see how they rezist:) i love experimenting with nature especialyy something as special as mary jane :D


Active Member
get a new container hun! Nothing clear- you don't want to expose the roots to the light! ;)

Pig poop can contain parasites and E-coli - just like human waste and is not recommended for anything ingested--- Here in the USA Is is a big no no... AND it must compost much longer than other 'vegetarian' animals poo.. Pigs are omnivores, so their poo is more acidic and "hot" than others. ;)


hey i put 3 rabbit balls poop yesterday and now the leaves tips getting kinda brown do think i burn the roots wat should i do?


Just make pig tea out of it it will not hurt it.. my father has grown with pig crap since i can remember. and i still use it.. we used to plant the plants near the hog pens where the water would run over from where we would put fresh water in.. so it was like a tea fall? you can do the same with cows chickens etc. etc.. people have used pig manure for years.. just don't put it on the buds and you'll be fine <-- thats a no brainer i think.


meant to add don't put a lot on them.. when they get up around 3ft high get you a old coffee cup and pour it around the base once a week... they'll be fine.. dont' wont to put to much so pay attention.


Well-Known Member
hey guys thnx 4 posting and advice :D here are some pics of the precious thing
and its getting a lil yelowish the botom leaves are yellow and it doesnt have that bright green like it was 2-3 days ago..i think its nitrogen deficiency,so i took 3 little rabbit poop balls grinded it good put it on top of the soil water it and push it a little in the ground then water again a bitView attachment 2616832View attachment 2616833View attachment 2616834View attachment 2616835View attachment 2616836
The seed leaves will yellow when they are no longer needed, don't sweat it.

The first thing I learned on my grow last year was,"don't over analyze". At this stage I'm going to bet it's not a deficiency of any sort. Looking at your plant I would venture to guess that it's too wet. Let that thing dry out a little. Plants of this size can't transpire moisture as quickly as larger ones. The curling up of the margins and the tips are pointing down, the leaves have a "soft" look to them.

If it were me I'd let it dry out a bit and give it a couple of days.


my plant stop growing for the past 3 days since i grinded the rabbit poop..
today i seen it starting to grow again,the top is opening forming new little leaves but still very slow..and yet my plant is getting even more yellow,and i stop watering for 4 days..some advice please? or im just worring to much and the plant will recover??